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" do you know what it's from " he nodded but then the workers walked in and started to cuff up and rope the scps but I just helped up S-264 

" we can talk about this later okay " he nodded I walked back to his room opened the door and left because it was getting late 

so I went to the dorms which I somehow found when I walked in everyone was giving me shit looks I walked over to the bed with clothes and a note with my name on it

 ' grian these are your other pair of clothes you wash your own clothes and there is a kitchen which someone can show you around I hope you have a great time with us ' 

well that is something I put the note in my pocket ( girls cant relate) 

and moved my clothes under my bed and laid down this actually sucks I have to sleep in a room with what seems to look like seven other people

 cause there are seven other beds even the other place had some decency to give workers separate rooms

but while I was thinking someone punched me in the face I focused while sitting up I saw everyone in the room looking at me while the white-haired guy from before just stood in front of my bed

 " what the hell " he looked really pissed " I heard about what you did " he punched me again now my nose was starting to bleed I shoved him back and got off of my bed

 "do you know who I am "I rolled my eyes "obviously not someone important or I would have been told " 

he leapt back at me grabbing my hair and 'tried ' to get me to the floor before I punched him in the gut he fell to the floor after he let go of my hair "who.. the ..hell are you?"

 he was winded perfect "I'm new here I'm a transfer from another facility which uhh closed down " they looked surprised " what I've never heard of a facility closing down your lying "

I looked at who had spoken it was mumbo "well have you ever heard about the dreamscp facility" they looked scared " well let's say no one survived to say what happened no one expects me " almost no one believed me

 " that's a lie " I laughed " okay how did I get this "I moved my shirt to show some of my chest where I had a giant scar going up my body  

" now if you search up this date **/**/** you'll find what you need to know " 

" suuuureee" the white-haired asshole had recovered and was now I'm my face he pulled out his phone and searched it up then he looked at me with a horrified face then turned his phone off "i-im sorry grian "

 everyone else looked shocked but they didn't get enough time to search it up, lucky "now that that's cleared up I need to go clean this up "

 my nose had stopped bleeding but there was blood on my face I walked off to where I assume was the bathroom and cleaned myself up.

pov change to .... mumbo yay

I walked up to etho "what happened ?" he was scared normally he doesn't get scared 

" that one is not to mess with for our safety don't get on his bad side he worked at a facility that had 18 SCP or experiments and they all escaped and killed everyone there a few of the workers helped them but others died I don't know how but he isn't one to fuck with okay " 

he then hugged me and a few others this was strange he hates human connection but whatever he saw must have been bad 

" okay so a facility got taken down what's so bad " he gave impulse a death look

 " there were images of the insides of the building and what the hybrids had done I wish that you guys never see that and grian would need therapy after being there "

Etho then let us go and went to help grian was grian being nice to experiments so they won't kill him or is it research I don't know any more

 I went to bed cause I was too tired for this but I last thought crossed my mind 'If all of the other workers died then how did grian escape an entire facility of hybrids ' Then I slipped unconscious 

S-264 pov

today has been okay the new place is shit but the worker that is assigned to me is really nice and funny, but I sense something off with him he isn't a human but wouldn't the sensors be able to tell 

(for context they have a sensor on the front doors to be able to pick up hybrids ) maybe I'm just over thinking well 

he is cute though and a smartass but why is he choosing the hybrid's side or is he faking it to get us to let our guard down

 I decided to look around my room I had a matrice I picked it up and moved it to the other side of the room almost next to the door 

I put the pillow on the bed it had a thin blanket that bearly covered me I curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

pov change again WHY NOT   X-005

the new SCP seems nice but the new worker is really weird he literally defined his coworkers on his first day and I know Dr. etho won't be happy about that

 but I think it's dr. grian seems like he is helping us but it might be an act and I'm not risking any of my friends being hurt even if the new SCP doesn't want to join in with us I won't let him get hurt.

end I had a lot of pov changes because I felt like it also I was I've been obsessed with a new song: lone star by the talon of the hawk 

word count: 1040

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