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Everything we had built, everything the Wren Clan had helped us establish...

...was laid to waste in a matter of minutes by faceless troopers in white armor.

Those faceless troopers- what of our armor they couldn't penetrate with their blasters, they managed to hit out soft spots, the chinks in our suits, and then called in their artillery. Countless Mandalorians fell to tank and artillery fire, and rockets.

Beaten and battered, I knelt down by the body of my dead sister and brother. Their armor tarnished, their bodies scorched, their lifeless eyes sealed behind the dead, expressionless helmets that covered all our heads.

I looked up, and then I saw her-

Lady Katan!

"Come on everyone! Forward! Mandalorians do not surrender!"

In her hand, she wielded the Darksaber- an ancient weapon created by Tarr Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi. As she swung the shimmering black blade, cutting cleanly through the pale white armor of the Stormtroopers, severing their limbs from their bodies.

Then, she turned around, and looked down at me. Me- of all the Mandalorians on the battlefield, she chose me to look at. Everyone called me weak; a failure, a straggler, a pathetic excuse for a Mandalorian warrior.

I admired her on a level higher than just her being my leader- Her silky, orange hair, her perfect emerald eyes, her perfectly shaped face...

It was the words she said next that changed my entire mindset about myself.

"Soldier! Get up! It is better to die a fighting Mandalorian, than to survive as a coward!"

She held out her hand, and helped me up.

I felt my heart leaping into my throat, the worst time ever to be falling for this woman would be in the middle of a battle.

But I had to tell her.

"Lady Katan, I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a crimson bolt struck her in the back, knocking us both to the ground.

As I knelt next to her, urging her to get up, I turned to see a single figure walk through the smoke- a dark-skinned man with short hair and black armor, donning a cape on his back, which flapped about in the wind. Around him was a flawless line of troopers wearing similar armor, and carrying blaster rifles.

I turned back to Bo.

"Lady Katan, please! You must get up! I- we need you!"

Her eyes fluttered open as I held her in my arms.

"I..." She started, and then suddenly pressed one of her hands against mine.

I realized what she was doing- in her hand was the Darksaber itself. She released her grip on it, leaving it in my grasp.

"This is yours now." She spoke in a weak voice. "I entrust it to you."

"Lady Katan, I- I can't take this! I'm...I'm a failure!"

"You are not a failure unless I say so." She said, putting her arm on my shoulder.

"May Tarr Vizsla shine his merciful-"

She was cut off by a blaster bolt, which cut a smoking hole straight through her head.

"NO!" I screamed!

Bo Katan.

Our leader.

Our savior.


Had died in my arms.

I turned to look at the figure walking towards me, and his squadron of black-armored associates. He pointed at me.

"You have something I want." He spoke in a loud voice. "You would be wise to hand it over."

Struggling to my feet, I held the Darksaber in my hands, Bo's words echoing in my head...

It is better to die a fighting Mandalorian, than to survive as a coward...

I ignited the blade.

"You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers."

The man sighed. "So be it."

He reached back, and retrieved a long, metal pole from his back, and tapped it once on the ground. When he did, fierce purple electricity ignited at both ends.

Holding my ground, the man suddenly charged at me, wielding the staff in his hands.

I let out a battle cry, and we swung our weapons at each other at the same time.

As they collided, I-

-was suddenly shaken from my sleep.

Thanks for everyone who enjoyed this! As amazing as this story is, it will not be continued unless this chapter gets at least five or more comments. Now to mention my good friends, who have helped me on the way (At least I think some of us are friends)










Look forward to seeing your feedback!

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