Meeting The Parents

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Y/N's pov

I sat at a table nervously as Saiyaka sat next to me. Kali, Blake's mom, and Ghira, Blake's dad, sat across from me.

Kali seemed kind enough although Ghira was... really intimidating, plus it looks like he's going to rip my throat out.

Ghira: So, you say you know my daughter?

Me: Yes sir...

Kali: You'll have to forgive his suspicion, would you like to take off your jacket? It is quite hot here

I nodded before i slipped the poncho over my head, putting down beside me Kali and Ghira looked surprised at my lack of arm.

Kali: So how do you know Blake?

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. The fuck do i say?!

Me: We met around a year back, although if i see her again it might be hard for her to recognise me like this

Ghira: I see, well i'm afraid she isn't home at this time

Kali: Yes, from what we've learnt she's currently attending Beacon academy... or at she least was...

Me: Really? Well... i know this is a bit much to ask but could you put us up for a few days. We've been traveling for a while

Kali looked to Saiyaka with a smile as she shrunk as hid behind me slightly, i sighed before patting her head making her ears twitch

Ghira: Who is she anyway?

Me: Her name's Saiyaka, i found her just outside a village all alone... so i decided to take her to the menagerie with me

Kali: Well that was nice of you, but what do you plan to do now?

Me: Maybe find a family who can take care of her...

Looking down to Saiyaka she shook her head with teary eyes, this confused me but she hugged me suddenly as Kali and Ghira looked on.

Saiyaka: Don't leave me... i want to stay with you

Me: I... *sigh* i can't properly take care of you

She teared up a bit more before she shook her head more, Kali looked to me as i sighed. I seriously can't take care of kids.

Kali: From what it sounds like, you’ve been taking care of her well enough

Me: She shouldn't have to live a life like mine, especially at her age

Saiyaka: Then can't we stay here?

Ghira: If need be i could help set up a place for the two of you, of course you'd have to get a job here to pay for it

I looked to him surprised as Saiyaka wiped tears from her eyes as she gained a hopeful look on her face

Me: You'd do that for us?

Ghira: Well i'm not making a promise but-

Kali: We'd be happy to set you up here in the mean time

She turned to Ghira with a sweet smile that seemed to hold something much, much more sinister and threatening underneath

Kali: Right dear?

Ghira: O-Of course! But in the mean time i'd appreciate if you would work as a guard to compensate for the living expenses

Me: I'd be happy to, thank you so much!

Kali smiled before waving her hand slightly before standing up

Kali: It's fine, now if you would follow me

Me: Right...

I stood up and grabbed my poncho, Saiyaka followed along with me as i went down the halls of tye house with Kali

They seemed to have other guards here so why they would need more i have no clue

Kali: Do you mind if i ask you something?

Me: Not at all

Kali: You and my daughter are close right?

Me: Where did you get that idea?

Kali: Not everyone would travel so far just to find a “friend"

I sighed before nodding, this seemed to make Kali happy as she clapped her hands together with a smile on her face

Kali: It's nice to see my daughter has such a good person looking out for her... so, when can i expect grandkids?

A huge blush spread across my face as i waved my arm around and sputtered, Kali's expression didn't change

Me: G-Grandkids?!

Kali: Of course, i can't be waiting forever

...Oh god she's serious isn't she?

Me: You're going a bit far don't you think?

Kali: Oh, right. Give me a moment

She quickly ran into a room before coming out around twenty seconds later with something in her hand.

Kali opened up mine before placing the item in it, i glanced down to see...A BOX OF CONDOMS!?

She leaned in close to my ear with a smirk before whispering

Kali: Use them for practice~

She backed away as i stared at them in shock and Saiyaka looked at us confused

Kali: Well here's your room, just give us a shout if you need anything

She walked away as i went pale while walking to the room, opening the door i threw the box against the wall in a rage

Saiyaka: Y/N, what were you two talking about?

Me: Something very inappropriate... i swear that woman wants to give me a heart attack


Saiyaka was sound asleep on her bed as i rested my face in my hand, there was a knock so i got up and opened the door to reveal Ghira

Ghira: I didn't disturb you did i?

Me: No

Ghira: Good. You need to start earlier than normal for your jobs, the ship captain who takes mist people here is in need a some guards

Me: And you want me to do it right?

Ghira: Yes, it shouldn't take more than a day

I looked back to Saiyaka who was sleeping comfortably on an actual bed

Me: *Sigh* Okay, i'll grab my things

(Lemme know what you think)

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