Chapter 22

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Lucy's P.O.V
*three months later*
I finally finished training! It was the longest three months of my life but I got it done and now I'm stronger than ever! If Natsu messes with me again, I could hold my own against him. As of right now I'm saying good bye to everyone. "Make sure u teach that idiotic son of mine a lesson!" Igneel said. I just laughed and said,"Don't worry, he'll be taught his lesson if he gets too close!" All the dragons laughed. I decided it was time to go and opened the portal to Sabertooth. I said my final goodbyes and stepped right through the portal into Sabertooth. What I saw was unbelievable.

Sting's P.O.V
I was doing some paper work in my office, when all of a sudden there was a crash and yelling. "Oi, what are u Fairies doing here!?" I heard one member say. "Oh s***!" I mumbled under my breath while making my way down to where all the noise was. "We're looking for Luigi, now where is she!" Natsu yelled. I sighed. I've told Makarov about them coming in every once in a while looking for Blondie, but even if he says something to them about it, they will still come here looking for her. "Look Natsu, she's not here right now so, just leave and STOP BOTHERING US!!!" I yelled. But, of course Natsu had to say something. "Sure she isn't. Now I suggest u hand her over before we m-" He was cut off by the door slamming open, revealing Blondie. "What the hell is going on here?!" She yelled. "Oh look she's here now. So, Luigi, how about u come back to the guild and leave these losers?" Natsu said unamused. At this point, Blondie was beyond furious. A dark arua surrounded her when she said,"You want me back now? After everything u said and did u want me back now?! Well, I have an answer for ur ungrateful ass, I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO THAT HELL OF A GUILD!" She yelled. Natsu smirked. "Well then, I guess we will have to force u then right. I'm all fired up now. Fire dragons roar!" I smirked and so did Blondie. She just stood there slowly eating up the fire leaving Team Natsu shocked. "Well I guess it's about time we tell u that Blondie over here has been training with dragons, am I right Blondie?" I said while smirking. "Why yes Sting, I have and Igneel wanted me to do something once I see u." She said. "Fire dragons roar!" She yelled while hitting Team Natsu head on and knocking them out.

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