Race against the Clock (Scarian)

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Quick note:
I had no clue how to make this make sense in s9 but it would be a lot easier if it was s7 so it's season 7
Like always, this is an AU

Also my sister Shayla reads this now so uhhhhh
Let's see how this goes
(Shayla's pronouns are they/them but their comfortable with some feminine terms)
Also I headcanon that when you have hanahaki, being around the person you're sick for takes the disease up a few notches, aka makes it worst faster

okay lets go

Grian sits on his couch, thinking about stuff. Nothing in particular, just stuff. His friends, mostly. He called Mumbo a spoon in his head and laughed. He thought about hep, who he hated.

Then he thought about the jungle. He thought about his own mansion, then mumbo's.. uhh... thing he built? He thought about Scar's magic village.

Suddenly, Grian felt an odd pain in his throat. Pretty soon, he couldn't stop coughing. It felt like there was something lodged in the back of his throat, though he didn't know what.
Shortly after, he saw a small lilac petal fall from his mouth.
"What the-"
No.. no no no
I can't have it! I don't even like anyone!

The coughing continued as more and more petals fell. By the time the coughing ceased, and Grian had time to catch his breath, there were petals all over the floor. Grian panicked, his mind racing with questions, but one was clear that he needed to know the answer.
Who could I possibly like?
Who do I go to for HELP?

Grian thought about going to Mumbo, Iskall, X-eye-sooma, but he decided to go to Scar for help. He was a wizard, after all. He knows about this stuff. But.. he was the leader of HEP.

Grian decided, screw it. No one else would know about hanahaki, besides maybe Xisuma but he didn't feel like bothering the admin.

Grian put his elytra on his back and started flying to Scar's base.


Scar POV:
I heard something in the sky, it sounded like elytra, so I turned around to see my frie- no- enemy, Grian! Right, turf war. But as soon as he landed, he looked as if he couldn't breath..

I was worried, naturally, so I went over to him to ask what was wrong. I hesitated a bit at first, I'm not going to lie.

"Hey, G what's wrong?"
He didn't answer for a bit, but he was breathing heavily. I didn't know how to react, so I just waited for an answer.
"I- you're a wizard- right? So-" he paused multiple times to breath, so I cut him off so answer. "Yes, of course. Let's talk about this inside my base, and I'll see what's going on"
It didn't take long for me to realize..
Grian has hanahaki!?

So that's why he came to me! I would've thought that with the turf war and stuff, he wouldn't want anything to do with me. Which, albeit, makes me a bit sad.

We sat down on the couch and I gave him water, which he took a sip of and put down pretty fast. "Who is it?" I ask him, my voice unintentionally sounding sad. "That's the thing... I don't know" he answered.

I was in shock. How could he not know? Certainly he had some sort of clue? "Seriously?" He nodded, "hmm.. Pearl?" I suggested. To my surprise, he shook his head and gave me a disappointed look. "Scar, I'm gay, remember?" He told me. Oh yeah!! How could I forget? I was one of the few people he told. "Okay.. so Mumbo?" He shook his head, "Iskall?" No again. I went down the list, "bdubs, keralis, Xisuma," etc, etc. But he said no to everyone! "Maybe you're just not sure, and not even you know because you haven't been truthful with yourself." I think it's Mumbo, personally, although I didn't say that.
Wish it were me though
No Scar! Stop thinking like that!

Eventually, he left to go home. He looked a bit better when he left than when he arrived, and by that I mean healthier. He looked less pale, and actually seemed cheery again. Not very much though.

I promised I would help him, however. Despite the turf war and everything else that has made us enemies, I will make sure he gets healed.

First, I'll search through my spell books. There's gotta be something in there...

3rd pov:
It had been a couple more weeks, and Grian hadn't left his mansion in days. Scar became worried that he wouldn't find a solution and decided to talk to Grian at his base, but before leaving he found a book he hadn't read yet, and inside it, the solution to everything.

Grian POV:
I hate my life.

Okay that's a little much, but I hate this disease.

Yea that's better.

I've been unable to to get up for long amounts of time for a few days, and I haven't gotten out of bed today yet. I talked to Scar just last week, but it felt like years since then. I miss Scar, and I really hope he has a solution to this problem.

3rd POV:

At around 8 o'clock at night, Scar walked up to Grian's front door and knocked. He didn't hear anything.
He knocked again, nothing.
He knocked a third time, nothing again.

He was beginning to worry.

He walked in the mansion quietly, and went straight to where he knew Grian's bedroom was. He sighed in relief when he saw Grian laying on his bed, fidgeting with his communicator. "Oh hey Scar" Grian managed to say.
"Hey, Gri! Listen, I've got this book and there's a spell that I think could help your case here-"
He started rambling on and he was way too fast for Grian to understand everything he was saying.
After what seemed like hours to Grian, Scar stopped talking. "Okay now say all that, but slowly and without all the extra stuff" he told Scar.

Scar gave him a disappointed look, but still answered, "basically I found a few potions that might work"
"Really!? Is there an actual cure or-"
"Don't get your hopes up, G, they're a bit complicated. And if they don't work, you need to take an emotion-killing potion" Scar cut him off.
"No, I'm not going to take that potion." Grian protested. He was always scared of those things, though he didn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to not have emotion anymore, isn't that possible?
"I know, Grian but you have to if none of this works"
"Nope. I'm not doing that, I'd rather do anything else"
"Grian! Please, do you realize how lost I- some of us would be without you?"
"I'm not taking that potion, Scar"
"It's only a last resort, Grian. Please?"
Grian didn't want to make Scar sad, and those eyes..
"Ughhh fine"
"Thanks, G... so, method one is a truth potion, hopefully if we're lucky, it'll force you not to lie to yourself either"
"Hmmm okay, maybe that'll work!"

They tried out the truth potion, but the effect wore off after five minutes and they got nothing out. The potion mostly just made Grian feel sick, and he started coughing and throwing up again, only this time there were thorns.

He walked out of the bathroom, back to Scar. "Scar.."
"Yea, Grian?"
He hesitated, tears forming in his eyes, although he didn't know why he was crying. "Thorns.. already"
"Oh my goodness, Grian.." Scar fast-walked over to the short hermit and hugged him. Grian broke and started crying, but still hugged him back. "S-scar I don't want to d-die" he sobbed. "Grian it's okay, you won't! I'll help you and we can get through this, okay?"
Grian nodded, and kept crying into Scar's shoulder. His mind was racing with thoughts.
Why is it moving so fast?
I cant die.
How do I fix this?
I don't want to die.

Scar's presence calmed Grian a bit, he felt better realizing that he didnt have to do this alone.

Scar POV:

Grian walked out of the bathroom, and before I could even mention the mind-reading spell, he started talking.
"Yea, Grian?"
He looked as if he was about to cry, and I became worried. "Thorns.. already"
"Oh my goodness, Grian.." I walked over to him and hugged him. He started crying, but still hugged me back. "S-scar I don't want to d-die" he sobbed. "Grian it's okay, you won't! I'll help you and we can get through this, okay?" I feel terrible, why is he going through this?
He kept crying, and my breathing hitched. I hate seeing him sick like this. I hate seeing his bright blue eyes filled with tears, and his body almost too weak to walk.

All of a sudden, his body goes limp. "Hey? Grian?" I check his pulse, still holding him in my arms. He's alive, probably just knocked out from exhaustion.

He probably hasn't properly slept in days

Time skip to the next morning

I wake up at around 4 in the morning. I couldn't sleep well last night because I was worried about, well, Grian. This time I decided to get up and eat something, I hadn't eaten since maybe dinner two days ago, which was when I started looking for potions and spells to help Grian. It was no secret that he never did eat well, but it had never been this bad.

He got some bread and after eating some, opened the parrot cage Grian had and gave the birds some too. Then, he went to Grian's room to check on him.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. The only bird Grian doesn't make stay caged all the time, Professor Beak, (HES BACK EVERYBODY) was perched on the lamp atop the night stand. He was wide awake, which I felt was odd, but I didn't question it. I move to push Grian's dirty-blond hair out of his face, slowly so I don't wake him.

A sharp pain pierces my gut,
He's been crying again
There are tear stains on his cheeks.

I have to fight back tears myself as I stand up to walk out.

Grian POV:

I know I fell asleep, just not how or when. I wake up and it's still pitch black outside, barely any moon light shining through my windows.

My pesky bird friend is awake, so I pat him on the head and he perches on my shoulder as I sit up a bit straighter. I cant help but start crying again, I'm scared and I don't want to die but I also don't want to lose my emotions. And what if the person I'm sick for doesn't even like me anyways? That'd just make it worse!

All of a sudden, I hear something outside, which I assume is Scar. I quickly push Professor Beak off my shoulder and lay back down, trying to cover my face which has been stained with tears yet again.

Scar walks into my room and sits down. I cant see, I can only feel it. He pushes my hair out of my face and I immediately regret waking up entirely. I Can feel myself blush a bit, probably out of embarrassment, but then I hear him gasp. It was quiet, but it was a gasp. He got up and walked out of my room, and I open my eyes again.

God, I feel so guilty..
Lunch time the next day

"So, Grian, I have one more idea of how to cure you" scar started. I'm so tired and sick of all this. "Well you better hurry 'cause flowers are starting to grow all over my skin." I snap at him. I don't mean to be rude, honestly. "Wait.. already?" He asks. "Yep"
I answer, rolling up my sweater's sleeve to reveal the three lilacs starting to sprout on my arm. "Flowers have never looked uglier" I sigh.

Scar POV:
"Flowers have never looked uglier" Grian sighs. "L-lilacs?" I stammer.
"Yea, why?"
"There's only two people on this server who's favorite flowers are lilacs.. that narrows down the choices" yea, me and Mumbo. I try to hide the sadness I feel realizing that Grian is probably sick for Mumbo and not me, they already act like a married couple anyways. "Well, who?" He asks.

I might aswell just say it straight up at this point. "Grian, we need to make sure, but I think you're in love with Mumbo"

"Huh? No.. no it can't be Mumbo we're like brothers!" He exclaims, to which I answer, "guess we just have to use the mind reading spell to make sure then"

Time skip to when they use the potion or whatever because My brain is rotting

"Okay, so I'll take the potion, then I'll be able to ready your mind and hopefully, your subconscious aswell"
"And if that doesn't work?"
"You need to take the emotion-killing potion"
"This better work then."

I take the potion, it tasted disgusting, and take a deep breath. "You ready?" I ask Grian.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

And I'm in his thoughts, just like that.

The first thing I see is his worry about having hanahaki, and closely tied to it I see many thoughts about Mumbo, but not the kind I expected. He really does only see Mumbo as a friend! Wait then that means...

Grian POV:
(Yes this is the ninth pov switch)

Just as Scar starts to read my mind, I realize. Im in love with Scar! It all makes sense now! The way i always got flustered around him, which I originally thought was because we were enemies, how i always seem to notice him before anyone else, and-
Hes reading my mind right now...
Oh crap
Stop thinking
Stop thinking
Stop thinking

"G-grian?" Scar breathed.
No no no no no no

"About that.. I uh.. I didn't.. I- I just realized right now and I really didn't know yet but it makes sense now because I always got really nervous aroundyouanddidntknowwhybutyourejustreallyperfectandIloveeverythingaboutyou-"
Next thing I know, Scar's lips are against mine. He cups my face in his hands and I know my face is redder than a strawberry right now. 
And of course, I kiss back.

I don't want to, but we pull away after a bit. "Scar- I-"
"You were rambling, Grian" he said, breathlessly. "I had to shut you up somehow"
"Oh my god, Scar"
"I love you, so much, Grian"
"I love you too! Oh my god that was such an emotional rollercoaster!"
"I'm glad it's over"


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