💙 Two 💙

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You sigh softly about to growl, but you find yourself leaning in and kissing her cheek. She squeals in delight, violently pushes the phone to your chest and hops on the staircase railing to slide down it.

You manage to grasp your phone after being clumsy with it and securely put it in your pocket so you don't lose it. You take the stairs like a normal person. When you reach Isabella, you get down on one knee and rest your hands on her shoulders.

“Um... Master has college to attend to. So I won't be back until a few hours. So you can't come with me.” You tell her in a kind voice, but she crosses her arms and stomps her foot, pouting cutely.

“But I want to go!” She whines.

You nod, “I understand, but I have to go in order to learn, sweetheart,” You wet your lips to moisten them then pat her head and tilt yours. “How about this. If you stay here and protect my house, I'll take you out to get some cotton candy and get you some clothes to have, sound good?” You ask, raising an eyebrow as you eye the time.


You had to get to class before 8:25am or else you would get a tardy. You gulp down in fear of her saying no, but her reaction surprises you. She throws her thin arms around your neck as she blushes and squeals.

“You mean if I stay here— I can stay?! With you?! Forever?!” She looks at you.

You hesitate while giving her a nervous smile, “I don't know about forever, but yes, you can stay.” You nod slightly, trying to rush her.

She nods in agreement as you hug her goodbye and rush out the door, quickly closing it behind you. Thomas cocks an eyebrow at you.

“Did I hear female squealing?” He asks, curious.

“Sorry— got a bit excited for tomorrow.” You cover it up.

Thomas busts out laughing, punching your shoulder hard. You winch at it, rubbing the now sore spot. You mentally sigh in relief to him believing you.

Things just got weird, but I'm surprisingly not freaking out too much about it, you thought.

Thomas and you arrive to class on time. You smile happily, glad to keep that tardy from burning your attendance up. You walk over to take your seat near the window with Thomas sitting in the seat in front of you.

You unzip your backpack to dig out your homework and to lay it on your desk, having it ready for the teacher.

“Hey, [Y/N].” Someone whispers in your ear. You turn to see it was Josh, the college's most popular guy.

You smile, “Yo?”

“I read your book. It was awesome! Man, I wish I had a little sister like Isabella. She'd take care of all the people I hate.” Josh laughs having me chuckle at his compliments.

“Thanks, dude, but it's just a story that I fell in love with writing about. I'm glad you enjoyed it.” You turn to end the conversation, until you hear him speak again.

You close your eyes, knowing that question was coming next as you mouth please just kill me now before turning back to look at his black orbs.

“Yes?” You ask, clearly getting annoyed now.

He smiles nervously, inhaling. “Can I copy your homework? I forgot about mine and we have 5 minutes before class begins.” He blurts out.

You stare at him for a second.

“Just take a picture of it.” You reach over to the homework laid out on your desk and fling it over towards his now extended hand. He grabs it and goes to work, pulling out his phone, snapping a photo to hand the paper back to you.

“Thanks [Y/N], you're the best.” Josh tells you as you turn your back on him, sighing softly.

Classes seemed shorter today than usual as the bell rings for the end of the day and for everyone to be dismissed. You get up, gather your books and stuff as you notice Thomas talking to that new girl who started classes a few weeks ago.

Her name was Alice Polina. She was a beautiful girl, not to get you wrong, but she wasn't your type. Matter of fact, you weren't really ready for a relationship right now. But, Thomas was trying so hard to hook you two up.

After flinging your backpack over your shoulders, you stand there with a poker face, ease dropping on their conversation.

“Ya know. [Y/N] is single, and he's starting to take an interest in you, Alice.” Thomas grins like a madman, but Alice blushes and brushes aside a strand of  red, wavy, silky hair out of her face to reveal her soft, deep blue eyes.

“If he is, then why doesn't he tell me this himself?” She asks shyly, her hand twiddling with her skirt as she bites her bottom lip.

“Isn't it obvious? He's the shy type. Trust me, he begged me to come talk to you for him.” He smiles, liking how she's melting about you.

She blushes and looks around the room, but she gasps when they land on your [E/C] eyes. You look away as soon as she catches you, she is obviously embarrassed. So are you.

Thomas laughs at the both of you, “I see forbidden love before my very eyes! Come on [N/N], we've got a snack calling our names!” Thomas grasps his flat stomach then shakes it as he laughs through his teeth.

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