No im not (Scarian)

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Its three am
I shouldnt be writing right now.

Also grian has wings and a pet parrot in this one, Also everyone say hi to Jellie

This contains:
Fluff, Play-arguing

Horror movie
Aint that fun :D


Well that was..

Grian and Scar just finished watching Scream. Frankly, while they were watching it, neither of them thought it was scary.

But now it was time to sleep..
And neither of them could.

Grian lay on the floor, eyes wide open, staring at the cieling, and Scar was sat on the couch, curled up in a ball.

Much to Grian's dismay, Scar turned over and saw him awake. "Whats wrong? Cant sleep? Was the movie to scaryyy?" Scar said, teasing him. "I could ask you the same question, youre not asleep either" Grian replied.

"I- erm.. I just was hungry! Yeah.. ima go get a snack from the kitchen." Scar stuttered. "Pff sureee"

Scar gets up, turning on every light on his way to the kitchen. He was in denial, however. Being scared? Pffft not Scar.


Little did Scar know, Grian was planning a prank. Like always.

He snuck up behind Scar and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him backwards.

Scar screamed.

Really fucking loud.

"What was that for!?" He yelled.
"DUDE YOU WOKE UP PROFESSOR BEAK!" Grian exclaimed. Professor beak came and rested himself on Grian's shoulder. "Pesky bird" he whispered.

"You weren't scared from the movie.. we're you?" Grian teased Scar. "Nope! You?" He teased back. "Of course not!"
Grian spread out his wings, as if to look tough. Scar just bursted out laughing, "yeah, sure, Gri"

Scar got the leftover chicken from lunch and started eating it. Grian sat next to him at the table. "So.. what do you wanna do tomorrow?" He asked his fellow hermit. "Whatever you want is fine I guess, I don't really have anything in mind" Scar replied.

Grian felt something on his back and froze. "Dude, you okay?" Scar asked him. "Mhm, y-yeah"

Whatever it was crawled up his back and was getting really close to touching his wings.
Hell no Grian thought.

"Grian, are you sure you're okay? You look like you've seen a ghost-" Scar persisted, frantically looking around the room.

It's touching my wings, it's touching my wings! Grian panicked. He was already jumpy from the movie, he doesn't need this.

Professor Beak flew closer to Grian and Scar, seeming to notice Grian's worry. Grian, in turn, lowered his wings, causing whatever it was to fall off.

Grian didn't waste a second, he got up and ran to the fridge, only to find out that is was Scar's cat, Jellie. "Jellie!!" Scar exclaimed with a happy tone. Grian let out a sigh of relief at the sight of this.

"Grian, why were you scared of Jellie?" Scar asked the shorter hermit. "I didnt know it was Jellie! For all I knew some random- thing! Was touching my wings! Besides, I thought Jellie was asleep?"
"Guess I woke her up, then"


The night proceeded normally.

If you count all the lights being on and no one sleeping, normal.
Not even the pets slept, Professor Beak knew Grian was awake so he didn't go to sleep either. Jellie was trying to steal food.

Grian just gave up at this point. He was so bored and tired and there was no point in pretending not to be scared.
"Yeah, Grian?"
"I can't sleep."
"Honestly yeah I can't either"

They sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to do. However, this time, they could see each other's faces. Scar looked genuinely bored, and not tired at all. Albeit, he was a bit annoyed at Grian's parrot friend for flying around and making noise. Grian, on the other hand, was exhausted, though you could barely tell. He also seemed a bit annoyed with Professor Beak's antics, but he was proud that his wonderful pesky bird was following in his footsteps.

"How about we watch another movie? One not as.. scary?" Scar suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that"

Grian got back up onto the couch as Scar sat up straight again. They draped the blankets over themselves and Jellie. She instantly ran out from under it and jumped onto Scar's lap, the two hermits giggling at her struggle.

Professor Beak perched himself on Grian's shoulder again and they started browsing for more movies.

They ended up watching The Lion King. (Thanks, Scar)

About 45 minutes into the movie, Grian was starting to doze off. After countless "No don't fall asleep this is the best part!"s from Scar, he finally didn't care anymore.

Scar was invested in the movie, even though he had seen it multiple times.
Grian thought if he didn't make it obvious, he could just go to sleep without being shook awake.

That.. went wrong. Grian tried to just sit straight up, to try not to bother Professor Beak, but that didn't really work. I mean, who sleeps sitting up? Any other position would be obvious that he's asleep and he doesn't want that because then Scar will yell at him for not watching the movie so that would be annoying.

Grian was too tired for this.
"Screw it" he muttered under his breath, only to himself but his blue parrot friend could probably hear it.
At this point he figured he might as-well just ignore Scar if he tries to wake him up. What else could he do?

Scar was very invested in the movie at this point. He even knew some of the lines by heart and would whisper them at the same time as the characters were saying them. He was just about to lift Jellie, who had fallen asleep, off his lap when he felt a weight on his shoulder too. His first thought was that it was Professor Beak, but he only ever perches on Grian.

Scar froze up as he realized it was Grian. "Gri? Gri, wake up! Grian?" He whisper-yelled. Grian was already asleep, and probably wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. Scar then checked the time on his communicator, "5 am!?" He blurted out. He clicked the communicator off his wrist and set it down on the table, trying not to move too much as to not wake Grian. Then, he grabbed the TV remote and turned the movie off.

He slowly sat further back on the couch, resting his head on Grian's.
He wrapped his arm around the shorter hermit, and played with his hair a bit till he fell asleep.


Ngl I wrote like half this chapter from pure experience. Guess what parts actually happened to me.

Next oneshot is gonna be a request :>

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