Chapter one

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".. I love it!" Josie Stark exclaimed with a huge smile on her face, bouncing on the heels of feet back and forth staring at the building in front of her, her eyes full of excitement.

"I think you are the only one who actually loves moving to a new school." Talon spoke up beside her. His tone was uncaring. Obviously, he didn't really care.

Nothing really excited him besides murder. Everything else seemed so boring to him.

"Because we get to meet new people," Joise replied, turning her head to look at him, "we get to make friends.."

"Yeah. Let me stop you there." Talon interrupted her.

"And.." Joise trailed off

"And, what? I stopped you cause I didn't want to hear anything about friends. Nothing else." Talon told her,

"Oh, come on, stop being such a grumpy pants, live a little, you are only young once, plus, Dad told me to make sure you made friends." Joise replied, hooking her arm with Talon's.

Talon instantly pushed her away. It felt like bugs were crawling under his skin at the touch.

"Don't touch me." He told her before walking away from her, avoiding everyone as much as possible.

He hated when people touched him, even by accident, it made his skin crawl. This is why he avoided physical contact with everybody, including his parents.

He hasn't let his parents touch him since he was seven years old.

His sisters, on the other hand, were constantly touching him. They were hugging him any time they wanted.

They didn't even ask him if he wanted a hug, which he doesn't. He doesn't like hugs.

Hugs made him feel suffocated, like he was trapped in some room that the walls were getting closer and closer until he was nothing but a smudge of blood and guts.

Sure, Talon knew it was being dramatic, but he wasn't like other kids. His brain wasn't built like the others.

Simply, physical touch and loud noises pissed him off. Which is probably why he always gets into fights.

"..wait for me!" Joise rushed to catch up with Talon, who seemed to slow down his pace of walking, but he didn't stop walking.

The click of joise heel boots came closer before there were loud thuds of books dropping.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." Joise quickly apologized, bending down to collect the books that had fallen on the ground.

Talon paused and glanced back, seeing joise and some teen boy collecting books.

He would've felt embarrassed for her if he knew how to feel embarrassed.

Nonetheless, he turned and walked over, picking up the last book.

Sure, he hated his sisters touching him, but deep down, he had a soft spot for them, especially joise since she was his younger sister and all.

"..written by Gale weather's. She still making books?" Talon questioned, interrupting his sister from drooling over the boy in front of her.

"Yeah. That's her new one." The boy replied, and Talon looked down, opening the book before it was snatched out of his hand.

"Sorry about my brother, here you go," Joise handed the book to the teen boy with a smile.

"I'm Josie, by the way, and that's Talon. We just moved here, and it's our first day."

The boy smiled ,"Well, welcome to woodsboro High School. I'm Wes hicks."

Talon glanced between the two before he turned around and walked away towards the school's entrance.

He wasn't bothered by the fact that two people could easily fall in love with each other, but he was bothered by the fact that he couldn't feel it.

Love was a difficult thing for him, actually.

Sure, he had a soft spot for his family underneath all that anger and hatred in his black soulless heart, but that was different.

He couldn't love like everyone else did. Watching people love others so easily fueled his anger.

Why was he so different?

That was the question that fueled most of his anger.

He could briefly hear joise and Wes chatting behind him. Their voices were drowned out by everyone else's voices as they walked down the hallway.

A shoulder roughly bumped into his as a group of teens laughed, not even apologizing.

"You can at least say you're fucking sorry." Talon spoke up, narrowing his eyes at the teens, who stopped laughing, and looked at him with grins.

"What? Say sorry for what? Bumping into a loser like you? Nah, don't think so." One of them said, and his friends laughed.

Talon let out a mocking laugh as he curled his right hand into a fist before he swung out.

"Talon!" Josie called out his name, but Talon ignored her.

Josie could only watch as Talon took on a group of boys. The teen boys were losing badly against Talon.

It didn't help that Their Papa suggested that Talon should take boxing lessons as an outlet for his anger.

It helped a little, but not much. Talon just had way too much anger in his body.

He was a walking I.E.D. A walking time bomb.

Wes rushed over and pulled Talon back, but Talon elbowed him in the face before going back to the fight.

"Shit." Wes cursed as his nose started to bleed.

"Chad!" Wes called out for his best friend as soon as he spotted him, walking over with the others.

"Help me with him!"

Chad rushed over and helped Wes hold back Talon.

"Talon! Enough!" Joise snapped, standing in front of him, and Talons eyes met hers.

For a minute, Joise felt fear running through her as Talon's eyes met hers. His eyes were filled with anger, but something dark beneath the anger.

"'s our first day here, and you are already causing a fight?"

Talon was feeling oversimulated with his anger, and his skin crawled at the forigen touches.

He roughly pulled himself away from Chad and Wes, and he threw them a glare.

"Don't touch me," he turned to joise. "It's not my fault. They didn't apologize."

Josie sighed ,"Tal, they just bumped into you. It's not a big deal. You didn't have to beat them up."

Talon stared at Josie before he bent down and grabbed his school bag before walking away.

Josie watched her brother leave, and she turned to Wes, whose nose seemed to stop bleeding.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about my brother... he''s a difficult situation." Josie said,

Wes nodded, "it's all good. Those guys had it coming. They were jerks."

Josie nodded, "I should go and find him before he starts another fight, I'll uh..see you around Wes."


1108 words


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