Chapter 20

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Only they are the believers whose hearts fear when Allah is remembered, and their faith advances when His verses are recited to them, and who trust only in their Lord.(8:2)

Idris pov
I was really worried about smarty behaviour I thought at dinner she will forget everything and relax but no she remained quiet and this was frustrating me. I said sorry to her but what I didn't knew is she was kidding with me all this time. I was disappointed that our first date got wasted but was happy when she suggested pizza party. She order pizzas that arrived in few minutes.

I can just yummy pizza infront of me. I'm not a big foodie but I love pizza well actually it was an escape from moms cooking.

"Don't just stare at pizza eat it or not it will get cold" she said but instead I frowned

"How did you know its my favourite pizza" I asked I wanted to know how she knows my choice

"Well you remember the girls night i had" she said I nodded because I remembered how warda and mom just forget about me

"That day warda said how you like pizza and about your favourite toppings" she said while checking DVD with teasing smile

"Did she said just that or is their something else" I asked hoping warda didn't said our childhood incident

"Nothing much but the fact that you actually suggested your uncle to have extra cheese pizza and become cheesy man so your auntie can fight less" she said with mischievous glint in her eyes

"What Can i do i was tired of their fight and was just trying to ease his mood " I said I was really close to that uncle he was very upset so I just made a joke which he laughed at then he went and said it to mom till now she kept check on cheese usage.

"You are very hilarious then I think he never tried this trick" she said I nodded my head as no

When I looked at Zeba's pizza it was so small and have all veggie. I think she is health conscious one

"You know I'm not fan of pizzas. I really prefer homemade food over it" she said I was suprised that she lived abroad but still is a desi girl not only in food choices but also from her dressing sense and she looks good like this. She ordered a large size pizza for me considering I was hungry which made me feel good.

"What movie are we going to watch now" I asked her

"You say I'm not good at deciding it once shan asked me to choose I booked tickets for nemo. I was so bored watching it but others enjoyed it" she said out of all she said my mind got stuck on mention of shan

"Shan" I said in whisper and zeba heard me

"Yeah it was hira's birthday so he asked me to do that. So me, hira, Haider went together for it. Shan is my brother so don't get jealous" she said I was curious but her expression changed

"I mean he is like my brother" she said with blank expression I didn't asked further and continued eating

I suggested her to play horror movie even I'm not fan of it but I thought she will get scared and I can console her. I was so wrong zeba was watching movie with so much interest I gulped watching it and little bit scared. I even closed my eyes when horror scenes played trying to calm my heartbeat smarty came and sat beside me I smiled now I was watching her instead of movie but she was so engrossed to notice. She even complained that certain scenes are not scary I just nodded my head only if she knew.  the next movie was suspense and comedy i was laughing along with zeba then i slept while watching it

I woke up on zeba shaking me for fajr prayers. I just went for doing wudhu but before that I asked zeba to wait for me

I lead the prayers we even prayed nafil for thanking Allah for our marriage bond.

We decided to go on morning walk smarty took me to breakfast spot. I was hesitant thinking about hygiene but she gave assurance. The time with her was peaceful and I can say it is best days of my life

I was bored when she went for office so I went for shopping and also arranged dinner for her at fine hotel.
She was looking beautiful in dress I bought for her our dinner went amazing well this time I was talking and zeba was listening. I enjoyed dinner even if it was different from my taste.

2 days passed exploring city. I now realise it's not important to go to some expensive city for enjoying we can even do it in our country only if we have wonderful company with us.

I had urgent meeting tomorrow I'm yet to inform zeba I really hope she don't mind. I'm used to smarty now I don't know how I will stay without her but can't delay work. When I pushed my bags I can only see her with questioning look

"Where are you going" she said the question I don't wanna answer only if I can stay  upsetting her is last think I wanna do.

Will she understand or get disappointed by him?

Hadith of the day:
Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said: What is your opinion about the delight of a person whose camel loaded with the provisions of food and drink is lost and that moves about with its nose-string trailing upon the waterless desert in which there is neither food nor drink, and he wanders about in search of that until he is completely exhausted and then accidentally it happens to pass by the trunk of a tree and its nose-string gets entangled in that and he finds it entangled therein? We said (in response to the question of the Prophet): Allah's Apostle (PBUH) he would feel highly delighted. Thereupon Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said: By Allah, Allah is more delighted at the repentance of His servant than that person (as he finds his lost) camel.

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