Chapter 2

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After retreating back to my ship and leaving the planet, I plotted a hyperspace course to Coruscant. As I punched in the coordinates, I noticed something on my control panel that wasn't there before...

Upon closer inspection, I recognized it as a pauldron decal mold- and a very familiar one. I traced the shape of the horns and the eyes of an owl... then realized who it belonged to.

"This is Bo Katan's symbol." I said to myself.

I picked up the mold, and turned to R5. "Keep this in a safe place, buddy."

R5's manipulator arm stuck out of his chest pocket, grabbed the mold, and stored it back inside himself. He then beeped a response.

"Yeah, I know R-five." I responded. "Someone must have snuck onto the ship and put it here as a clue or something. But I have a job to do first."

With that, I finished plugging in the coordinates, and the ship jumped into hyperspace.

Upon dropping out of hyperspace, we approached the metropolitan planet of Coruscant. Even from space, you could make out the buildings covering the surface of the planet, creating designs of orange circles connected by lines, on a gray background. We flew into the atmosphere, and suddenly were flocked by a pair of TIE fighters, their engines making the terrible screeching sound. My communications module sparked to life.

"Unidentified freighter, you are trespassing on Imperial territory." came the voice of an Imperial landing director. "Please transmit your registration codes and await further instruction."

"Some welcoming party." I muttered to R5. "Transmit the codes, buddy."

R5 whistled, and plugged himself into the terminal inside the cockpit. I had programmed R5 with a copy of my ship's registration codes, so he could transmit them to the landing site without me having to give them to him.

"Registered freighter, your codes check out. Proceed to landing bay 5-b."

The TIE fighters then guided me to the landing bay, and then departed. I lowered the boarding ramp, and turned to R5.

"Hey, I need you to keep the ship locked down. I have a feeling whoever left that mold may have tracked us here."

R5 let out an affirmative beep, and plugged back into the terminal.

As I walked out of the ship and into the city, R5 closed the boarding ramp behind me, and I heard a hissing sound as the door was sealed.

I approached the entrance to the city, but before I could enter, four stormtroopers suddenly confronted me, one of them donning an orange pauldron.

A commander, I thought. This must be serious.

"Stop right there, Mandalorian." the commander said, holding out his hand.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, my hand subtly reaching for the blaster pistol holstered at my hip.

The stormtrooper in front studied a datapad he was holding. He looked up at me, then back down at the pad. Finally, it seemed he relaxed himself, and held the datapad for me to see.

"Have you seen these individuals?" He asked, and I looked at a picture on the pad.

It was a mugshot of two Mandalorians in their armor. Their armor was blue, and one was female while the other was male. They both had a familiar symbol on their left breastplate, and I recognized it as the Deathwatch symbol.

"No." I said, and relaxed my hand reaching for the blaster.

"If you see them, you must come forward and tell us." the commander replied. "Good day, citizen."

They stepped aside, and I walked past them and into the city.

The city was huge- well, the entire planet was a city- and the buildings raised higher than I could look up. I was walking into the underground district of the capitol, which remained out of the Empire's control. Most of the city required speeder transportation to traverse, but the underground district was easier to cover on foot. As I walked through the rag tagged bazaar of the first underground layer, a middle-aged man approached me, with antennae poking out of his head.

"Ya wanna buy some death sticks?" he said in a sly voice.

"I don't smoke." I said, pushing my hand into his face.

I continued walking, past a trio of sinister-looking Devaronians, a human male engaging in sexual activities with a blue female Twi'lek, a group of Jawas huddled around a dismantled Astromech with a fire burning inside it, and many other alien races.

Suddenly, I was approached by a scantily clad Torgruta with crimson-colored skin.

"Hey big boy, wanna have a fun time?" she said.

"No thanks." I replied, then realized I could use her.

"Wait. Do you know anything about Podra Argor?"

The Torgruta paused. "Hmmm. Yea, I think he's in the cantina down the street. I'll lead you there if you want?"

"No thanks." I responded quickly.

"If you need me, here's my holo-number, hun!" She deposited a card into my hand.

She walked off, and I dropped the card onto the ground, before stepping on it.

I followed the Torgruta's directions to the cantina. It had a dome-shaped top, and a neon sign above the entrance that read "Talbur's Bar"

I entered, and instantly noticed the bar was nearly empty. A Nikto lay slumped against the bar, passed out drunk, no doubt, a lesbian Arkanian couple sitting in a booth, and a lone Ithorian having a meal at a table.

I walked up to the bar, and was greeted by the bartender, a female Trandoshan.

"A Mandalorian." she said. "We don't get many of your kind in here."

"You must be Talbur." I answered.

"Jesika Talbur, yessssss." she hissed a response. "What's a Mandalorian like you doing in a back-alley place like thisssss?"

I placed the holo-tablet Torluuk had given me onto the bar and activated it, projecting the image of the Besalisk.

"I'm looking for this man, Podra Argor. Have you seen him?"

Jesika nodded. "He'ssss in the back booth over there." She pointed to the booth, where a shadowy figure was slumped, looking drunk.

"Thank you." I said, and walked over to the booth.

The light above the booth was broken, shrouding the figure inside in darkness. Apparently, he wasn't as drunk as I thought, because he sat up and addressed me.

"A Mandalorian." he said in awe. "What do you want?"

"Podra Argor, I'm here on behalf of the Hutt Syndicate." I explained. "They sent me to collect your bounty."

"Those bastard Hutts put a bounty on me?" he said in an angry tone. "They must be really pissed that I've been avoiding my debts to them."

"Enough talk." I interrupted him. "We can do this nice and easy, and you'll live. Or, we can do this the hard way, and you'll end up dead."

A pause.

"Hmmmm," he said finally. "I think I'll choose option three- you die."

Suddenly, a blaster discharged from his lap, and the bolt just missed my helmet. "Shit!" I yelled, more to myself than to him, and tumbled to the ground.

I quickly got up, and Podra fired three more shots at me.

The bar erupted into chaos. The Arkanian girls screamed and ducked behind their booth table, the Ithorian warbled and quickly ran out the door, Jesika threw herself to the ground behind the bar, and the Nikto remained asleep.

As the Ithorian exited, a trio of mercenaries wielding their own blaster pistols entered the bar; a Rodian, a Quarren, and an Ishi Tib.

They began firing at me, and I whipped out my own blaster pistol and fired a shot, which hit the Quarren straight in his heart, flooring him. The Rodian fired a precise shot, which knocked the blaster out of my hand. I responded by holding out my left gauntlet, and pressing a button, which caused two razor discs to shoot out of it. The first caught the Rodian straight in the eye, causing him to let out a scream of pain, before the second one slit his throat, killing him.

Finally, I held out my right gauntlet, and pressed a button, which spat a stream of fire straight into the Ishi Tib's face. He yelled out in agony, and collapsed to the floor, his body smoldering.

Meanwhile Podra was running for the door. "Oh no you don't." I muttered, and thrust my left gauntlet forward, shooting a yellow, electric rope out of it, which caught his leg. Podra fell to the ground, whimpering.

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!" he whined, covering his face with his four hands.

"Unfortunately, they want you alive." I told him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That also means in carbonite." I added, and his eyes widened in fear.

I approached the bar, dragging Podra behind me. Jesika got to her feat, and snarled at me.

"This is for the trouble." I said, tossing her 50 credits. "And this is for the mess." I added, tossing another 50 credits into her hand.

"Th-thank you." She said, startled.

I then turned back to Podra, lying on the ground.

"Get up." I said sternly. "I'm not dragging you all the way to my ship."

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