New Years [scarian]

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Hopefully this makes you happy, @GoodTimesWithJellie
Believe it or not I've had this one in drafts for quite a while

Everything Grian feels in this is literally based off of personal experience, kinda hoping someone else might relate ngl

Tw:slight panic attack


"Why am I even going to a New Years party?" Grian groans. "Because it's fun. And I want cookies" scar answers him, as if he was ready to say 'I told you so' once Grian goes and enjoys it. (By force if needed.)

"Scar, I told you. I don't like parties. And besides, I couldn't care less about New Years" Scar makes a sad face at the short hermit's response. "Well, why not?" He asks. "The whole concept is just- well, wack. Why do we need to celebrate another year closer to our collective inevitable destruction?" Grian's wings puffed up, as if he were trying to look scarier to prove a point.

"Grian those are big words.." scar mumbles. "And besides, not only is the concept of the Holiday stupid, the way people romanticize it is even worse!"

At this moment, Scar realized Grian would just keep rambling. Except, instead of ignoring him, Scar decided to hear him out. Maybe he could help Grian like New Years again.

"People are always saying stupid stuff like 'oh New Years is so romantic' or 'oh what about the New Years kiss' like I care! Well I don't! I've been on this server for years and I've never had a New Years kiss or whatever garbage that's about!" He continued.

Ohhh I get it Scar thought to himself.

"Listen, Scar, you're my friend, so I'll go if you want me to" Grian sighs, looking Scar in the eyes, "but just know I won't enjoy it"

Scar's face instantly lights up as he runs up to Grian to hug him, "thank you, Grian!! I'll make sure you have fun, I promise!" He squeals. "Yeah, yeah, you're welcome Scar. Now go, I have to change" Grian blushes, smiling.

As Scar walks out of the room, Grian wonders why he ever agreed to this. He opens his closet, and stands in front of it for about a minute, just lost in thought. He wonders what the party would be like, if anything like his last few New Years parties. Last year, everyone ignored him when he tried to talk. A few years before that, he got sick right before and couldn't go. And many years ago, back in Evo, he didn't even know New Years had passed, but he sure did hear a bunch of stories that "he had to be there to understand".

But, alas, he was going to another New Years party. However, maybe this time it was different. He was going with one of his friends, Scar. Maybe it wouldn't be like the past years. Maybe he'd enjoy it.

He snapped back to reality, and grabbed an outfit without really focusing on which one. It was a white button-down with a soft reddish vest and jeans. He slipped on the outfit and didn't bother fixing his wild hair, nor hiding his colorful wings.

"Scar you rea- ah- ready..?" Grian mentally screamed at himself for stammering like that. But then again, how could he not?

Scar walked out of the bathroom wearing black cargo pants, with gold chains hanging from his belt. He had a black button up under a dark green vest. His slightly long hair was slicked back, revealing his pointy ears.

"Ready to go, Grian?" He asked, smiling. "Great now I look underdressed" Grian mumbled, slightly louder than expected. "Grian it's okay! You know I just like dressing up for fun!" Scar assured him, "besides, you look amazing, G! Now let's go, it's only a 30 minute drive from your house to Ren's"

Scar grabbed Grian's arm and practically dragged him outside and into the passenger seat of his car. Jellie followed close behind, taking a seat behind Scar.


Grian POV

"Scar, are you sure about this?" I ask the man. Not only am I already nervous, sweating, and starting to hyperventilate from the fact that the entire server is going to be there, I'm also fully aware that I am a blushing mess. Every time Scar glanced at me on the ride here, I realized I was staring and just started blushing even more. That was possibly the longest thirty-minute-car-ride of my entire life.

"Of course I am, Grian! Trust me, you'll be fine. I won't leave your side." He replied, bending down slightly so he could make eye contact with me.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and again drags me to Ren's door.

I start to breathe normally again when we get up to the door and pause. I take a few deep breaths and I'm ready to face whatever crowd of people is in there. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very nervous and not really fond of the fact that I'm at a party, but I guess having Scar beside me and knowing he won't leave me is somewhat... comforting.

Scar rings the doorbell, and almost immediately Mumbo appears, with Ren watching close behind him. "You two finally made it! You're like an hour late you know." He scoffs. "Yea, tell Ren were sorry about that" I respond, it was really quite awkward. Ren walks over and says "Hey, its no problem! Im just glad you're- uh- here!" He paused and looked down near the end of his sentence, and awkwardly laughed. He whispered something to Mumbo, and then Mumbo looked down as well and smiled.

That's when I remembered me and Scar never stopped holding hands. Just as the realization hit my consciousness, Scar quickly tore his hand away from mine and, again, gave an awkward sort of laugh. It kind of saddened me that we weren't holding hands anymore. The touch was still lingering, but I wanted it back so badly.

Ren and Mumbo stepped back inside, allowing us in too. I was determined not to leave Scar's side, but secretly I was also determined to hold his hand again.

As we started to talk to more people, I realized that this wasn't so bad. We were taking it slow, talking to one person at a time. We came back around to Mumbo, and since he's one of my closest friends, I talked with him a while. He tried to talk to me about redstone but I didn't understand a word of it. After some time, I turned around, ready to go talk to someone else with Scar.

However, as i did, Scar wasn't there. "Scar?" I yelled. I could barely hear myself over everyone else.

I pushed through the people, looking for my green elf friend.

I knew I shouldn't have come

God, I hate New Years

Before I know it, I start hyperventilating again. My vision goes blurry, and my hearing becomes useless with all the people around. I can feel my body sink to the ground as tears fall down my face. I hear some distinct voices, like False screaming "Grian are you okay?" But I'm too busy breathing to attempt to speak. I hear Mumbo yell for Scar, or maybe it was Xisuma?

I look up, hoping to see someone that could help me. I let my eyes race around the room, looking at all the people surrounding me, and the few of them trying to help me. Then, I see the man I wanted to see. "Scar!" I happily squeak. I gather all my strength to push myself off the ground, and use my wings to make it easier to balance. I run over to Scar and immediately wrap my arms around him. "Scar.." I sob, "where were you?"

"Oh, Grian, I'm so sorry! I was just leaving really quick to give Jellie the food I brought her, remember?" He explained. I think for a second, then nod, choking back more tears. "You said you wouldn't leave my side" I whisper, only loud enough for him to hear it. "I know, Grian. Im so, so sorry! I won't leave your side again, okay?"

I nod, and he hugs me back. I don't necessarily think I'll ever be ready to let go, but I know I have to at some point.

Go ahead, Grian. Rip the bandage off.

I separate from the hug, but I'm still holding onto Scar's arm. "Is he okay?" I hear Mumbo ask. "Yeah, he will be." Scar answers.

"You want to go home, Grian?" He then asks me. I feel bad saying yes because I know how badly Scar wanted to come to this party. "No it's okay.. can we just sit outside for a few minutes?"

"Of course, G!"


The first thing I say when we get outside is, "I'm sorry, Scar."

"Huh?! For what, Grian? You did absolutely nothing wrong!" He replied. Why is he always so nice? "I overreacted! You have the right to do whatever you want and I should respect that!" I say, tears clouding my eyes again.

"Oh, Gri, no! Absolutely not! You had a panic attack! That was entirely my fault, I should've told you I was leaving. I'm the one thats sorry, Grian."

His words are painfully comforting. I know it's not my fault, but I also don't believe it was his either. I sit down on the bench in the yard, and motion for Scar to sit next to me, and he does. I rest my right hand on his left, and my head on his shoulder. "I'm lucky to have you, Scar." I mumble, "I really am."



"Do you mean that?" He asks me. "Of course I do, Scar."

He looks at his watch and whispers, "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Happy New Year"

I can hear the faint and far away cheers of the people inside. "Yea, Happy New Year." I say bitterly. I open my mouth to talk again, but Scar cuts me off by turning to face me, "I'm lucky to have you too, Grian."

Then, he kisses me. I cupped his face in my hands and close my eyes. My heart skips a beat, but this time its in the best way possible. Bloody hell, it's New Years! My first New Years kiss? And it's with Scar! I've ought to be the luckiest man alive.

We pull away, although I don't really want to, and it takes me a few seconds to open my eyes.


I turn to face him again, "I love you.. so much" I choke.

"I love you too, Grian!" He exclaims. I throw myself onto him, trapping him in a hug.

"Best New Years ever!"

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