An Unlikely Saviour

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Y/N's pov

As they all slept i jumped out my bedroom window, landing with a roll i looked up and saw the moon sitting high in the dark sky.

Getting up i began walking through the streets in the dead of night, barely any lights were on and people were asleep.

Perfect for what i'm about to do. Although will i be able to pull it off or will i be captured and most likely executed?

Only time will tell, pulling out the scroll we took from Ilia i took a look over it. I'm sure i can go there and be back by sunrise.


Arriving outside the base i crouched down and watched it, there were two guards posted outside the door.

They bad large faunas ears sticking out their hoods... do they have better hearing? I sighed before raising my eyepatch and using my semblance.

I took the place of one guard before i elbowed the other in the face and slammed his head into a wall, turning to the other i dashed towards him as he looked around confused.

Hitting him im the back of the neck he gasped before falling forward. He layed unconscious on the ground as i let out a breath

Me: Hopefully they're all this stupid

Begrudgingly i stripped the male guard and put on his clothes and placed mine away safely, Trik would kill me if i lost those.

Strapping my sword onto my back i walked into the base. As i looked around i noticed it was very... red, going in further i went past some guards who were too busy chatting.

Eventually i made it into a throne room of sorts and saw people talking so i hid around a corner.

There was some guards by a throne as well as two people near it, a tall guy with tanned skin and a long jacket and... Adam

He was wearing different clothes that had alot of zippers but i could tell it was him, against my better judgement i listened in.

?: You Don't like me. You have no reason to like me. But you don't have to like me to get the results you want.

?: I'm starting to doubt either of you fully comprehend what it IS that i want. I want humanity to fear the Faunas, to know that we demand respect! I do not want to start a war with humans that we cannot win!

Well whoever they were talking to is female, but they have some common sense... is this the leader of the white fang?

Adam: That's where you're wrong

There was a moment of silence before Adan begsm walking towards the leader

Adam: We CAN win a war against the humans. Not only becsuse we have the support of Hazel's master, but because the Faunas are the dominant species of this planet. We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunas, they should serve the Faunas

What the fuck is going on inside his head!? He finally stopped walking before i heard a sigh

?: I've had enough of this conversation for tonight, Guards, take them away

The guards stood still as i finally got a look at her, she had tanned skin with stripe marks and ears on her head.

?: I said, take them away!

Adam: I will admit, Sienna, you were right about my popularity. My followers in Vale see me as the true High Leader. And many here feel the same.

Guards pushed past me as aimed their weapons at Sienna as she stood up in disbelief

Hazel: What are you doing?

Adam: What's right for the Faunas. From this day forward, I will be the one to lead the White Fang.

More soldiers came out and aimed their weapons at Sienna as i sighed, raising my eyepatch i open my eye and took the place of a close guard.

Grabbing her by the arm i tool a guards place and raced out the door as Adam yelled at them to get us.

Sienna: What are you-

Me: No time!

Pulling Sienna closer, i threw her over my shoulder and ran as fast as i could. She protested until a swarm of guards came out.

Jumping over them i landed on one of their heads and continued to do so, focusing the skeletal arm appeared so i grabbed my sword with it.

It sparked with black lightning as i slashed a window and jumped put of it. Sienna screamed as we fell so i stabbed my sword into the wall to slow our descent.

Landing on the ground i dropped Sienna as the arm vanished, putting my sword away i grabbed my clothes and threw Sienna my poncho

Sienna: What's going on!?

Me: I'm saving you! Put that on and let's go!

I finished putting my old clothes on amd came over to Sienna as she put the poncho on reluctantly.

Pulling the hood over her head i grabbed her hand and began to lead her back to the Belladonna's

Sienna: Hey!

Me: Listen! They want you dead, so you need to keep your identity secret!

Sienna: I don't need to hide! I'm-

Me: On the run by people who betrayed you

She froze as i kept pulling her, maybe now that things have calmed down a bit she's able to realise what just happened.

We walked out the brush and into a small town, Sienna stayed silent as kept going although i heard a pack of rushing footsteps.

Pulling her into an alley she went to cry put in suprise my i put my hand over her mouth, looking out the alley i saw the White Fang members running.

Letting out a sigh i turned back to Sienna and moved my hand away before grabbing her wrist again.

Me: C'mon, we've got a while till sun comes back up

Sienna: ...Okay...

Me: No objecting?

Sienna: No...

Me: ....Let's go then

(Lemme know what you think)

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