oh shoot

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" They think they can go against me I see all if they want an enemy then they've made one " 

Grians pov 

We started to plan I talked to mumbo about his brother and if he would like to help us 

" I would but I can't the boss sees all and knows everything you will only get so far ...but I do have something that can help "

 he gave me a file and then left I opened it it had all the scps and their names like my scps name is scar they don't know what he is and it had a paragraph at the bottom that read

 ' scar or scp-264 has been inducted to a lot of trauma and refuses to give any details about it at his first containment centre he was abused by his doctor and wouldn't be fed if his eyes turn blue leave IMMEDIATELY as this is his hybrid side taking over '

 holy I feel bad for scar I looked through the other ones and they were really messed up these people are gonna need therapy but it also said things that they like 

 'tango and zedaph like to be together and if they're separated for long periods of time tango will pull his escaping act to get back to zedaph '

 there like a family it's quite cute but I need to focus on the task went and talked to etho but when I found etho he seemed busy "grian come with me "

 yep what do they know shiiit "yep "

 we went into the bosses office "grian I know what you've been doing I see everything " I didn't realise that I now had handcuffs on they weren't normal ones they were magic "etho take him to the other "

 etho nodded he walked me to someplace I had never been he got to the door and opened for me to see impulse it's done we can't do anything 

end here I'm so sorry for not updating this book in so long i'm not even kidding when I say I have 41!! draft books not counting the ones I have published so pls forgive me and take this chapter lol

word count:340

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