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Tyson POV

“Here, chicky-chicky-chicky!”

We were currently in the back yard, near the swimming pool, hunting down chickens and occasionally tripping into the people that had already passed out.

“Ty, I don’t think “chicky” is a real word,” Alex commented next to me.

“Of course it is! That is what you say to the chicks when you want them to come. Well, to the feathery kind of them any way.”

“No, it’s not!” She contradicted.

“Yes, it is!” I protested and stuck out my tongue at her. I went down to look under a lounge, but there was nothing there. I got up and immediately felt dizzy from the movement.

“Don’t you think you should pull your tongue back in?”

“Hat fu fu feen?” I queried confused, but my words didn’t sound quite right. Oops! My tongue was still protruding from my mouth. I chuckled and retracted it.

“Bet you just looove seeing my tongue out.” I winked at her. Or at least I think I did.

“Ooh, yes, it’s wonderful!” She answered sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

“That’s what all the girls tell me.” I smirked. “That it does wonders to their body.”

“Umm, Ty…”

“Wanna see?”


“I bet I can make you moan with just my…”

“Tyson!” Alex whispered angrily: “Look!”

I turned my head to where she was pointing. There stood, in all its might and feathery glory, the brown hen that was made an unwilling guardian of the key to our freedom.

“Here, chicky-chicky-chicky!” I shouted in its direction. For some reason it let out a startled cackle and ran away. I started laughing again. Chickens were so funny! Everything was funny tonight! I felt someone punch me in the shoulder and looked down at a very furious Alex.

“You idiot!” She shouted at me. “You scared it away!”

And then she hit me again.

What had I done to deserve that?



Alex POV

I was currently cuffed to a very drunk and very talkative Tyson. We searched the whole house for the brown hen, but since we could not find it, we once again ended up near the pool. I was scanning the area for the feathery creature feeling like Alice in her search for the White Rabbit. Tyson was finishing up what was left of the almost empty bottle of vodka he found in the hallway.

“It’s all over!” He stated grimly, trying to place the now completely empty bottle on a nearby table but tipping it over instead.

I took in his appearance: his hair was loose and messy and his eyes were slightly closed and glazed over. He had taken off his shirt a while ago, flinging it to the floor somewhere in the living room, while attempting to sing “I’m too sexy for my shirt” and shaking his hips. Since we were still cuffed he actually had to tear up the sleeve to get it off. His top half was currently naked, revealing every curve of his unbelievably well-built body. He must have noticed that my eyes lingered on one of my favorite places on the boy’s body - his abs, because he let out a quiet alluring chuckle before huskily saying “my eyes are up here”.

I looked up at his face to see him smirking and licking his lips suggestively.

“Not that I mind you staring at other parts of my body of course,” Tyson continued, biting his lower lip seductively.

Wow, the boy sure looked good when he turned his charm on! Then again he ALWAYS looked good…

What the fuck? Why am I thinking this?

“Because it’s the truth,” a little voice inside my head answered.

“So what? This is Tyson after all!” I shot back.

“So what”? It asked in return. “He has one hell of a body and you know it. You are just too damn stubborn to admit you want it!”

“Alex, ooh, Alex! A penny for your thoughts, kitten!” He chuckled quietly.

“Kitten? What’s up with that?”

“It’s my pet name for you.”

“But you haven’t called me that before.”

“I have.” Tyson chuckled again. “But it’s a secret and you don’t know about it.”

“Well, I do now,” I muttered. “So why kitten?”

“Remember the firs night we met? You left nail marks on my left cheek. Besides, you look like a playful little kitten to me. Although…” he continued, running his eyes up and down my body with an appreciative look, “… with the way you are dressed tonight, I guess you look more like a seductive pantheress. A very, very hot, seductive pantheress indeed.” His voice grew husky again and he stared straight into my eyes. “One that I don’t mind ravishing me tonight.”

To say I was completely and utterly dumbfounded would be the understatement of the year.  Never, ever, EVER had I thought that he - Tyson Williams, would hit on me - Alexandra Atanasova. And what surprised me just as much (if not even more so) was the fact that not only did I not mind it, but I was maybe actually enjoying it.



Tyson POV

I stared into her beautiful brown eyes and watched them become bigger and fill with surprise at my words. Why was she so shocked at my compliments was beyond my understanding. Didn’t she know how good she looked? She must have at least some idea with all those boys and girls chasing after her. I narrowed my eyes as anger flashed through me. They were pathetic. Not a single one of them was on her level. I concentrated on her again and felt a smirk forming on my lips. She’s been here for so long and she wasn’t falling for their tricks. She was too smart for that! Yes, I called her a bitch and a slut but it was only because she pissed me off. So far I’d only seen her with Emily.

I took in her appearance once again. Her hair looked messier than usual and fell down on those soft natural waves that she had. At least they looked soft. Curious to see how they would feel I reached out and took a strand of her hair between my fingers. Her eyes followed the movement of my hand before coming back to stare into mine. Such expressive eyes! I had never seen someone who held so much power in their eyes; who could command you to do their bidding with the sheer force that they possessed. Then my gaze fell down to her mouth: so small and round, with light pink lips… Lips that were always slightly parted as if they were inviting me to slip my tongue in between them. I bet that they would taste really good. Perhaps even better than in my dream.

With that thought in mind, I closed my eyes and leaned down closer to them. I was just about to close the distance between us when Alex let out an ear-piercing scream.



Alex POV

Tyson reached out and took a strand of my hair to play with.

I stared at his unique mismatched eyes. God, they were beautiful! And so captivating. I noticed his gaze falling on my lips and gulped. He was staring at them so intently. He leaned down closer. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to taste him when…

I screamed. Right in his face.

Now don’t get me wrong; it wasn’t a daily occurrence for me to scream in the faces of people I was about to kiss, but something had brushed against my leg scaring the hell out of me!

I looked down and saw it was the brown hen but before I could react I felt a pull. My scream must have startled Tyson because he had taken a few steps back and was swinging his hands around, trying to regain his balance. He didn’t succeed and next thing I knew he fell into the pool dragging me with him.

I came out from under the water, gasping for air. Tyson was doing the same. It seemed like the water had sobered him up a bit because he appeared more focused than before, although looking at his eyes, it was obvious he wasn’t completely abstinent yet.

“What was that about?” The boy questioned angrily while turning to face me.

“The hen ran into my leg and startled me,” I answered, leaning my back on the inside wall of the pool.

“So that was your reason for screaming?” He wanted to make sure.


“Oh! Good!” He rested his hands on the wall at either side of my head.

What did he mean by that? Wait! Did he think I screamed because he leaned down to kiss me?

“Maybe he didn’t want to kiss you!” I recognized Mean Alex’s tone.

“Oh, yeah?” I responded. “Then why did he lean down?”

“I don’t know, but there are other reasons for that!” Mean Alex called again.

“Name one!” I provoked her.

“He might have wanted to bite you,” she stated evenly.

“What? Bite me?! Well, he’s drunk… So I guess it’s possible.” I had to agree. “Fine, I won’t make a big deal of it!”

“Good!” She seemed satisfied.

“Alex!” Tyson whispered. “Turn around… slowly!”

I did as I was told.

“Do you see it?”

“See what?”

I heard the quiet splash of water as he moved and pressed his body against my back trapping me between it and the wall of the pool. I unconsciously leaned into him and felt my breathing pick up.

Alex, you horny bitch, get a grip!

“There!” He whispered in my ear, tickling it with his breath. I followed his outstretched arm with my eyes and saw he was pointing at the brown hen.

“Let’s go get that sucker!” I said enthusiastically.

He chuckled.


We were running down a street. Everything had happened so fast! At least we couldn’t hear the sirens anymore. I guess it was safe to stop running now.

“Ty, stop!”

Surprisingly, the boy obeyed. Maybe he got tired as well?

I leaned on a nearby wall and placed my right hand on my knee. The left one was hugging the hen. How I got in this position? Well…

“Let’s go get that sucker!” I exclaimed enthusiastically.

We got out of the pool as quietly as we could.

“Have you ever chased chickens before?” I asked the boy next to me. He shook his head. “There’s one thing you’ve got to remember: people cut their feathers so they wouldn’t be able to fly away. They can’t fly like say… a pigeon, but they could still fly over fences. We’ll use the cut feathers to our advantage. All we need to do is corner that bird. Its current position is pretty useful actually. You see that tool shed connecting with the garage and forming a nook?” This time he nodded. “My suggestion: let’s trap it there!”

He nodded again and we moved closer to our target, making as less noise as possible. We followed my plan of action and a few minutes later the hen was in my hands.

“You know that crazy thing chickens do?” I asked Tyson.

“Run around with their heads chopped off?”

“No. Well, yes. But besides that?”

He shook his head.

“When you hold a chicken like this and move its body around…” I started swaying my hands “… only the body moves! The head stays in one place! It won’t move!”

“Weird!” He muttered amused. “How did you know that?”

“My grandparents live in the countryside.”

“Oh! Do they…”

But I didn’t get to hear the rest of the question because we heard police sirens. And then we ran.

“Alex…” Tyson’s voice brought me back to the present. “Do you know where we are?”

I took in my surroundings.

“Yeah, we’re near the strip club.”

Tyson grimaced. What was with him and strippers? Or was it just Emily?

I didn’t have time to ponder on that because we heard the sirens afresh.

Why was it that whenever I was outside alone with Ty there would be police cars around?

“Here we go again!” I thought tiredly as I started running towards the strip club, dragging Tyson along.



Emily POV

My phone rang, signaling a message. My heart skipped a beat when I saw what Allie had written:

Outside the club. Can u open?

She was here.

Had she missed me as much as I’d missed her?



A/N: So, the next chapter will put Tyson and Emily in the same room. How do you think that will end?

Anyway, you guys can VOTE just once, but COMMENT as much as your little hearts desire!



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