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Suggested to me by sleepyyforestt sorry this took so long!

Ezra's POV:

I was outside the Ghost with Kanan doing Jedi training. I was doing my best to do what Kanan was asking of me, but I was struggling. The older Jedi was saying to lift three small rocks at the same time. It may have seemed simple, but I was still new to this. Kanan was starting to get frustrated, I knew it. He was pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to control himself.

"Ezra, for the last time would you focus?" He said as calmly as he could. 

"It's difficult" I replied.

"If you were concentrating it wouldn't be" Kanan responded.

I felt my anger flicker and crossed my arms. 

"Don't you think I'm trying?" I asked.

"Do or do not" Kanan said.

"There is no..."

"There is no try, I know Kanan" I almost yelled.

"You don't need to continuously pester me about the stuff I already know! It's no wonder why you never completed your training as a Padawan..."

I suddenly felt a sharp, forceful blow smack me across the face. I fell to the ground, hand cupping my stinging cheek. Kanan stared at me, realising what he'd done. His eyes wide and expression shocked at his own actions.

"Ezra...I..." He began, but I didn't want to hear it.

I scrambled to my feet and bolted back to the Ghost, tears filling my eyes. Kanan didn't make a move to follow me, but I didn't care. 

My eyes burned as I locked myself in a closet. I didn't want to run into anyone so the closet seemed like the safest place for now. I sank to the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest. My cheek still stung from the hit but that didn't hurt as much as the pain weighing down my chest. I couldn't believe it. Kanan, of all people slapped me. I let out a soft sob, burying my face into my hands. Just then the door swished open and Chopper wheeled in, halting when he saw me on the floor. He beeped at me.

"Go away Chop" I kept my face buried.

The droid beeped indignantly at being told what to do.

"I said go away!" I looked up and glared at him, unthinkingly showing my red and tearstained face.

Chopper backed away before disappearing down the hallway. I buried my head into my hands again and finally let the tears flow.

Hera's POV: 

I was sitting in the cockpit of the Ghost, trying to focus on resetting the Ghost's controls while Sabine and Zeb argued loudly behind me. I was tempted to slam my head into the wall as their bickering flew back and forth. Looking over in my chair, I glared at them.

"Guys, if you're going to argue, go somewhere else" I told them.

The Lasat and Mandalorin didn't hear me and continued to disagree with one another. Chopper wheeled in and beeped at me.

"Not now Chop" I told the droid then raised my voice.

"You two, quit it!"

While this didn't stop the argument, the two rebels lowered their voices to a more tolerable level.

I sighed in relief.

'Better than nothing I suppose' I thought before turning to Chopper.

"Now, what it is?" I asked.

Chopper instantly replied by saying Ezra was broken and I needed to come fix him.

"Broken?" I repeated in alarm, jumping to my feet.

"Where is he?"

Chopper warbled for me to follow him before rolling down the hall.

"Stay here you two" I told Sabine and Zeb before following the astromech.

The droid took me to the common room and pointed to the closet with one of his little metal arms. Saying Ezra was inside. I raised a skeptical brow, was this a trick? A sudden sniffle from inside the closet eased any doubtful thought I had. I opened the doors and looked down to see Ezra curled at the bottom of the closet, knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped around him. He looked away as light invaded his space.

"Ezra? What are you doing in here?" I knelt by the teen.

He flinched when I touched his shoulder.

"Ezra, what is it?" I tried to turn his face toward me, but he refused.

"Go away Hera" his voice was cracked, as if he had been crying.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong" I tried to get him to look at me and this time he didn't fight it.

I inhaled sharply when I saw the red mark on his face, already showing the beginnings of a bruise.

"What happened, Ezra?" I reached out to gently feel the mark.

He hissed lightly at my gentle touch.


"He hit me" Ezra whispered.

"Who hit you, honey?" I fought to keep my voice calm.

"Me and Kanan…were training….and we started fighting…and he" Ezra trembled slightly as he once again broke down into tears.

I instantly pulled the youth into my arms. He sobbed into my shoulder as I rocked him gently, fingers getting tangled in his dark hair. I shushed him softly, trying to calm the teen. When his sobs faded into sniffles, I pulled back and rose to my feet, pulling the youth up with me. I gripped his arms lightly, helping him stay upright on his shaking legs.

"Come on," I said gently, leading him down the hall.

I took him to my room, easing the teen onto my bunk. He curled up, looking so small and afraid, that it broke my heart. Taking the blanket at the end of my bed, I lay it over the youth's form, rubbing his shoulder.

"Do you want an ice pack?" I asked quietly.

I received a small nod from Ezra and stood up.

"I'll be back in a moment" I promised and left the cabin.

I didn't want to leave Ezra for very long, and thankfully didn't have to. I swiped the first ice pack in the freezer and went straight back to my room. I opened the door and saw Ezra flinch quite noticeably, shrinking back into the soft blanket.

"Hey hey, it's okay. It's just me" I called to him gently, entering the room.

The boy seemed to relax as I sat down on the edge of the bunk. Placing the ice pack on Ezra's face, my eyebrows lifted into a concerned expression when the teen winced.

"It's cold" he muttered, voice small and barely audible.

"I know, but it'll help" I whispered.

I saw Ezra's eyes closing and so I began humming a soft melody. He relaxed and snuggled deeper into the blanket. I found myself singing gently.

"The sky is dark and the hills are white as the Storm King speeds from the North tonight. And this is the song, the Storm King sings, as over the world his cloak he flings. Sleep sleep, little one sleep. He rustles his wings and gruffly sings, sleep, little one sleep."

It was only when I finished the lullaby did I realise that it was the one my mother used to sing to me when I was younger. When she was alive that is. I cast an eye over Ezra to see him sleepily soundly. But what surprised me was how close he was to me.

'Both of our mothers are gone' I thought.

'Guess I'll have to be his mother.'

With a smile, I ran my hand through the boy's soft hair, making him snuggle into my touch and give a content sigh.

'He's so different like this' I thought.

'So open and cuddly. It's not like him, but it's nice for a change'.

I didn't know how long I sat there, brushing my fingers through Ezra's hair fondly. But I didn't think much of it. If Ezra needed me, I would always be there for him.

Anyone who can tell me where the lullaby comes from will get either a doughnut 🍩 or a cookie 🍪
Suggestions are appreciated. 

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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