Movie Date (Grian/Etho)

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(Hello lovelies welcome to another oneshot,of a slightly rare ship!! Also i just want to say this originally did start off as fluff,i promise! But then-- it went down from there ,it went from a fluff,to a hurt/comfort :/ ,also hey! Two oneshots after each other,im surprised as well

Also hey two Etho fics straight after each other xD,i honestly completely forgot i love this ship,also my lovely friend Caitlin_Lartiste,the amazing bean,also the ending did get less angsty,also this might be my last oneshot for awhile,since i can't keep going to the internet cafes, also the time i finished this was at 00:10 aka 12:10 am TwT,Im even more dead inside,i hope yall like this,because i lost a part of my sanity writing 2 fics straight after each other,anyone onto the oneshot !!



Hope ya beans have an amazing Day//Afternoon//Night)


Grian hummed slightly to himself,shifted slightly to get comfortable on the couch,his wings twitching slightly,at the slight movement, he tapped nervously at his thigh ,he was currently patiently waiting for his lovely Ninja boyfriend, to come.

Grian was waiting at his base,for his lovely Ninja boyfriend Etho,the two had scheduled a long awaited movie night,it has been awhile,since the two have had a proper date,with both being to busy with projects and building,they've hardly had enough time to spend time with each other,what frustrated Grian slightly,he missed his dear boyfriend,the two have only been dating each other for a couple of months,so they've been taking things slow,with Etho not liking to show fiscally affection and Grian being new to this whole relationship,so little things like this,Grian cherishes.

The thing is though,Etho was 2 hours late,now he knows his boyfriend wasn't exactly known for being on time and he did mention he might be a tad bit late,due to him and Tango was working in the gaming district,but still,Grian was still slightly disappointed,food he prepared for the date was left on the coffee table,it was likely cold by now,sighing slightly to himself Grian looks at the communicator,no new message came through,well no new message from his boyfriend,he's received a couple of messages from bdubs and scar,and that's about it,frustrated tears came to Grian's eyes.

Sound of rockets made Grian raise his head,and he quickly wiped his tears,not wanting to show who ever decided to come visit him,his sadness

"Grian?Where are you?"came a voice from the entrance of his mansion

Grian tensed up at the voice of his boyfriend,not daring to turn around,not wanting to show Etho,he was upset,since he knew he was getting upset over something stupid

"In the living room"Grian spoke quietly,his voice showing no emotion ,clearing his throat slightly.

Grian couldn't see it but Etho tensed slightly,not used to his normally childish boyfriend,lack of emotion,he was concerned for Grian,approaching silently,he noticed Grian sitting upon his couch looking forward,not even looking at Etho as he entered,Etho also noticed the two dinner plates on the coffee table,and Etho could feel dread run through him,knowing he's definitely screwed up,placing his hand upon Grian's shoulder,he could feel his winged boyfriend tense up,making Etho feel even more guilty

"Hey G" Etho gently spoke,to his boyfriend,Grian just hummed in response,still not turning around or acknowledging his boyfriend,Etho frowned slightly ,the frown being hidden by his mask,Etho took his hand of Grian's shoulder ,walking around to the front of the couch,bending down in front of Grian, Grian's had his head in his hands ,not looking Etho in the eyes,making Ethos frown deepen

"Grian can you look at me,Please?" Etho once again spoke

Grian just shook his head,sniffling slightly

"Please,Love?" Etho continued,at that Grian's head shot up,surprised slightly,eyes wide and he looked at Etho,shocked

"D--Did you,just call me love?" Grian finally stuttered out,not used to the pet name ,that made Etho to smile a bit at how flustered Grian got before,frowning once again when he noticing his boyfriends,red rimmed eyes,knowing he's probably spent a while crying,and Etho was disappointed in himself ,knowing he was the one to cause his lover's pain,Etho once again placed his hands on Grian's shoulder,but this time they messaged over his back and moved over to the base of Grian's wings,gently stroking their,making Grian shuddered in response gasping ,slightly and leaning into Etho's touch

"Of course,is it wrong to call my boyfriend love?" Etho questioned

"O--Of C--Course not,I'm just N-Not used to you,c-calling me a pet n-name,this is new"Grian responded back,leaning more into Ethos touch,not used to this much affection from his boyfriend,Etho smiled at how more relaxed his boyfriend seemed,before once again frowning,coughing slightly ,he gained the attention of his boyfriend

"Listen Grian..,i am absolutely sorry,i didn't mean to stand you up,honestly,i lost track of time with tango,building in the gaming district,and to be honest,that's no excuse,i hurt you,im so sorry love,i hope you forgive me"The Candian rambled out,his Red and grey eyes showing nothing but sincerity ,making Grian smile slightly,Grian cleared his throat before responding

"Of course i forgive you,E ,im mopping over nothing,just being over dramatic"

The white haired male,instantly shook his head

"No,your not being dramatic,your upset for a valid reason,Love ,i shouldn't of stood you up Hun"the ninja responded,Grian smiled a bit more brightly,feeling more happier than he originally was,

"Fine,i forgive you then!I couldn't stay mad at you,"

Etho chuckled slightly,before standing up,ruffling Grian's hair slightly,making Grian groan in response

"Well,love i feel like I need to do something special for you. I know today was my choice of movie,but how about you choose,for the next week?" Etho questioned

,hinting at a whole week of movie dates,and Grian's smile brightens,a whole week of movies,but that all felt too good to be true ,Grian once again groaned slightly

"But i thought you and tango,still have to work in the gaming district and i still have some projects to do" grian responded feeling his happy mood dampen,Etho once again shook his head,tearing on the tv and sitting on the couch next to his boyfriend

"That is true,but i thought both of us deserve a break,you definitely do and plus i also want to make it up to you,so now hmmm knowing you,you'd want to watch some disney,so how about that?"
Grian smiled gently at his boyfriend,knowing he was trying whatever he could do to make it up to Grian

"Fine and you know"

Etho nodded,happy with his boyfriends response,after he put a disney movie on ,he made both him and Grian some snacks,Grian trying to help,but Etho keeps telling him,no because this was his way of apologizing,Grian eventually relented leaving Etho to the task of making food,once Etho was done,Grian instantly tugs the white haired male to the couch,being careful of the food,cuddling up to Etho ,making Etho smile,still hidden behind the mask,

Etho tugged down his mask ,leaning down to kiss the top of Grian's head,making the shorter male to squeak and grow flustered,making Etho snicker in response and then pull his boyfriend into his lap,resting his head on top of Grian's head,in response Grian snuggled up into Ethos chest,sighing slightly

"Hey Love?"Etho questioned

Grian hummed in response,to show he was listening,despite intently watching the TV

"I--"Etho coughed slightly,making Grian raise his head in concern,wondering what was wrong

"yes?"Grian questioned,concern showing through his facial features

Etho cleared his throat before responding

"I-I Love Y-you"

Grian stared wide eyed,mouth agape,not expecting this at all,he finally got himself together when he noticed,how fragile Etho looked,uncertain with showing his true emotions,making Grian smile slightly,proud Etho trust him enough

"I love you too Etho,i love you so much"Grian responded smiling gently,up at his boyfriend,Etho let out a relieved sigh,before smirking ,making Grian raise his eyebrow slightly,Etho just shook his head,as if he was deciding something,Etho bent down laying a kiss upon Grian's lips,Grian once again squeaked,stuttering slightly,before deciding to bury his head into Ethos chest,muttering to himself slightly.

Etho chuckled slightly

"I love you so much,my sun"Etho confidently responded

"I love you so much too,My ice king"Grian muttered into Ethos chest

The two boyfriends spent the rest of the day snuggled up upon the coach,watching Disney movies.

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