Chapter 5- I'm Glad You Know Your Age

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Chapter 5- I'm Glad You Know Your Age
3rd Person POV

Omega catches his falling fiancé. He turns a steely glare upon the girl bound to the chair. "What did you do!" He barks.

The girl gives him a look and shrugs. "Maybe she couldn't stand my awesomeness."

Omega nearly forgets his morals and is ready to hit the girl. He lets his anger go as he focuses on Huntress.

"Bring her to the infirmary," Chaos orders. "All of you. I want to speak with her alone."

Omega rushes out the room in a blink. So blinded by worry forgetting he could have teleported there. The other Elite do as their told and walk out the room. Soon only End, Chaos and the girl remain. Chaos glances at his brother.

"I'm not going anywhere," End says. Chaos sighs and turns to the girl.

"Who and what are you?"

The girl blinks once before answering. "Seven."

"Seven? Seven what?"

"Seven. I am number seven. She flips her hair back showing her neck and turns slightly. A large seven is branded on the back of her neck. "I am Seven," She repeats.

"Then who else is there? And why are you working for my sister?"

"I have many sisters. All of us are grateful to Lady Order. And will to serve her. She gave us life."

"Who is and where is the orginal?" End demands.

"She gave us life," Seven states a creepy smile spreading on her face. "We can't let you hurt her. She is hiding."

(In Her Mind)

(Oh and I never said it but when she became a solider she got normal speech.)

(I know this part is not in ye and thy speak. But I can't write that way.)

I head forward bow raised. Pheobe stands to my right as we close in. One stray hellhound left. The stupid creature had run off.

We turn and I begin to release my arrow. But I don't see a hellhound. I see golden dust and a little girl. I quickly let my arrow hit the ground next to me rather than pierce the girl. She shrieks and stares up at me in surprise. I hand my bow to Pheobe and crouch next to the girl. She can't be more than eight.

"It's okay," I say gently. "Are you alright?" I question. The girl nods once in response looking me in the eye. Her hair is a dark brown but, her eyes gray, the trait of Athena children. Fear and confusion is evident in her eyes.

"My name is Zoë Nightshade. What's your name?"

"T-T-Twila," The girls murmurs. "Twila Hunter."

"Nice to meet you. Can you tell-"

"Zoë," Pheobe interupts. I give her a small glance. "We need to get back. She can come. Talk on the way."

I nod knowing she is right and stand. I hold out my hand for Twila to take and she does slowly. I give her a smile before following Pheobe.


"I don't wanna go!" Twila complains. "I wanna stay with you!" The small girl gives me a hug. I sigh. I look over to Lady Artemis. She nods once and she and the other girls head to the cabin.

"I know you want to stay with us. But you're just too young. Maybe you can join the Hunt when your older," I explain.

"How much older is older?"

"A couple years."

"That's sooooo long!" She whines.

I try to hide a chuckle. "Not when your my age. Now, I'm not leaving for a couple days. But when I leave you have to stay a Camp Half-Blood. It's not safe out there understand?" She nods once and I take her hand leading her to the Hermes and other unclaimed children.


"I'll miss you Zoë."

"I'll miss you too. But don't worry, I'll be back soon."


"Zoë!" Twila calls abandoning her friends to run over to me. She grabs me in hug before speaking rapidly about how everything is. She finally pauses and then speaks again. "I'm thirteen now," she says a bit awkwardly.

"I'm glad you know your age," I reply.

"Hey! Come on! I'm older now. I'm thirteen and I'm stronger than six years ago. It's 1803! It's about time girls get out there to fight! It's what you always say!"

I laugh at her childish attitude before leading her over to the Hunt.


"Happy New Year!" Twila shouts on the top of her lungs. The other girls repeat her cheer. I stare up at the sky waiting for the fireworks.

"Can you believe it?" Twila asks Pheobe and I as the fireworks go off.

"What?" Pheobe asks.

"It's awesomeness... The year 2000... It's been so long... I'll be 197 in a little over a month."

"Time flies," I smile.

"I'm not getting you a present," Pheobe states.


The dracanae lunges for the other Hunter and I fire an arrow piercing her and turning her to dust. I continue to fire arrow after arrow watching as the monsters die.

I soon run out of arrow and curse. I hop down from the tree drawing my rarely used knife. I hop into the fray slicing. Things are going well when something slams into me.

I hit the ground hard. My vision going in and out. Darkness blurs the edges. Time seems to go in slow motion. I manage to see what or who knocked me down.

Twila. Why would she-?

I answer my own question as a spear skewers her. I scream, tears springing to my eyes. She looks down at the spear before she begins to fall. I try to pull myself off the ground but dizziness hits me.

"Twi!" I shout but the throbbing in my head grows. I shout again but Quickly succumb to the darkness.


I open my eyes to having Alex, daughter of Apollo kneeling over me. She touches my head. I wince. Her eyes glance over me.

"Good you're awake," She says. My mind begins to race trying to figure out what happened. Before it all comes crashing down at once. I bolt up ignoring my pain. Alex calls in protest after me. I run out of the tent running franticly. I soon run directly into Pheobe.

"Where is she!?" I shout. Pheobe only gives me a sad look. "Where!?"

I tear myself away and run until I see lump underneath a blanket. I swallow a sob. I slowly reach to pull up the blanket up but can't bring myself to.

I can't look at her face. The girl I practically raised. I always did my best to protect her. But, she saved my life. I was supposed to die. If I had just been paying attention...

"Don't think like that," Pheobe scolds sitting next to me. "You couldn't have done anything. It was her choice."

We sit in silence for some time.

"It's February 11th," I announce softly. Pheobe doesn't reply. I shakily place a hand on Twila's arm. "Happy Birthday."

3rd Person POV

Zoë bolts up from her bed in the infirmary in a cold sweat.

"Oh thank Chaos!" Her fiancé says next to her. She pays him no attention as he begins to fret over her. She ignores Calypso's plea to rest. She jumps out of bed leaving her cloak behind. She sprints feet pounding on the floor. She can hear people running behind her.

Luke grabs her arm which she wrenches away in attempt to keep running. Luke grabs her again and teleports them to their prisoner. Zoë gives him a nod of thanks before walking by Chaos and End who watch her quizzically. She bends down to look the Seven in the eye. Her eyes running over the tune type letters and the large seven on her neck.

She slowly places a hand on the girls cheek.

"Twi... What did they do to you?" She mumbles. Seven blinks in response her eyes becoming less glazed. Though they take on a more broken look. She looks Zoë in the eye.

"I-I'm only a copy. N-Number seven," she sutters. "I don't know where I really am. Zoë... Help me." A single tear rolls down her face.

Seven's eyes returned glazed once again and she blinks. "Hey! You're the girl who fainted! Was my awesomeness to much for you?" A smirk on her face.

Zoë doesn't answer. The two sides of the girl she once knew and loved like she would her own child is just too much. She looks the girl in the eye once more.

"I don't know if you- the real you can hear me. But I will save you. You're not dying for me again."





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