Chapter 5

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When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath. [Al-Qudsi]

Zeba pov:
I was in deep slumber when my phone pinged i checked that it was message from husna(wedding planner) that all arrangements are done. I sighed and getting up from bed even after saying husna disturbed me instead of bhai may be she is scared of him. Bhai came yesterday that reason I got this beauty sleep. This days where hetic but bhai being saviour arrived early.

I freshen up and got ready. Today my cousins and babhi's decided to have girls time. It is last day for Nida babhi to be out after that she can only be out as married women. So Nida babhi's cousins are also coming.

I was already waiting from 30 minutes in living room. I can understand now how my bro's feels waiting for their wife's. They all are getting ready like they are going to some party. I checked my emails and social media msg

"You all can come out now or not I will cancel my plan to come." I shouted from downstairs which got me glare and lecture from Taya ammi.

"Sorry we are late you know kids were not leaving us" asma baji said coming with azan. Mariam came with my other cousins.

"Okay lets leave now. We have to pick Nida babhi"I said taking my keys and purse and we walked out

"Why did you all decided to leave kids" I complained to them sitting in my car

"Because sweetie you will get busy with kids and miss shopping with us" rafath babhi said teasing me that only made me frown

"Whatever kids are more interesting to me then shopping" I said with smile

We picked up Nida babhi and went to mall that she requested. We are shopping from 2 hrs I'm already bored and feeling sleepy. I get sleepy when bored or stressed and here both conditions applied.

I got my favourite cold coffee and got busy devouring it. When Nida babhi and other asked suggestions I only gave nod. I noticed warda was selecting great design and she is just like mariam. I thought she can fit in category of mariam sister more than me.

We shopped clothes, bags, cosmetics. when my stomach growled everyone presented their laughed.

"Oh zeba your stomach growl can wake up my son. I think rats are dancing in your stomach" said asma baji with chuckle making everyone laugh. I was so embarrassed that I wanna run.

"So true lets just have food before rats in my stomach start wrestling instead of dancing" I said making them all laugh so loud that people were giving weird looks at us

"My bahiu is going to have hard time not to laugh at your jokes" said warda in return I got suspicious looks from my others but I went to my car ignoring them because we decided to eat at restaurant around corner it has halal food so no worries. In no time everyone came.

When I parked near restaurant their was a man scolding a women on road he was shouting. We all ignored it and entered in restaurant and asked for big table. I got busy in checking menu and placed order. We where waiting for our food when group of men entered.

"I really don't liked how the man was shouting. It felt like that women will cry. I just wanted to show that person how wrong he was" Rafath babhi said looking at who entered I just looked at entrance when I saw man but lowered my gaze

"I think he is among that dominant who try to show off in public" said asma baji It was wrong to comment on others.

"Its wrong to judge others. our Prophet(PBUH) prohibited Ayesha(RA) from even commenting on someone's dressing. She was Prophets wife but she was asked not to judge. We being ummah of our beloved prophet (PBUH) how can we judge about others and say bad things about anyone. Beside you have not seen complete incident other than that man shouting. So let me say you it wasn't his fault. I saw baby cramp coming infront of his car but luckily he stopped on time. I can understand his fear maybe that's reason he was scolding lady. I agree he was rude but only to explain her. That lady maybe harmless but such mere accidents create havoc in life's. We should not judge like this sometimes bitter behaviour can stop others from doing mistakes." I said with serious tone I can see them reflecting on what i said and nodding their heads

"Your right nowadays its so common to see people judging others. If a girl is working then they say maybe financial crisis in her home. If a man is angry then it can only be his wife's doing. If a kid is naughty then his parents didn't teached manners...blah blah.. like its said their is always other side of coin" said sameena babhi making us smile

"Zee for a moment I thought you got flatter on that rich guy when you took his side" joked hira making me fist my hand I don't want to get connected to men even in jokes

"Astaghfirullaah. Do you think me as immoral women who will check out non-mahram if their rich. I can buy 10 cars like that man with my own money. I don't need a man to fulfill my needs" I snapped at in harsh tone they looked shocked and hira was looked with teary eyes I can see regret in them

"I'm sorry I was just joking" said hira shuttering giving me pleading look

"Sorry I have to leave you all can continue. I'll send driver to pick you all" I said getting up ignoring hira's words completely.

When was about to leave hira turned me and hugged. She was muttering apologies I hugged her back and smiled.

"Its okay its last time I'm forgiving you for such joke. You should leave me I'm not your husband that your hugging me so tightly" I said and hira hit me on my arm for it while others laughed

"I'm hungry now and hira your feeding me ice cream as treat" I said after sitting to which she smiled. Our food arrived we starting devouring it

"You have forgiven me right" hira asked with concern

"Yes. You know na how easily my anger cools off but next time no such jokes" I said with smile and she agreed

"Zee your gem Masha Allah. Your husband will not have hard time with you. You will get anything from him by your innocence. I can just imagine you having perfect married life." Said Nida babhi and everyone agreed. Warda gave me a wink.

"Every imagination doesn't come true babhi and in love we don't ask anything but sacrifice ourselves for it" I said making them aww and azan claped giving his cute smile

"Your husband is going to be lucky man to have such pretty, intelligent and independent lady in her life" said asma baji with smile

"Stop talking about my life its not me who is getting married instead it is Nida babhi and she is going to be lucky women having my bahi as life partner" I said making babhi blush furiously and everyone chuckle at her.

"I have to leave now bhai need my help in preparation" I said on receiving msg and said goodbye to them

I moved to entrance and felt someone constant gaze at me and some unknown emotion surfaced in my heart.

Idris pov
I wake up from my nap got dressed up and drove to meet my friends. They decided to do shopping and lunch. I meet them at mall and in 1 hr we where done shopping and left for restaurant

While I was driving I don't know from where a baby cramp came infront of my car I felt fear creap in my heart. I tried to press the brakes as fast as possible. My car stopped only inches away from cramp. I was relieved but can still hear my racing heart beats.

I was so frustrated I walked out of car and scolded the lady for being careless. I can see her on verge of crying but I can only imagine the turnover of seen if car didn't stop on time. Due to my shouting the baby start crying so I bend down and said sorry to baby making her smile. Then Warned that lady and entered restaurant.

My friends where already sitting their then we heard someone speaking about accident my friends nudged me indicating its about me

"I think he is among that dominant who try to show off in public" said lady I didn't liked her words how can she judge me

"Its wrong to judge others. our Prophet(PBUH) prohibited Ayesha(RA) from even commenting on someone's dressing. She was Prophets wife but she was asked not to judge. We being ummah of our beloved prophet (PBUH) how can we judge about others and say bad things about anyone. Beside you have not seen complete incident other than that man shouting. So let me say you it wasn't his fault. I saw baby cramp coming infront of his car but luckily he stopped on time. I can understand his fear maybe that's reason he was scolding lady. I agree he was rude but only to explain her. That lady maybe harmless but such mere accidents create havoc in life's. We should not judge like this sometimes bitter behaviour can stop others from doing mistakes." other lady said her voice made me forget everything and words made me smile. She was explaining my emotions so well. She took me by suprise and even my friends agreed with her.

When she angrily snapped at her friend I was stunned by her behaviour thinking she is confident one. I just wanted to call her smarty

Then other lady praised smarty in that moment I wanted to be part of her imagination.

" In love we don't ask anything but sacrifice ourselves for it" replied smarty that magic of words warmth my heart. I was giving grin while my friends where smirking at her words

"Your husband is going to be lucky man to have such pretty, intelligent and independent lady in her life" said some lady. I just wanted to be that lucky man

"I agree. She is pretty" said hamza about smarty I don't know why but it pain my heart and really wanted to turn and see smarty.

"True she is pretty I can just marry her now if I get chance" said adnan like love sick puppy. I don't want anyone else to marry her the thought itself gave me insecurity.

My friends Hamza, Adnan, Shazeeb got busy in chatting while i got lost thinking I can't marry her because I won't be able to love her but still I wanted to be part of her life and make her smile.

"Look how perfect she is even her dressing send" said Adnan with genuine smile. I understood he was speaking about smarty and looked at her when she passed by it calmed my nerves. She was perfect looking at her I wanna protect her from every evil. I wanted to go behind her but control myself. I was looking her till she exited.

I only knew her nick name that is zee and didn't even got chance to see her face but still her words satisfied me.

It was first time someone stood for me and understood me without any explanation a complete stranger which impressed me she is smarty for me.

"Where are you lost bro. I think your planning Adnan marriage with that lady" said shazeeb making me scoff nonsense I will never let her marry him

"No I was not beside adnan don't need to marry her he can have someone his type" I said to him to which adnan gave me a glare

"I have some work at hotel I'll meet you at party" I said and left without waiting for response because I know shazeeb will want answers which I'm not interested to give

I drove to my hotel thinking about smarty. I wish to see her once but even more her opinion on love made me want to get her love. I was only smiling without any reason or I must say for smarty.

Will i ever meet smarty and what will she look like i thought about person whose words didn't left my mind.

Hadith of the day

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu 'anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

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