Exhaustion (Stress/Grian/Iskall)

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(Hiya Lovelies! Another oneshot,Yay!! This one was slightly rambled and took a couple of hours to write,TwT,so it might not be super good,originally this was a Stress x Grian but turned into a Grian x Stress x Iskall xD,idk how! Also im super tired,this is also sorta based off Grian’s newer episode,but not entirely,cause if ya watch Grian yall know he's not going to be recording for a while,hes going away(i think?i'm too tired to remember ),but anywho hope yall like this rambling oneshot ,what was in away a rant shot ,since i have gotten to the point of exhaustion were i was dizzy,my eyes blur and i shake -_- ,but anywho onto the onehsot 

Ship:Stress x Grian x Iskall

hurts/comfort (sort of ,more fluffy then anything)

   Also thank chu Newfoundland_Aiden

For giving me some ships,this was going to be grumbo,but ive seen too may oneshots of grumbo,i dont feel like writing it,i will dont worry just not yet!)

Grian sighed softly to himself,his wings were slightly tensed,dark circles aligned under his slightly red rimmed eyes from the constant,rubbing at them.

He was beyond exhausted,he had spent the most of his morning working,he made a community rule board for the upside down,he has been working more on his upside down mansion and now he's spent the rest of the afternoon,gathering supplies to start restocking the barge,the reason he's decided to do this now,he’ll be taking a break from the server,so he decided to get everything done before his slight break,and as of now he slightly regrets doing this now,he feels absolutely exhausted ,his body was absolutely aching ,he could hardly move,but he still has a lot to do.

Sighing once again,Grian shakes his head,muttering slightly to himself,knowing he has to continue working,what made him eternally groan,as he goes to walk forward ,he has to hold onto the wall,he feels slightly dazed, eyes going slightly blurry,his head was absolutely pounding and his ears were slightly ringing ,he tried to push himself off from the wall,but he feels himself slip down the wall more,in his dazed state he failed to notice,the rushing  approaching figure

“Grian?Grian,Love ...are ya alright?” a murmured voice asked,a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder and another,being placed on his cheek ,Grian nuzzled into the soft hand,recognizing the voice,Grian smiles slightly,attempting to nod,but wincing straight after,his eyes were less blurry now,and he could finally see the worried look of one of his lovers,Stress

“Y-yeah ,im fine S-Stress” he managed to murmur out 

Stress concern grew,she grabbed her communicator out of her pocket ,messaging someone he couldn't quite see the name of,but she smiled gently at the communicator,so he could instantly guess,Stress put her communicator back into her pocket,then she looked back at Grian and gave him a stern look,making him visibly gulp slightly

“Now love,tell me what happened ,what's wrong?” Stress questioned

,helping Grian to sit on the floor,and allowing his head rest upon her chest slightly,she also grabbed his hands,knowing his likely been pulling at his hair from how stressed he looks,Grian sighs slightly before responding

“Well you know ,how i'll be leaving the server for a couple days?”

Stress nodded in response,urging him to continue,bring her hand up to start petting his hair slightly,making the winged hermit to purr slightly 

“Well-- i may of,decided to finish off all my tasks today,amd i may or may not of took zero breaks “He continues quietly

,looking down into his lap,wings slightly tensing,not wanting to see the disappointed expression on his loves face.

Stress opens her mouth to respond but the sound of rockets and rushed footsteps,made both her and Grian,look up towards the door of the barge,there stood their slightly exhausted partner Iskall,their face was full of concern,they approach both Grian and Stress,the wing hermit tensed up a bit more,readying to get scolded but instead Iskall dropped to their knees in front of Grian and by Stress,gently placing his hand on his back,smoothing the base of Grian’s wings,making him shudder in response

“Grian,Dude?How are you “ they questioned concern,Grian smiled gently,

“Yeah..im feeling a tad bit better” he replied,smiling at stress slightly,”Thanks to stress “ he continued,Stress giggled slightly,ruffling and Iskall smiled warmly at the two,people he love dearly 

 “but my head still hurts...and i don't think i can move,too dizzy”Grian once again continued ,making both Stress and Iskall’s smiles to fall,looking concerned at each other,ultimately coming to the same decision 

“Well if that's the case love,me and Iskall,here will bring ya to one of our bases,ya deserve a break Love” Stress responded ,Grian smiled and nodded before groaning remembering he still has work to do

“B-but i can't!!” he responded ,making Iskall raise their eyebrow in response 

“And why not,Gri?”They responded  

“B-because,i have work to do!I have to finish stocking the barge,do some more stuff around the barge and well uh---”Grian trailed off,looking up at the concern looks growing upon his lovers face,making the smaller hermit to shrink back slightly

“Love,work can wait till ya get back,or well me and iskall can help”Stress said,Iskall nodded confirming Stress proposal ,making Grian to smile even more

“Okay”he softly replied,making the other two to smile back

“Well then,loves how about we go to Stress base,might be a bit more comfortable for now “ Iskall quietly mutters placing a kiss upon Grian’s head,chuckling at the redness that spreads across the smaller hermits face,they get off the ground,helping Stress off the ground as well,and in turn both of them help Grian off the ground,Steading him slightly as he stumbled slightly,before ultimately crashing into Iskall’s chest,murmuring some curse words,making Iskall chuckle once again 

“Well looks like I'll be carrying Gri”Iskall says,whilst smiling gently over to Stress,who giggled slightly in response,still concerned though.

Iskall picks up Grian bridle style,making Grian yelp in response,his wings puffing up and he buried his flustered face into Iskalls neck ,Iskall made sure Grian was properly secure ,so they didn't drop him,and they looked over at Stress 

“Ready?” They questioned

Stress hummed in response,smiling gently at Grian

“Yeah love,lets get him home,he deserves some well due ,cuddles before he leaves !” Stress responds softly,giggling a bit at the muffled murmurs from Grian 

They all make way to Stress base,on the way to Stress base Grian felt his eyelids grow heavy and he slowly drifted off to sleep,when they reached stress base,She went over to get some food 

“Hey ,love i'm going to make him some food,i have a feeling he haven't eaten anything”
Stress murmured,as to not disturb the now sleeping boy,in Iskall’s arms ,Iskall nodded before responding

“Of course,Stress, i'll take him to the bedroom,and wake him up”

Stress nods in response and goes off to make them all some food

Iskall takes Grian to Stress bedroom,and gently places him upon the bed,They sit down next to the sleeping boy and they look down smiling gently at how peaceful he looks asleep

“Hey Gri?Ya need to get up,Stress made some food for ya hun”Iskall gently shakes Grian’s shoulders ,making him groan,eyes fluttering open.

Grian sits up a bit with the help of Iskall,he stretches his arms slightly and he also stretches out his wings,making Iskall smile gently,at the cute little yawn Grian made,They both snapped the head towards the door at a gentle call of their names,

Stress came into the room with some food and drinks  for the three of them to share,

“Hey loves,made some golden carrots,and soup for Grian and some drink”Stress smiles gently at the two ,handing both Grian and Iskall one plate and a cup with some water in it,she sits down on the opposite side of Grian.

All three mainly eat in a calm silence,occasionally some banter from Grian and Iskall,making Stress smile fondly and piping in,once they all finish eating Stress grabs the plates and cups off Grian and Iskall ,and with her own goes to bring them to kitchen but Iskall grabs them off her,giving her a quick peck ,saying to her ,it Their turn to do the chores,so They'll do it,making Stress smile fondly before looking down at Grian.

“Okay love,now ya got some found in ya,it's time for bed”She says,lightly ruffling Grian’s head,making him huff slightly before nodding,not in the mood to argue,he was quite tired,and he supposes it would be nice,to have some cuddles from his loves,before he leaves for a bit,Stress smiles,glad Grian wasn't going to argue for once,.

Stress yawns slightly to himself,not realizing how tired she really was,she of course gets into bed beside her love,who was dozing off slightly,she nuzzled into Grian style,smiling as one of his wings went over her.

Iskall smiles as they walk into the room,looking at their dozy lovers,knowing they both stayed up for them,Iskall walked over to the other side of Grian,getting under the cover next to him,Grian’s other wing relaxing over Iskall,making Them smile.

“I love you,all so much ,thank you” Grian murmured before dozing off

Iskall chuckled gently,love adorning both their and Stress eyes 

“I love you too Gri”Iskall murmured gently

“Yeh Love,we love ya “ Stress also murmured gently

They all cuddled up ,upon Stress bed,they all spent rest of the day in bed,in eachothers arms,just intell Grian leaves,Both Stress and Iskall,know they'll miss their hyper ,prankster boyfriend but they worry more about that later,for now they'll all rather spend their time,cuddling up together,projects and jobs long forgotten 

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