A New World

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(A/N the votes were 3 for Yang, 5 for Ruby, 7 for Weiss and 9 for Blake... guess you're getting the cat girl)

3rd person pov

Ozpin: The mission you wanted to do is above what you're allowed to do, instead i'll send you on a different mission to investigate an anomaly

Ruby: Anomaly?

Ozpin: Indeed, there's something unknown that's shown up and i'm having your team lead the investigation

Team RWBY nodded before walking over to the bullhead, they spotted team JNPR also getting on their respective bullhead.

As it took off the team looked at eachother worried.

Blake: What do you think it is?

Weiss: It could be anything

Yang: Maybe it's not that dangerous

Ruby: We can only hope

After awhile the bullhead dropped them off, looking throughout the forest they didn't spot anything out the ordinary.

Walking through the forest it was decided that they would stick together, suddenly the ground began to shake so they bunched together and pulled out their weapons.

A bright flash of red filled their vision before they found themselves falling

Y/N's pov

Waking up i stretched my arms while yawning, smacking my lips i threw my covers off before dangling my feet off my bed.

As i turned off my alarm i checked my phone to see the time, the sun peaked through the mostly closed curtains.

Me: Another fun day...

I climbed out of bed and took my phone with me, walking out my room i stumbled down the halls until i reached the living room.

Looking across it i spotted the empty bowl of cat food, i sighed and picked it up before putting it away.

As i sat on the sofa i turned on the T.V and flipped through the channels.

T.V: A large red light *change* had been observed *change* for a brief moment over*change* the northern hemisphere. There's slight *change* panic on the streets of London~ *change* however the military are *change* trying to calm-

Me: More of the same...

I turned the T.V off and threw the remote to my arm chair, the doorbell rang making me groan.

Getting up i went over to my door and opened it to reveal a gaggle of oddly dressed girls.

One had black and red hair with clothes that had the same colour scheme in a gothic fashion.

Another was taller and had long blonde hair as well as many... interesting accessory choices

A slightly shorter girl stood beside her who had pure white hair in an off centre pony tail, she also wore regal clothing with similar colours to her hair.

The last was a girl around 6 inches shorter than me who had a large black bow, long black hair, amber eyes and white and black clothes.

Come to think of it they looked like something i've seen online... maybe they're cosplayers

Me: Can i help you?

Short girl: Can you... tell us where we are?

Me: Outside my door

Weird ponytail: We know that, she meant where on Remnant are we

Me: The fucks Remnant?

Blake's pov

I shot up and opened my eyes, the others were also waking up as i looked around. One second we were in a forest, then we were falling.

We were in a park of sorts although the sky wasn't very high in the sky... we were teleported somewhere?

Ruby: Is everyone okay?

Me: Should be

Yang: Yeah

Weiss: I'm alright

Getting up the others followed as they glanced at our surroundings, i could hear vehicles off in the distance although they sounded... weird

Yang: Where are we?

Ruby: Maybe we should ask aroun

Weiss: That sounds reasonable

I nodded still listening to the strange sounds around us, walking with them we happened upon a... strange building.

It seemed like a normal house but more primitive, going inside we walked to the first door and knocked on it.

A moment later it opened the reveal a tall H/C guy, he seemed around my age but looked like he had just woken up.

?: Can i help you?

Ruby: Can you... tell us where we are?

?: Outside my door

Weiss: We know that, she meant where on Remnant are we

?: The fucks Remnant?

How does he not know what Remnant is? He lives... no, no that can't be right

Yang: Funny but we're serious buddy

?: I'm not your buddy, unless you've got anymore reasonable questions then bugger off

Weiss: Hey! We're just trying to-

Me: What's this place called?

?: Beaconsfield... or Buckinghamshire if you want to be more specific

(A/N sorry if you don't want it set in England but it's the place i know the most)

We... we aren't on Remnant, this place, this planet is something completely differnet

?: You done now?

Blake: Can you help us?

Ruby: What do you mean Blake?

Weiss: Help us?

Y/N's pov

I looked at them in boredom although i ws mildly curious, they obviously aren't from here although this "Blake" girl...

Me: You said something about Remnant

Blondie: Yeah, the plan-

Blake: No Yang... we're not on Remnant anymore, that anomaly sent us here... to another world

(Lemme know what you think)

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