[7] Charmer

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The sky was bluish dark and the forest was silent. Today, Callum had decided that they would go to the school again and in fear of standing hungry in that long line again, Lavinia decided to cook the food and eat it early morning.

But noticing that they were out of stock, she decided to bring some vegetables and fruits from the forest until then, Callum would take care of the spells and things that they would be needing if things go wrong at the school again.

At first, he denied Lavinia to go out to the forest alone and that even in dark. But she argued. She was confident that she could handle Vampires and since, in some time the sun rays would touch the grounds, the creatures would already be gone after their meals. Finally, she was off to the forest in her dark blue cloak over her light blue gown.

Plucking the blackberries one by one, Lavinia thought of the three days they had spent here in Duskfort. The city of Vampires was everything she was afraid of.

The first day was wasted as they didn't get to meet the headmaster. The second day was wasted too as they couldn't get any belongings of her sister from Lady Darlene. Moreover, the lies she had caught of Cliona's were heart-wrenching.

If Cliona would have been in her sight, she would have beaten her with a stick like a mother. She was so angry at her for so many reasons. Her heart clenched while listing all those reasons.

She wanted to scold her for stepping her foot in a city where her kind was banned, for living carelessly in a market where royal knights humiliated women so menacingly, for living with a prostitute without even thinking about her safety. Was this education so important to her? Lavinia sniffled and breathed hard.

Callum had been exclaiming again and again. She had been in danger. It's been three days already. She couldn't comprehend what could happen to her if they won't reach her soon.

"Can I help you, Lady?"

Lavinia was startled by the sudden interruption and immediately looked at the intruder. Her eyes widened while mouth opened in shock. She immediately wiped her tears and turned around to run away from the Vampire she had kissed that night.

Wiping her tears, she clutched the basket tightly and started running away from him.


She ignored his voice and kept on running. The sky was still dark and he could still attack her. She was utterly overwhelmed with her thoughts of Cliona that she might get weak for performing the bewitching magic again on him.

"Hey! Stop! Why are you crying? I may help you," yelled the man. Lavinia turned her head to see and noticed he was confused and was stomping towards her.

Suddenly, she remembered the after effects of the magic. What if this Vampire didn't remember her? Maybe, that's why instead of attacking or getting angry, he had been wanting to help her.

She was thinking about stopping but hadn't stopped yet. Suddenly, a scream escaped her mouth when she bumped into him making both of them stagger back. But before, she could fell, the vampire snaked his arms around her waist and stabled his steps.

Her wide eyes stared at him in surprise while heart-shaped lips were parted. She saw him staring at her face with a warmth in his red eyes. Her breath hitched at remembering the last time they had been in such a close proximity.

Did he really remember her? She was still not sure. Under the dark sky, there wasn't much light but enough to observe each other's faces. She could notice and remember how beautiful he was. His raven hair were falling on his eyes as he was fully bent on saving her from falling.

Her eyes fell on his pink, plump lips and immediately she felt her sensations in her heart. Was it fluttering because she was in his arms? She had never felt like this before. Her stomach was churning at remembering how soft his lips were, how homely they felt. What if he would come to know about that bewitching kiss?

Would he care that he had been kissed? Would he get angry? Of course, he would. His eyes always speak the truth. She looked up in his eyes and noticed the playfulness in them. She observed his face and noticed that he was smirking at her. Her cheeks reddened at being caught staring at his lips for long.

Seeing her blush, the Vampire's smile turned amused and he finally decided to straighten up but just as Lavinia stepped back to get his hands off her waist, he pulled her close making her bump on his chest. The basket of berries fell down and Lavinia immediately looked at them in frustration.

She suddenly remembered that she had to go back home for food and visit to the school. She couldn't​ fall in more traps and waste time with this handsome Vampire. She pushed on his chest and looked at him with confidence.

"Leave me."

The Vampire clicked his tongue and stared in her eyes. "Wait! I think I have seen you before."

She gasped and shook her head in fear. "What? No-no," she smiled nervously. She saw his eyes darkening at seeing lips curving. "I am new here. Just a visitor."

She saw him staring at her in thought. She tried to reason again. "I am really new here, my lord. Even if I am someone you know already, would you then keep on holding me like this." She pointed at their chests touching which made the Vampire smile mischievously.

"Of course! You have pretty eyes. I always befriend the ladies with pretty eyes," he said while tightening his hold making her gasp.

"Look! This is very inconsiderate. I have my husband waiting for me at home. I need to go," she snapped while trying to remove his muscular arms off her waist. She then noticed that he had a different black coat. It looked same but was different one. Did he have all his clothes in same colour?


Lavinia nodded while flaring her nostrils in frustration. For now, she knew he was nowhere near attacking her. But she was in no mood for becoming his entertainment source too. So being unafraid, she waited for his response.

She saw taking a sniff while looking at her and noticed, he was smiling in triumph. He started moving his fingers of one hand gently on her waist making her feel different sensations in her body. She gulped and stared at him in uncertainty.

"I can smell your womanhood, love. It screams innocence and purity," he whispered huskily while leaning his head down to take a sniff from her neck making her whimper.

"I-I am pure since I have been married recently. I love him. Please, don't touch me."

At her whimpers, the Vampire moved his face back and stared in her crystal blue eyes. She felt as if he was finding the truth in her eyes so she kept her face stern ignoring the flutters of her heart.

"How can he wait? If it would have been me, I would have taken you just after the vows," he whispered.

Lavinia was flushed at his words and couldn't keep her sanity anymore. This Vampire had been dangerous that night. He was keen on attacking her until she had bewitched him. But now, it seemed as if this was his true nature. Charming and soft spoken. She couldn't stop her heart from flying in shyness.

"I-I..." She couldn't come with words. He was staring at her and after hearing such words from him, she felt too blank to speak anything. Yet she knew she had to get away from there soon. Moreover, his words brought out the thought of marrying a vampire in her mind.

A sudden wave of anger hit her heart and she clenched her jaws while shaking her head. "But that's just words, my lord. Our clan aren't interested in Vampires," she muttered while moving her hands back to catch his fingers which were bringing tingles on her spine.

The vampire's eyebrows and she knew that he was offended. "Saying that while standing on the grounds of Vampires, that even in the arms of one."

Lavinia laughed at his mocking words and smiled teasingly. "Yes, absolutely. So you may know my disinterest in you and you would leave me immediately."

She saw his eyebrows furrowing as if he was trying to read her eyes. "You are human. So many Vampires have married human. Also, after killing their human fiances."

Lavinia's​ breath hitched as she felt his eyes turning intense. "You must be so old and had many wives. Will you just leave my virgin self? I need to go back to my husband and enjoy my limited life," she muttered while looking at him nervously.

The Vampire smiled and noticed the pendant hanging above her cleavage which was full on display because of her breasts pressing into his chest. She cleared her throat and breathed restlessly.

"Why do you come into a city of people you aren't interested in?" He asked while looking back up in her eyes.

Lavinia felt her heart clenched remembering the long journey, the disappearance of her sister, the shocking lies and truths. Her eyes turned glossy.

"Is it the same reason you were crying earlier?"

She pressed her lips tight and pushed his chest. "I need to go."

This time, the Vampire let her go and she was relieved. Without giving him a glance, she picked her basket and started walking. But groaned when the Vampire started walking along with her.

"You can tell me, if there's any problem here in the city. I may help you," he said desperately while looking at her intently.

Lavinia wiped her tears and ignored him. But he was keen on getting to her talk. "I have been living here since forever and like you have noticed, I won't kill you unless I am thirsty which I am not yet. So, I will easily tell the secrets of this city to you."

His words made her suddenly stop and she felt her mind conflicted. Was it safe to share her purposes with him? She observed his expecting smile and sighed,"My husband and I want to meet the headmaster the school. But the line was long and so much chaos occurred. My husband is short-tempered, he ended up showing his anger at the knights and they threw us out. They were vampires and they would remember our faces. We are helpless and we need to meet the headmaster urgently."

The Vampire's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Can you tell me what's that urgency?"

Lavinia narrowed her eyes and started walking again. "I can't. I will only talk about that to the headmaster or your King, whatever you call him."

"But still, you can tell me the reason and I may tell you a way related to your need."

Lavinia remained determined and looked at him sternly. "If you don't want to help, then don't. Two days, three days, four days, god will let me meet him one day for sure."

She saw his lips twitching in a sweet smile. "Alright. Don't tell me. But you can just give me something in return."

"I will think about it after getting confirmed that you actually helped me."

The Vampire smiled in amusement and stepped closer. "Fine. If you are going there for books or admission of your future child in the school, then you may stay in line for days. But if you will tell them about being one of Prince Drago's whore, they will let you in."

Lavinia's lips curled in disgust. "Whore? That even of the arrogant prince? You, my lord, are stupid." Saying that she huffed and started walking again.

"Fine. It's not my need to meet the headmaster. I just wanted to help since I couldn't see tears in those pretty eyes," said the Vampire while shrugging his shoulders.

Lavinia was surprised with such casual demeanor. She hadn't seen anyone so free in this city yet except for this stranger who seemed to flutter her heart with his each word.

"But if you think about doing it and you get confirmed that I helped you, you may come here the same time before the dawn to give me my share of the deal," said the Vampire while Lavinia stopped and stared at him.

She bit her lip and thought about his idea. She wasn't really sure if she would actually do that. Callum would nowhere like that and he would question her source of getting this idea.

But all over, this Vampire's sweet behaviour had changed many of her perspectives. She won't be able to call all vampires rude, selfish and arrogant anymore. Because she had met one who was different.

The Vampire whom she had kissed.

She gulped and looked at him for last time. She remembered the last time she had seen him unconscious laying on the ground, changing that beautiful face from intimidating to innocent. She observed his smile for last time and turned around to leave but not before bidding the farewell.

"Good bye, stranger."

She smiled remembering she had said same words last time. Only if he knew.

"Good bye, Charmer."

She smiled but gasped and her eyes widened when she realised the name he had called her. She immediately turned to observe him since he only called her that as he must have remembered their conversation.

Her heart was beating fastly and turned more erratic when she found him nowhere in the sight.

He was gone.

As if to answer her question of his sudden disappearance, the first rays of dawn fell on her face passing through the tall trees bringing the golden glow on her face.


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