Strength of The Motivated

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Y/N's pov

Trik: Safe travels Y/N

Me: Thanks, keep safe

I walked away as the window gently blew, Trik had let me keep the sword and gave me a map.

Following a path out of Trisk i pulled out the map and looked, i was about 74 miles out from the nearest port town.

I let out a sigh as i put the map back and kept walking, this is going to be a long... long walk.

Then again i have no idea if the ship can take me to the menagerie, however Trik did give me the ship fee.

Me: Honestly, if he gets married one day i need to get him a massive wedding gift

Continuing down the path a cold wind blew past me, thankfully my clothes kept me warm although i heard a pained cry.

Curiously i walked over to the sound and peaked around a tree to see a little girl... oh fuck no

I approached the child as she turned around and i saw small furry ears on the top of her head.

?: S-Stay away!

She pointed a dull and rusty knife at me but i grabbed her wrist.

Me: Calm down, i'm not here to hurt you

?: Y-You're not a bandit?

Me: No, i'm... a huntsman

I saw a wound on her arm so i undid my head wrap and placed it over her wound.

She winced but i managed to wrap it around her wound, she looked to it suprised as i stood up and held out a hand.

She reached for it as the wind blew harsh enough to push back my poncho and reveal my lack of arm.

The long sleeve followed with it as it stopped at my stump of an arm, pulling the child up they looked at me shocked.

?: Your arm...

Me: Yeah... i'm Y/N

?: Saiyaka

The wind stopped as i let go of her hand and my poncho covered me again.

Me: Where are your parents?

She looked down sadly and clutched the hem of her shirt... well shit, this can mean one of two things.

Saiyaka: They... the Grimm they...

I patted her head making her jump and look up to me, there were faint tears in her eyes but i just offered her a smile.

Me: I'm heading to the menagerie, it's a safe place for faunas like you. Do you want to come with me?

Saiyaka nodded before i offered her my hand, she clutched it in her own as she stepped closer to me.

Compared to me, she came up to my waist which was a major height difference. I lead her down the path at the looked to the sky.

I am horrible with kids, how the hell am i ment to take care of her? The trip is going to take longer and now... i'm her guardian.

Saiyaka: Why do you wear an eyepatch?

Me: My semblance

She tilted her head confused making me sigh

Me: I can replace the position of any object with myself. If i see a person, i can replace them and they'll be where i was

Saiyaka: Like teleporting?

Me: Basically


We sat on the grass as i leaned against a tree, by a campfire, as the dark sky hovered above us. The flames crackled as Saiyaka shivered.

I took off my poncho, with a small amount of trouble, and handed it to her. She looked at it suprised but shook her head

Saiyaka: I d-don't need it

Me: Yeah you do

She looked at me for a moment before taking it and wrapping it around herself, she scooted closer to me as i sighed.

Saiyaka: Why did you help me...?

Me: Because it was the right thing to do

Saiyaka: Even though i'm a faunas?

Me: Why should it matter?

Taking my sword and it's sheathe off my i placed it on the ground as her wolf ears fluttered.

Saiyaka yawned before drooping to her side, she leaned against me but was aware of what she did and backed up.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled before she slowly laid her head against my lap.

Slowly Saiyaka closed her eyes as she let out a small yawn, i looked at the crackling fire before she finally fell asleep

Pulling the map out my back pocket i followed from Trist to the closest land mark we passed

Me: 12 miles down... 62 more to go

I looked down to Saiyaka as she had her mouth open slightly to breathe as she slept, i reached down hesitantly and brushed the hair out her face

She held my poncho tightly as it laid over her like a blanket? I sighed before leaning further back and shutting my eyes, this is going to be a long trip

(Lemme know what you think)

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