first impressions

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warnings: self-harm

grians pov

Today is my first day at the new job I don't really like doing this but the last place wasn't going to be fun to hang around, especially since they knew,

 I need to help these people so I guess I'm stuck here at least the pay is good I walked into the building that was in the middle of a forest like 

how sketchy is that I walked in and I had zero clue where to go I saw two people standing in the corridor 

" umm hi could you tell me where the bosses office is, please " one had light brown hair and seemed to be a female the other had black hair and was a male the brown-haired one spoke 

" go find it yourself "I found that rude but when she turned around and looked at me my opinion changed

 " omg I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else, are you new?" I nodded

 "well just keep walking and it's the door on the left it will have a sign on top of the door frame  my name is pearl by the way and that's bdubs"

 the black-haired one waved " I'm grian  but I got to go bye" I waved before running off that was terrifying I got to the door it had a sign saying 

'BOSS' like that isn't intimidating I opened the door and saw a purple person ( not William Afton) with wings "hello you must be grian " I nodded " you can just call me boss okay "

 I nodded "you will be working with a new SCP we don't have much on it but that's your job etho will bring it to you just go out the door take a left go two doors up on the right is your scps room

 I also hope you understand that any information won't be shared and you will sleep at the worker's dorms now go" he turned around so I quickly left 

I went to the room he had told me to go to I walked in the room was completely white and a mattress on the floor

 I waited about five minutes before a white-haired guy brought in another guy with handcuffs on and completely white clothes

 he had brown hair and a green streak through it he's kinda cute but I need to focus "hello" the white-haired guy I assume etho just rolled his eyes and left that was rude "my name is grian and your name is S-264 right " 

he shook his head "oh I take your name started with an s " he nodded " well I have to refer to you as S-264 sorry "

 he just nodded "I just need to ask you some questions you okay with that " he nodded " so are you able to talk?" he nodded

 " so you chose not to?" he nodded again seems like this is going to be a lot of head movements and yes or no questions 

" are you a hybrid?" he wouldn't be here if he wasn't but I don't make these questions he nodded " would you be able to tell me ?"

 he shook his head "okay that's fine " that was all the questions that I had been given but I had some questions myself

 " um so put up fingers for the answer one for male two for female three non-binary " he looked confused "you know what can you write " 

he nodded "okay take this "I gave him a pen and paper and he started to write I hadn't asked him anything yet so I have zero clue what he was writing 

' your kinda dumb I could stab you with this pen and leave ' well that got violent 

" Well I trust that you won't " his expression changed from emotionless to innocent and curious  well I assume curiously then he wrote again

 'why do you trust me?' i don't really know but I wasn't going to tell him that "something about you " which wasn't a lie he wrote down something then scribbled it out

 " so what are your pronouns " he quickly wrote ' he/him I don't like being called it'

 " Okay noted but I can't say much about the others they probably won't care " I was sad that he was going to be treated like shit but that's why I'm here 

" what hybrid are you? " he wrote down again ' i don't want to say' 

"understood but do you have any powers" 'yes one of them I can tell when someone is lying ' well isn't that scary I don't know any hybrids that can tell lies 

"well I need to go so ill see you later bye "I waved and left as soon as the door shut I leaned against it and let out a sigh that was scary I walked back to the bosses office 

he wasn't there so I left what I had found of course not adding the questions that I asked 

 I walked out to see someone I hadn't met before " hello I'm grian I'm new here" the man jumped but was okay " hello I'm mumbo do you have the schedule "

 I shook my head he then handed me a schedule it had when to take the SCP you look after outside and when you give injections holy shit 

I didn't know that they do injection shit more of a reason for me to be here I guess I saw that I had to take my scp outside mumbo had walked off probably to go do the same I went back to the room 

"hey S-264 we need to go somewhere" I looked at him he was trying to get his tongue to touch his nose he seemed really focused on it when I got closer he growled 

"hey it's okay " he looked up at me with puppy eyes he's adorable I bent down to see he had bitten himself " why did you bite yourself "

 he just laughed I never heard him laugh but this wasn't a happy giggle no this was a psychotic laugh he then pulled out the pen and paper 'you guys are going to hurt me anyway why do you care ' 

Word count '1070

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