Colds, A Bit of Baking, And... Kitten Sneezes? (Sick!Norway x Sick!Reader)

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*Reader-chan's P.O.V.*




You shot you head up at the sudden noise echoing around your tiny ground floor apartment.

"Ugh really?" You groaned, sneezed, and got out of bed, not bothering with your messy (h/c) hair and already dressed in black sweats and a (f/b favorite band) t-shirt from last night. Sauntering to the door, you grabbed your cold coffee and a (f/c) blanket. "Damn, is it like 40 degrees in here or something?" You mumbled and opened the incessantly knocking door. Considering you did not have your (glasses/contacts) you could only just make out four figures.

"Yo (y/n) what's up?" A familiar and VERY irritating voice yelled, making your head pound.

"Don't 'what's up' me dumbass! Why are you guys here at SIX IN THE MORNING!?" You snarled and coughed.

"You're sick too? Perfect! That makes things even better!" The Finnish man next to Denmark cheered.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? I WAS UP TILL 4 THIS MORNING, I'M SICK, I'M OUT OF COFFEE, AND MY HEATER IS DEAD. EXPLAIN YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR I WILL GO SWITZY ON YOU." You screamed and had a coughing fit afterwards but they knew you meant it. Even Sweden was a bit scared.

"Erm, Lukas is sick. We were wondering if you'd take care of him while we go to a world meeting." Iceland explained. Finally! Someone with sense!

"Oh, but I'm sick too.." You muttered.

"That just makes it perfect! You can take care of each other!" Finland was probably smiled. It was hard to tell. You blushed a bit. It's not like you had a major crush on the emotionless Nordic. Not at all.... Oh who the hell were you kidding? A five year old could figure out you were helplessly in love with Norway. And you HATED being helpless!

"F-fine. Do I have to go there or will he come here?" You asked with a dusty blush.

"He's here right now!" And with that, in a matter of mere moments, the four Nordics had vanished and Norway was shivering a bit on your doorstep, a Norwegian flag blanket huddled around him, and wearing black pj pants and a white t-shirt.

"Oh hey." You mumbled and let him in.

"Thanks." He said monotonously and plopped on your couch.

"No problem. Sorry about the heater. It's dead. Aaaaand we have no coffee. At least the power still works." You sat down next to him and sassed sarcastically. A twitch at the corner of his mouth blew by your attention, you were busy trying to find a good show that wasn't in Lithuanian and not hacking your lungs up, but this comment almost made him smile. "HEYYYYYY what'd you know NOTHING is in English. Stupid Russia, controlling Liet like that. Anyway I have a couple of movies. Wanna pick one out?" You asked while rage quitting just a little.

"Sure." He stood up, about to walk over to your DVD cabinet, when the most adorable sneeze ever happened.

"Holy mother of Roman Empire that was the cutest kitten sneeze I've EVER seen!" You kinda fangirled and laughed. He shook his head at your antics and grabbed (your favorite horror movie), your favorite movie.

"I never took you as the horror type." You raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Guess you don't really know me." He said and played it, sitting next to you. This stabbed your heart a bit. You quieted, minus continuous coughing, and watched the movie in silence. At the end, he kitten sneezed again. You smiled a bit but saddened when you remembered what he said earlier.

Guess you don't really know me.

*Norway's P.O.V.*

Norway side glanced at you. Did he say something wrong? Maybe when he said you didn't know him. He just meant he wanted to know you more. And he wanted you to know him better, and know what he feels for you. He just didn't know how to display it. He sighed and you flinched.

"Hey, do you want to make something to warm is up? Like cookies?" He asked.

"Sure." You replied, trying your best not to show your disappointment from earlier. Both of you got up and walked over to your freezing kitchen. Norway grabbed all the ingredients while you got the tools ready. He prepared the batter and you made the frosting, managing to get some on your cheek.

"Let me taste it." The Nordic said and walked over to you, temporarily abandoning the batter.

"Sure." You said and stepped back from your bowl a bit. He took a spoonful and tried it.

"It's not sweet enough." He told you and was about to turn away when the little blotch of (favorite flavor) frosting caught his eye. "Oi, you have some frosting on your cheek." He smiled a touch as you rubbed the wrong side.

"Did I get it?" You asked cutely.

"Nope, I got it." He smirked. SMIRKED, and licked it off your cheekbone. You froze at the sudden touch from your crush nonetheless!

"Perfectly sweet." He cooed smoothly with his lips hovering over your cheek.

"N-Norway..?" You stammered and snapped to reality. Smirking, you jumped onto the taller man, knocking him down with you on top of him.

"(Y/n)..?" His navy eyes glittered not with lust but love.

"Ya?" You breathed.

"Jeg elsker deg.."

"I know~ Jeg elsker deg også~!" And with this you forcefully kissed the Norwegian man, who kissed back without hesitation. What seemed like minutes later you pulled away. He flipped you over so he was above you, pinning your wrists. You were both panting and smiling like idiots, which was a strange but adorable face on the normally stoic Norway.

"We need to get sick more often." You stated. He laughed then suddenly kitten sneezed again, flopping beside you. You giggled and coughed a bit.

"I'm cold. We can finish the cookies later, can we cuddle?" Norway gave you the biggest, bluest puppy eyes ever. You smiled and brought him to the couch, slipping into his fluffy Norwegian flag blanket.

"Of course NorNor!" You snuggled close to his warm chest and listened to his heartbeat. He kissed your (h/c) hair and wrapped his arms around you protectively.

"I love you." He whispered, then kitten sneezed. You laughed.


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