Reunited (Scarian)

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This was requested by @realUn1team1o1

This is kind of an au because not everything is exactly like double life

This is angsty :]
But don't worry there's some fluff


[Grian POV]

Double life was.. interesting. It was quite a short season, like I had predicted as soon as I found out my soulmate was Scar. But somehow it lasted longer than almost anyone else's.

We had a good game plan in the beginning, then Scar went ahead and practically gave away our sugar cane. But luckily I had a backup plan, collect all the sand in the server. That worked for a while actually. Then, Scar and Bdubs got the enchanting table for us.
Scar lost that, too.

I was the one that ended up getting Scar and me killed, I truly was sorry. All I was trying to do was bring the wardens up to the surface so they could wreak havoc on the server. Everyone else ditched me however. I think that's how I ended up dying.

Enough sulking on the past, however, I need to do something since the last time I was on Hermitcraft, I didn't achieve a single thing.

I'm about to enter the Hermitcraft server when I hear a familiar voice call my name. The only person I was hoping wouldn't try to talk to me.


"Well hello, Grian" he scoffs. "Hi, scar" I say, nervously. I think he can tell I'm kind of on edge. "I wanted to talk about Double Life"

Great. The one thing I didn't want to talk about.

"What about it?"
"You betrayed me.. and acted like it was nothing."
"W-what do you mean?"
"Grian. You had a secret soulmate. You left me for BigB"
"It doesn't matter that much, Scar.. i was just- you're-"
"What? What, Grian? I'm what? A burden, right? That entire series I was trying to make you proud by not dying!"
"Well I was trying to protect yo-"

[3rd pov]

Grian just stood there. He didn't realize how upset Scar was about this whole thing. He honestly just wanted to be soulmates with BigB from the start and didn't think it would hurt Scar like this. Boy, was he wrong.

Scar knew the whole server would rather be paired with anyone but himself. It usually didn't bother him, but now his actual soulmate himself even made a deal with someone else so they could be secret soulmates.

"Listen, G, I tried not to say anything about it to you for the sake of your season, but now we're done filming and this sticks with us forever, y'know. Even though we don't share a health bar, we still have the red string."
"We- we do?"
"Yes, in every server. I thought you knew. Xisuma explained that to Tango not to long ago because he was confused why the double life soulmates stay when you enter Hermitcraft."

Grian was stunned. He had no clue that it was really serious like this. "But then what happens when two soulmates don't like each other? Then what?" He asked.

Scar felt a pain in his chest when Grian said that. Nothing could've hurt more at that point. Grian is talking about us. He doesn't like me back, I'm such an idiot he thought to himself. "W-well eventually the 'string' disappears. It means the universe was wrong. It happens a lot..."

"Like Pearl an-"
"No they.. they made up after."
"Oh yeah"

They sat in silence for a bit, till Scar decided to finally speak up. "I was hurt, you know. When I found out about you and BigB.."

"You- you were?"
"Of course I was.."
"Why? Why would you possibly be hurt, it was just-"
"Remember everything we went through in 3rd life, too? Add that to Double Life. I felt like i could trust you. Then you go and get rid of the horn i got so we could warn each other about mobs!"
"Why're you so upset about a horn, Scar?"
Scar could feel tears welling up in his eyes, his vision getting blurry, and his throat starting to hurt. He talked louder than he meant to when he replied to Grian's question, "Because!! I bet if BigB gave it to you, you would've cherished it! Worn it around your neck, and protected it with your life!"
"Well, Scar no-"
"And another thing, after I said I would let you kill me in 3rd life, and us earning each other's trust, you go and betray me like that?!"
Now it was Grian's turn to feel hurt.
"Grian, I wasn't afraid of everything you were afraid of, dying and crap like that. I was afraid of disappointing you. Then you turned around and pulled that stunt with the warden too! The list goes on, Grian!" Scar was yelling at this point. He was furious.
"Well, Scar, why do you even care so much anyways!?" Grian yelled.
Scar replied quickly, almost cutting him off, "because I love you, stupid!"
Scar immediately regretted that. He slapped his hands against his mouth and whispered an apology before running away. "No, wait, Scar!!"

It was hopeless. He was far away already and Grian didn't know what just happened. He decided to enter Hermitcraft, and go sit in his base for a bit to process what happened. He didn't even bother reading the messages on his communicator.

[Grian has joined the game]
[MumboJumbo] Hey grian!
[MumboJumbo] Griannn
[MumboJumbo] Grian answerrr
[MumboJumbo] that's it I'm coming over

Grian was laying in his bed, staring at the cieling, just processing everything that just happened. Mumbo walked in without knocking, which caught Grian by surprise when he saw him. "Oh err hi Mumbo" he stuttered.
"Grian, are you alright!? First you don't respond to my messages, then you leave the door unlocked, and not to mention you're all-
Oh nevermind I know what happened, Grian"
"What- what do you mean?"
"You talked to Scar, didn't you"
"Did one of you confess already orrrr?"
Grian could feel his face heat up.
"Huh!? Wh-what do you mean?" He asks Mumbo.
"Cmon Grian, both of you are so obviously crushing on each other"
"I- i don't know what your talking about"
"Mhm sure, I'll leave now since nothing else is going on. Bye, G"
"Bye Mumbo.."

[Grian POV]

I sat and thought about what Mumbo said, and I also thought about BigB and Scar.

After about five minutes I had an epiphany.

I run out of my base and try to find anyone, literally anyone, around me. "Yo, BDubs! Do you know where Scar is!?"
"Uh yeah he should be somewhere in the theme park base"

I found Scar, and waited a few minutes before going up to him, mostly to actually have the confidence to say what I was going to say.

"Hey.. uh.. Scar?" I say quietly.
"Oh, it's you." He answered. I deserve that.
"Can we talk for a second?"
"Listen about what I sa-"
"Nope, be quiet and let me talk. Okay?"

"Listen, Scar. I realize what I did was very wrong and I just realized why it all happened in the first place. I guess I wasn't really scared of loving someone, so I went to the next best person. Someone who would be a pretty great soulmate. But now I realize that I did that because I was scared.. and not of losing the series but.. of losing you."

"So.. what are you trying to say here, Grian?"

I look up, making eye contact with him. Admittedly, it took a few seconds to build up the courage to say this but..

"I'm trying to say.. I love you too, Scar"


This took forever okay

Hope you liked it!!!

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