Hidden Gems (Must Reads, You're Missing Out) 💎

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I don't give out hidden gems to anyone. Hidden gems are authors who excite me. These authors are truly talented and write beautifully. Their books are enjoyable and worth the read. They are called hidden gems because they are starting out on Wattpad and haven't gotten the reads/votes/followers they deserve yet (yet being a key word) because once you find these authors, you will fall in love with them and their books.

Hidden gems have perfected most or all of the following:

The characters- get a good sense of who the characters are and their personalities.

Descriptive writing-they paint a perfect picture of the setting, characters and the emotions the character is feeling. It is like you can imagine/see/feel everything that the author conveys.

Reading the book makes you feel emotions. Whether it makes you laugh, smile or cry. If a book can make you feel, that is when you know it is a good book.

Great plot: keeps you interested.

Cliffhangers: (this is one everyone loves to hate but i personally love), it always leaves me wanting more.

I do like books with mystery. The whole book doesn't have to have mystery, but i just love when you don't see things coming. It keeps me interested, guessing and wanting to read more.

Great layout, structure of the chapters. This is the length of the chapters and the content.

Realistic/meaningful- obviously not all books are realistic. But books that address serious issues, for example addiction/mental illness etc. I feel like the book has more meaning and is more powerful if it is realistic.


Characters ✔️

Descriptive writing✔️


Great plot✔️


Great layout✔️

Realistic ✔️ 

She has two books and her first book 'Cutting Through the Haze', i have absolutely fallen in love with. It's about a girl who battles drug and alcohol addiction.

One of the things i love about this book is that it is realistic. Also the way HayleBales writes as well, which is beautiful and probably the most descriptive writing, i am reading right now.

This book and HayleBales is one to watch as i can definitely see her books getting popular with the way she writes. This is why HayleBales is a hidden gem. More readers need to find her and read her work/books.

I definitely recommend you read this book. Caution for young readers as there is mature content.



Descriptive writing✔️


Great plot✔️



Great layout ✔️ 

Her book 'Lethal Lust', is about a couple who are about to tie the knot and when the bride's best friend comes home for the wedding, the couple's relationship starts to deteriorate.

Now this book i must say is written well, there is also beautiful descriptive writing.

When reading this book, it really is an emotional rollercoaster, and you will love and hate characters, and even change your mind as there are secrets and things being revealed.

Acetylcholinee gets my hidden gem as definitely more people need to find and read her work/books. I'm definitely enjoying reading her book right now and i do recommend you read it. Caution to young readers as there is mature content.



Descriptive writing✔️


Great layout✔️

Great Plot✔️

She has two books. Both written well and are enjoyable reads. The way she describes and portrays her characters, make it so hard for you not to get attached and love them, and you will understand this when you have read her books. Everyone needs a Heath and Josh in their life. Even the minor characters make an impact in the book. Definitely well thought out books. Every chapter has a purpose. Also a really awesome person, and replies to your comments. I love when authors do that. Her books contain long chapters and updates regularly, so you won't be waiting long periods for updates.

I did tag her, so just click her name and have a look at her profile and her books, and see if those kind of books are something you would be interested in reading. Remember i have given her my hidden gem, so go read her books. You are missing out, if you are not reading it already.

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