Seu Girassol {Scarian}

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{Title: You're Sunflower

Ship: Heavily Implied Romantic Scar/Groan

Characters: Scar ,Grian and mentions of Martyn

Warnings: Death , heavily implied abuse , Suicide ,mentions of depression {Also author warning ,i haven't written in ages so im a bit rusty}

Genre: Angst

World setting: Fantasy/medieval au type

Authors state in writing this: it was actually not at 4am TwT ,so I did a bit of proof reading,also i was manically smiling at the angst im about to cause

Words:1141 {the longest ive written in awhile}

Also you may blame bamalexis22 I asked whether to post angst or fluff for my first fic coming back...she chose angst }


Alone in a room sat a male, he was sat at his desk , reading over some letters that were dear to him, his probably read this letters a million times by now, so he knows them by heart but still he reads them again as a form of comfort

The letters read as:

Dear Scar,” he reads softly
i write to you in regards to your previous letters, i'd be delighted to accept your proposal for marriage, i'd be overjoyed to call you my husband, that being said   i do wish  we were able to talk about this in person, i do understand why we have to  do this over paper and quill, i just wish my parents weren't like this, can’t they see how much i love you? - Your Sunfolwer  “

The brunette reads the last words, his frown deepens as he notices the smudge marks from obvious tears, he shuffles the papers so he grabs the next letter , a letter that isn't torn or burnt  up, he reads it over.

Dear scar, it has been some time since we last spoke… and i suppose that is my own fault, i'm sorry if my previous letter have angered you, i wish i was strong enough to go against my parents, but sadly i'm not, but as my previous  letter stated i've been arranged to marry some nobleman of some far off kingdom, according to my parents this marriage will prevent some wars, and it'll be more beneficial if i married some noble ,then some low-life con-man, their words not mine….you know i still dream about us marrying, how we’d dance, how we'd kiss, how we’d spend the rest of our lives together, how we could run away together and run your business together, if only i was brave enough, i will always love you , -your Sunflower

Scar reads the letter to the very end , holding onto the letter tightly scrunching it up with his scarred hands, he goes through each letter , reading over each one, his breathing speeding up at each letter, tears falling at each word he read  before he gets  to the finale letter, this letter has clearly been read over and over again, it had smudge marks from tears, it was slightly scrunched up and had tears in the paper ,but still, he could read it clear as day, he could memorise it at this point, he reads it over yet again

Dear my love, by the time you get this letter, it'll be too late, by the time this reaches you , you will already hear of my downfall, before i continue this know this isn't your fault, know no matter what ,you'd probably not of been able to change this , now instead of remembering the sadness when you hear the news hopefully when you read this you'll be able to remember the happiness, remember the moment when we met at the gala, the first time we met i honestly thought you were some nobleman with how charismatic and polite you were, and honestly, that wasnt when i fell inlove with you, i say it was but in truth , i fell inlove with you when i witnessed your first “bussiness venture” or as i like to call it, you scheming people out of their money, but youd mainly scam those who deserved it, and helped those who needed your help, honestly maybe thats why you talked to me at the gala because youd also seen me as someone who needed help, a caged bird who needed to be set free, and for that im thankful, im thankful i met you, thankful for the time weve spent together. I also remember the first day we kissed, and once again i am sorry i ran away after the kiss, as i said previously that was my first kiss, even if you don't believe it, it was….you were also the first person i ever told i love you to, the first person who said they love me for me, not for some title but for me as a person, and once again im thankful for that, i'm glad i got to call you my lover, i just wish we had met in a different time, maybe one day you'll move on to someone more special and i hope they could give you what i could never give you, i'm just glad i got to be with you at least once, till the day of my death i have still loved you, not that noble i got married to instead, and i guess i'll still love you as i rest in my stated as above by the time you read this , i am probably dead , and i send this letter as a finale goodbye, as some sort of closure, i end this letter of as not Prince Grian of Evo kingdom but as Grian, your sunflower, the one who will always be with you in spirit, goodbye scar , i love you dearly, -Your sunflower Grian"

Scar finally lets his sobs be heard to the world as he reads the finale words, as the letter stated above, he had heard about Grians death before he had received the letter, he heard about how his sunflower had suffered at the hands of his betrothed and how in the end, could not handle it, and he slit his throat deep enough that he'd bleed out, how he'd planned it so by the time he was found he'd already be dead, all scar could do was cry when he was given the letter by one of Grians former guards martyn, the blonde hair himself was trying to hold it together, it wasn't just them who greevied though; alot who know the young prince did, after all Grian was known for his kindness, his mischievous nature and just how open minded he was, his siblings lost a brother, his friends lost someone they considered close to them,someone whod play pranks on them and would brighten up anyones sour mood  , and scar, scar lost his sunflower, his light of his life, his lover, his grian was gone because of his cruel parents, Grian was meant to be his husband but the world has lost someone special and it was all their fault.

Scar gets up from the chair he was slouched on, only to fall back on his bed, he was too depressed to move, too depressed to even talk to people , so with that he turns off his oil lamp, and closes his eyes, to hopefully meet the person he misses in his dreams. When he is to awake the next morning, he will notice that his letter has been organised neatly and on top the paper lies, a white purple tipped quill and a freshly picked sunflower.

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