Invasion of Ideals

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(I know y'all wanted to save Sienna but remember she hates humans)

Sienna's pov

I never expected the Belladonna's to be so... welcoming, nor did i know that Y/N was human.

A human saving me, the person who lead the White Fang, a terrorist group against humans.

Sighing i leaned back on the sofa i was sat on until i heard a door open, glancing to it i saw the young faunas girl who lived here... Saiyaka i think

Me: Kid... Who is Y/N?

She turned to me confused as her ears twitched, she came over and sat on the sofa beside me with a smile

Saiyaka: He's a good guy... i haven't seen him be angry, he helped me when i lost everything

Me: Why is he here though? A human in menagerie

Saiyaka: He said it was because he wanted to find Blake, but he offered to take me with him

Me: Why did he want to find her?

Saiyaka: I think they're in a relationship...

I looked at her shocked before i shook my head, Humans and Faunas shouldn't be together... that just creates problems.

Saiyaka: He's like my new dad

Me: What happened to your original?

Saiyaka: He... We were attacked by Grimm

I bet they could've defended themselves if humans allowed Faunas to live in safe places or receive proper training

The door opened once again so i looked to see Y/N poking hs head inside, he wasn't wearing his eye patch but instead bandages

Y/N: Hey Sienna, have you seen- Oh, there she is

He walked in and i saw his full outfit... why is he missing an arm? Y/N came over and patted Saiyaka's head making her giggle

Y/N: Thanks for keeping Saiyaka company

Me: Yeah... what happened to your arm?

Y/N: Adam happened

Me: Oh...

He sat down across from the me as Saiyaka moved over to sit beside him, she's... really attached to him.

Y/N: Tell me Sienna, why do you hate humans?

Me: Why don't i hate them? Your race kill, steal from and discriminate Faunas. There doesn't seem to she any length your race won't go to

Y/N: This doesn't seem to be why you hate them

Me: Like you would know...

I turned away and crossed my arms with a scornful look. He probably only saved me to have some kind of bargaining tool

Y/N's pov

Me: Yeah, i guess i wouldn't know-

Saiyaka: I know what it's like

Looking to Saiyaka i tilted my head slightly with a frown before patting her head again.

Saiyaka: Our village got attacked some times, it was from anti-faunas people...

Sienna: You see what i mean

Me: Not all humans are like that

Sienna: Most are though

Me: If you're so against humans then why did you come with me after you were betrayed?

Sienna: I don't need to take this from you

She got up with a huff and walked out the room, i sighed before sinking into my seat as i rested my head in my hand.

I'm just trying to help but she'd really, really stubborn.

Saiyaka: Where's Blake?

Me: Her and the others are having some kind of meeting with all the inhabitants of Kuo Kuana or whatever...

She nodded before looking at the bandages over my eye, moving my hand i trailed a finger along them.

Moving it again i held my left arm/stump and stared out the window

Saiyaka: Where's your eyepatch?

Me: Blake wanted me to let it heal, apparently it's been over used

Saiyaka: How?

Me: She thinks it's because of my semblance

Saiyaka: Okay... who's Adam?

I hesitated for a moment before holding my arm/stump tighter, it shouldn't bother me... I've come face to face with him, he doesn't bother me

Me: Not a good guy, he keeps popping up and hurting Blake. He seems to be obsessed with her

Saiyaka: But you're stronger than him, right?

Me: I... don't know, the first time i saw him he did this to me

Raising my left arm/stump a look of realisation appear on her face

Me: And the second time we didn't interact. If we have to fight again i'd lose, i don't know how he fights but he's been fighting a longer time than i have

Saiyaka: Maybe you can train with Blake

Me: You sure? If i trained as much as i needed to i couldn't spend much time with you

Saiyaka: If you could stop Adam then you and Blake would be happy... so i'm okay with it

I looked to Saiyaka with a small smile as i rustled her hair, she wore a smile.of hee own before she came closer and hugged me.

Saiyaka: We can be happy together then

Me: Heh... you're a good kid

If i can take care of Adam then we can rest easy, so i'll do all i can toa allow us to live a normal life

(Lemme know what you think)

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