11- Twin death game

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The sweat from his forehead turned cold and colder.

On one side, it's Eunhee, other side it's Jimin. What and where to go? What to do and how to do? Why is this happening Taehyung is in a perplexity.

Wasn't Jimin supposed to be dead right now?

How come he's standing right there. In front of Taehyung. What happened that he's here? How come he's here? With a gun? To his surprise, Jimin is also fuming. The only thing that was uncovered were his eyes that Taehyung could see and those uncovered orbs showed hatred. Pure hatred.

"Jimin stop right there." Taehyung tries to threaten the lad taking a step back.

"You didn't that day." Jimin spoke with seriousness and rage, his voice coming out from gritted teeth.

"What day dammit?" Taehyung questions utterly shocked and irritated by the same thing Y/N said that day before she died in front of his eyes. Taehyung soon hears a mocking laughter from black wearing man.

"You've always been a good actor." Jimin mocks with a covered smile that was visible through his eyes.

Jimin was slowly stepping towards Taehyung building up anxiety in him. What if something wrong happen with Eunhee today? What will he do? How would he answer her mom if he dies today as well? He needs to protect her first and then look after himself.

"Jimin please," Jimin was now just a few inches away from Taehyung. "Please leave Eunhee, I beg you please,"

"I also begged you Taehyung, did you listen?" Jimin's voice cracked. His eyes shredded years but they didn't leave his eyes. Just stayed there to show his agony but in control.

"What the hell are you talking about dammit?" Taehyung was now totally pissed. His voice was thrilling in irritation. What does he mean by that? Why would he say such thing? What did he even do that Jimin is after his life?

"Oh really?" Jimin closed the gap between them and the gun was now on Taehyung's forehead, touching and digging in on his skin but Taehyung didn't lose hope. If Jimin had to kill him, he knows it that he would have by now but he wants to talk so Taehyung kept looking in his eyes.

"Don't you dare act innocent now when you're in the same situation I was one day because of you bastard."

"Will you please at least tell me what did I do? Why are you so upset and how are you alive?"

Jimin chuckles at the innocent question of Taehyung.

"Alive? Call it my luck that even after taking your bullets I somehow survived-" Jimin was cut by Taehyung's screech.

"I never fired anyone." Taehyung's voice was so heavy that angered the opposite male even more. He didn't like to be cut while he was speaking and secondly, how dare Taehyung raise his voice when he's literally at gunpoint.

Jimin finally removed his mask and Taehyung could now properly see at how much frustration, anger Jimin is holding in his expressions.

"Your family has always been like this." He speaks hitting the gun on Taehyung's forehead.

"Please Jimin please, I request you please just leave Eunhee. Ask your men to please stop sexually harassing her please I can't see this please..." Forgetting everything he begged Jimin by joining his hands.

"Alright, I will." This gave Taehyung high hopes.

"But everything in this world comes with a price." And this... Dreaded Taehyung. What's the price of saving Eunhee from the torture?

"Give me your life, and I'll leave her." Jimin's visible smirk and words tore Taehyung's soul apart. He can die, but what's the guarantee that he'll leave Eunhee? Also, what if he dies, how will Eunhee survive? She's still just a little girl for him. How will she survive without him? She has no one after him to rely on.

"But don't worry, I'll give you some time. I'll definitely kill you for doing what you did to me but not so soon. I'll torture the skull out of you and slowly and slowly and slowly one day... You'll yourself beg me to kill you. Till then you can enjoy with that babygirl-"

"Darn you-" everything was okay till Jimin called Eunhee babygirl and Taehyung lost all his senses, all his fears in that moment. When their places switched, they both had no idea. Taehyung was holding Jimin by his throat tightly suffocating the lad.

Jimin didn't try to free himself though. He stood here being suffocated by Taehyung, his back being rubbed at the rough wall behind looking straight into Taehyung's eyes.

"Dare your men mistreat her even a little, I promise to not leave a single person alive in your life." Jimin only laughs at Taehyung's threat.

"I'm not afraid Taehyung my brother," he laughs. "You already finished every single live from my life that mattered to me so I'm not afraid anymore as I've nothing to lose but you-" Jimin pointed a finger at him.

"You still have something to lose which I'm happy about." He laughs again.

"The tables have turned. Now... I will enjoy the game." He mocks and Taehyung's hold on his throat had already loosened seeing his confidence and threats.

Eunhee needs to be protected anyhow.

"And I'll start this death game with your beloved twin." Jimin says with serious eyes but a devilish smirk.


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