Chapter five

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Talon sat in the uncomfortable chairs of doctors. Next to him sat his mother, who was updating his father by text.

Talon had his arms crossed over his chest, and a glare on his face, staring at the wall in front of him, wanting nothing more than to just leave,

He actually tried but his mother brought him back, practically dragging him inside.

"..can't we just go? I really don't need this." Talon grumbled under his breath, but his mother shook her head,

"No, and yes, you actually need this." Taylen replied,

"Talon stark." The receptionist called out, and Taylen stood up, looking down at Talon who sighs and stood up.

"It'll be quick." Taylen reassuringly told him with a small smile

Talon scoffs under his breath before following after his mother towards a room in the back.

A doctor stood by the room, and smiled at them, she was an older women with greying hair, pink glasses on her face, and her name tag said, "Denise."

"Talon, it's been a while." She greeted, she used to be Talon's doctor before Talon started pulling away from everyone, his parents deciding it would be best if Talon didn't see a doctor until he was older.

"She saw me, now let's go." Talon told his mother, who sighs, forcing a smile on her face,

"Talon, don't be a jerk. He came here for a check-up. We just want to make sure everything is okay with him." Taylen told Denise who nodded,

"Come in." Taylen throws Talon a look, and Talon walks into the room, sitting down, and Taylen followed after Denise,

"Don't touch me." Talon immediately says when Denise went to touch him,

Taylen throws Talon another a look and Talon glares at her, "I don't like people touching me."

"Talon hasn't let anyone touch since he was a kid." Taylen tells Denise, who hums, nodding her head.

She moves around the room before grabbing something, and handing it to Talon,

"Solve it." She told him, and Talon looks like down at the rubik cube before he started trying to solve it, completely focusing on the cube rather than the doctor who began to quickly made a quick check up on him.

He pulled away a few times but other than that, he let the doctor finish her examination.

Taylen stares in surprise as Talon let the doctor touch him, feeling a bit jealous.

"..Done." Talon grumbled, holding out the completed cube towards Denise, who smiled,

"Amazing. Tell me, Talon, do certain noises bother you?" Denise questioned, taking the cube from Talon.

"The ceiling light is bothering me, why is the buzzing so fucking loud?" Talon asked, lifting his head to glare at the ceiling light.

Denise snapped her fingers and Talon lowers his head, glaring at her, "snap at me again, and I'll break your fin.."

"Talon." Taylen interrupted and Denise chuckles,

"Okay, Talon, why don't you wait here, while I talk to your mother for a second." Denise tells him, and Talon huffs,

"Not like I have much of a choice."

Taylen and Denise walk out of the room, leaving Talon by himself.

" did you do that? I haven't been able to hug my son for years." Taylen questioned as soon as the door closed behind them.

Denise sighs, "Because I've dealt with enough autistic patients to know how to handle one like Talon."

"Autistic? You think my son is autistic?" Taylen asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He is autistic, you said he hasn't let anyone touch him since he was a kid? That's when his autism started actually showing." Denise explained,

Taylen frowns, "it..actually makes sense."

Everything started to make sense as to why Talon was acting the way he was.

"..I would like to do more exams on Talon, but for now I think you should take him home, come back another time." Denise tells her and Taylen nodded.

"Yeah, I will."


"..Talon?" Joise walked into Talon's room after coming back to school and finding out that Talon was diagnosed with autism.

Talon was sitting on his bed, just staring, "..There's nothing wrong with me."


"There is nothing wrong with me. Whatever the doctors said is bullshit!" Talon shook his head, scoffing under his breath,

"Talon.." Josie started but Talon interrupted her, "I'm not autistic, Joise! Okay? I am not broken! I'm...I'm just different. Why can't anyone understand that?"

Josie nods her head, eyes watery, "can I hug you?"

"No." Talon immediately replied, but Josie walked over to him, hugging him anyway.

Talon tenses and he pulls away from Josie, his eyes filled with unshed tears, and he stares back at the wall, his tears sliding down his face as he blinks.

"..I don't want to be autistic, Josie. do I fix it? How I fix me?" Talon quietly questioned,

Josie sits next him, "There is nothing wrong with you, Tal. There is nothing to fix."

Talon shakes his head, bringing his hands up to his head, and Josie looks over at the door as she heard a creak,

It was Billy, he frowns as his eyes landed on Talon.

"..I want to be fixed." Talon cried out, and Billy walks over, sitting next to Talon, and wrapping his arms around him,

Talon struggled with Billy for a minute before leaning into his touch, crying.

"Fix me..please.."


902 words

Not my best chapter


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