New cover photo + Update!

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Hey y'all tis me, Wren and I'd like to say firstly like to appoligieze for not uploading for a bit, I've been busy working on the special chapter and tbh ,I've been mainly catching up on my art and I've been playing some game :'D, I'd say I've also been taking breaks but then I'd be lying, but I am okay ,well not rn I'm sick ,but besides that I'm alright! Now I just want to thank y'all so much for all the overwhelming support on here, y'all are so absolutely sweet and amazing, thank y'all so much!

Now onto updates about the special chapter, it's well ...I'm currently stuck, my inspiration//motivation is gone rn, sadly, but it's coming together quite well, I'd say I'm half done! , What's good in my books :D ,I'm happy with how it's turning out :D

Now update over next ,is basically what the title says , a new shippy cover photo, and the ship was requested by my friendo

Some fluffy, Gritho {Grian and Etho} and idk why but I'm obessed with Grian in Ethos jacket-- I just love? Also yes fluffy hair Etho {this took me awhile to do as well I've been struggling drawing Etho, and I'm happy with how he turned out finally}

Now that's all for now lovelies, I'll be back to posting soon, also sorry if my writing here and English seems rushed? Rn brain ain't working , I'm so sleep deprived rn- ,anywho bye for now ,thank you <3

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