The Truth Comes Out

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Y/N's pov

Ruby: You got it?!

?: Hey what's going on?

We turned to see Weiss who was probably confused about Ruby yelling, Ruby went over to her as i realised... this isn't going to be good.

Ruby: Y/N's trying to split us all up!

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Ruby: When we find a way to go back he wants to keep Blake here!

Me: That's not it. She...

Yang approached behind the others and she looked pissed and her eyes were... red? I thought they were lilac?

Yang: She what?

Me: She wants to stay

Yang: Both of you. Move.

They stepped away as Yang came up to me, i tried to take a step back but she swiftly punched me across the cheek which sent me flying throw my bedroom window.

Landing outside i groaned and coughed while being thankful that i sleep on the bottom floor.

She climbed through my window and walked towards to me as i wiped the blood away from my mouth.

I got up before she threw another punch which i was able to dodge, raising my arms i blocked a punch that sent me skidding back slightly.

She unbelievably strong, unless i dodge all her attacks or calm her down she's probably going to kill me

Me: Yang listen! I'm not trying to split you lot up-

Yang: Shut up! I trusted you and then you feed me lies?!

She raised her fists up and ran towards men, she lowered herself slightly when i realised that her fighting style...

What she's doing is the Dempsy Roll, i stepped back which allowed me to avoid her first punch although she quickly came at me again.

I raised my arms in defence before she threw her punch. It was suddenlh blocked by Blake when she used the sheathe of her weapon.

She pulled her weapon away from Yang as she looked at her disappointed, Yang looked down sadly and lowered her fists.

Blake: What's going on here?!

Yang: You... you want to stay here with Y/N?

Blake looked back to me shocked as i brushed the glass shards off me

Blake: You told them?

Me: Ruby spied on our conversation

Blake: Why would you do that?!

She turned to Ruby angrily which made her squirm nervously

Ruby: ...You guys are my team, i want to keep you all safe... and i can't do that if your on another planet or whatever. Why do you even want to stay anyway?

Blake: You listened didn't you?

Ruby: It's more than what you told him! You just want to leave your friends behind because you're scared?!

Yang: Why are you leaving?

Weiss: Don't you trust us enough?

She took a nervous step back but i stepped forward making her back into me, i placed  hand on her shoudler

Me: I'm... happy to have her here, and you should be happy for her. Not everyone wants to continue with what they started and want to live a simple life

Ruby: So we should just give up?

Blake: Just... *sigh* I'm not sure. All my problems catch up with me but here i can be safe

They looked away dejected as i took my hand off of Blake's shoulder. This is something i should stay out of

Weiss: You can't run forever

Yang: We can help Blake

Ruby: Just-

Blake: ENOUGH!

We all looked to her shocked before she realised what she did, quickly she ran away and lept over fences and left us in the dust.

I sighed before stepping past the others and back into my house, grabbing my coat i put it on and stepped out through my front door.

The others stood behind me as i rubbed my sore cheek.

Ruby: Where are you going?

Me: To find Blake

Weiss: We can all go

Yang: This is my fault

Me: No. I'll go alone and it's not any of your faults

I walked down the street as i pulled up my jacket slightly. Where are you going Blake?


Rain pelted down as i regretted not buying a jacket with a hood, the moon loomed over me as the occasional car drove by

Bumping into someone i went to apologise but saw that it was Blake who was soaked.

She looked up to me before frowning slightly and lowering her head, i placed a hand on her shoulder making her jump.

However she quickly pulled me to her level and hugged me, i was shocked but hugged back and shielded her from the rain.

We loosened our grasps on eachother and i looked into her eyes as she looked into mine.

She leaned forward slowly and nervously so i rolled my eyes and met her half way.

Sinking into the kiss Blake moved her arms around my neck as i wrapped my arms around her waist.

Eventually we pulled away as she looked to me with flushed cheeks. She let me go but held my hand as she lead my down a road.

After awhile we made it to a hotel so i paid for a room, going to it we still held hands until reaching the room.

Blake went into the bathroom as i sat on the bed and took off my jacket. She came out wearing a bathrobe before she handed me a towel.

I dried my hair off as Blake sat next to me, she tugged on my sleeve so i turned to her as her ears lowered slightly.

Blake: Y/N...

(Lemme know what you think also what do you want; Lemon, no lemon?)

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