Too Late part 2

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*Ezra's POV*

I stumbled over my feet as I bolted across Lothal's plains, skidding to the ground, and whining as my leg was grazed. Rolling off my front and sitting up, I looked around the fields. I'd been running for what felt like light years, occasionally disturbing resting Lothcats.

I was certain that the Ghost was miles behind me which left me with two problems;
One: It was getting dark
Two: I had no idea where I was

For all I knew, I could be beyond the charted borders of Lothal, in the wild zones. Standing, I spun on my heels to get a good look at the surroundings. There was nothing but grass except for a single rock sitting in the middle of the land. I made my way towards it, taking notice of the sinking suns. I reached the rock and slid down to the ground, sighing with exhaustion as my muscles clicked. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I rested my chin on my knees.

"Kanan" I whispered.

"What am I supposed to do?"

Where was once a warm, comforting presence of my Master, was now a cold void. I scrubbed my eyes as tears pricked them as the dark truth settled in the pit of my stomach.

I was alone again.

"Lothrat, Lothcat, Lothwolf run" I murmured.

"I picked a path, now all is done."

A faint howl caught my attention, lifting my head to the sunset. Standing on the hills was a silhouette of an animal. No, a wolf.

We stared at each other before I felt my eyelids begin to grow heavy, forcing me to slide down the rock to the ground. I clutched the grass tightly, trying to force myself to stay awake but the thought of sleep was overwhelming and I dropped off.

"I'll never talk" Kanan rasped, shaking as the torture he'd been enduring finally let up.

"Oh we're not asking you for information now, Jarrus" Moff Tarkin said.

"You've made it quite clear you do not know anything, which means you are now useless to us."

"So what are you going to do? Toss me into the vaccumm of space?" Kanan quipped.

"As satisfying as that would be, no" Tarkin looked at the Grand Inquisitor.

"This seems more practical."

The Sith activated his lightsaber and approached Kanan.

"If you kill me" Kanan looked at Tarkin.

"I'll become far stronger than before."

"I doubt that" Tarkin glared.

The crimson blade impaled Kanan's chest, making him gasp, his eyes fading.

"That was a mistake" he whispered to the Grand Inquisitor.

"And why is that?" The Imperial hissed.

"There are things far more frightning than death" Kanan murmered.


"KANAN!" I yelled scrambling up.

Where was I? Where was Kanan? Why was I lying in the grass?
Then I remembered and instantly felt cold. I'd ran, I always ran from everything. Problems, responsibility and pain, I'd always fled from pain.

How long was I out? I looked up at the sky to be greeted with a thousand twinkling lights.

Night had fallen.

Where was my family? Had they left me out here? Left me to die?

I shuddered at the thought. No way, they had to be somewhere. I was about to stand when a knife suddenly positioned itself at my throat making me gasp.

"Don't move rebel scum" a voice hissed.

Then everything went black.

Sorry for the hold up with this, got a lot to do, tests are coming up for college and it's quite stressful.
Suggestions are open.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐉

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