The Accidents (scarian)

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I took wayyyy too many creative liberties with this
Also sorry this took so long to get out, I was hit by the fanfic author curse. Literally. So much shit happened to me in the past few weeks It's insane.
Requested by @kazuha_y
(Also really sorry, I made Xisuma a bad guy)
The actual romance part is pretty badly written I went for plot over ship
Tw: coma, some blood
"Look, Look It's HotGuy!!" Many shouts from a small audience that has formed downtown can be heard even hundreds of meters in the sky, for HotGuy saving the city.

This was the third Wither this week, and things were becoming suspicious. Scar shoves that thought out of his mind as he just focuses on finishing the task at hand.

Up in the clouds, Grian sits watching the scene. The past few days, he had been sneaking around on Earth as a civilian, and got to know Scar's friends, never building up the courage to actually talk to the man. Of course, Scar didn't know anyone knew about his secret identity, but it's not like Grian would ever tell anyone. Cupid has no one to tell anyways.

HotGuy saved the day as always, and it was time for Grian to get back to work. His assignment for the day was to shoot three people, and today was an easy day because he had the choice of what arrow to use.

First on his list, he had to shoot ZombieCleo, a redhead zombie with greenish skin. It had been established before that Cleo was bisexual, so he didn't have to use one of those arrows. He decided to make her fall for a man with white hair and a mask, whom he himself had never really payed attention to much.

Second was a person named Iskall, Grian was specifically directed to give them feelings for a woman named Stress, so he did just that.

Lastly was an assignment he had been putting off for a while, but if he wanted a week long break for the American holiday of "Fourth of July", he had to get it done. He was told to make Scar— yeah, that Scar— fall for a man named Mumbo. Not that Grian had anything against Mumbo, they had met before and he was a lovely person, but jealousy got the best of Grian so he ignored it.


Scar snuck back into his apartment, only to be met by his older brother, Cub. "Seriously Scar? Again? How many times have I told you not to fight the withers and just let Doc handle it?"

"I know, I know but.. the people want to see a real superhero! It gives them hope, don't you think?" Scar whines.

"You're right.. just please, please be careful, Scar. I don't want to lose you like we lost the others."

"Yeah I get it." Scar replied, not very sincerely. "Since you already know I've been out, I'm just gonna go on a walk. Bye." He turned around and walked back out of the door, not allowing Cub enough time to respond.

He found himself walking through the Shopping District aimlessly, wanting to shop but not knowing what for. He walked into Blasting Off, honestly just looking to pass some time. "One diamond for two stacks? Looks like I'm buying fireworks.." He mumbles to himself.

"I like fireworks!" A voice exclaims from behind him. Scar jumps, frightened because he didn't know someone had followed him in. He slowly caught his breath and stood straight up again. "Damn, you really scared me" He turned around, expecting to see a friend of his, maybe Mumbo or Bdubs, or maybe Cub followed him, but instead he was met with a face he was certain he'd never seen before, even though the man looked oddly familiar.

"Sorry I scared you" The man says, "I'm not great with people. You're Scar, right?"

The man steps closer, reaching out his hand for Scar to shake. "I'm Grian"

Scar takes Grian's hand, barely able to think about anything other than the latter's pink and yellow wings, the freckles that littered his face, and his blueish-grey eyes that seemed to stare directly into Scar's soul. But, meeting a god does that to a person. Especially meeting Cupid.

"Hello? You there?" Grian giggles. Scar shakes his head, he must have zoned out. "Yea sorry," he starts, "What are you doing in Hermittopia? I've never seen you before. Better yet, how do you know my name?"

"I'm just visiting, heard it was a cool place. Mumbo told me your name, by the way!" Grian exclaimed. This was the first time he had ever talked to Scar. "Cool! Well, I got nothin' to do right now so, you maybe wanna go to the cafe down the street?"
"That'd be nice, yes" Grian smiles.

They walk side by side in a comfortable silence before arriving at a small cafe. Somehow it's still open at this late hour.

Scar goes to sit down first. He stares at the table in front of him, his hearing fades out but his other senses heighten. His brain replacing the only one missing. He can't stop thinking about what Cub said. They had agreed not to talk about the accident, but Cub just had to bring it up.

He gets that Cub is just worried for him. Frankly, he'd be worried for him too. But he can handle himself, he knows he can. Cub knows he can. So does everyone else. It's just so unfair that Cub can do whatever he wants, but Scar and Bdubs have to 'stay safe' and never do anything fun.

Scar snaps out of his trance as his new friend comes back to the table and hands him his coffee, Scar notes that Grian didn't order anything.  "So, where did you come from?" Scar asks Grian innocently.
"Evo. EvolutionSMP." He starts. "But I don't live there anymore. I don't really live anywhere"

"You're homeless?!" Scar exclaims.
"I guess so. I wouldn't really say I am though, considering I'm never in the same city two days in a row" it's not exactly a lie, Grian travels a lot, but it's mostly for his job as Cupid. He never actually takes vacations.

"Well, you can crash at my and my brother's place if you want! It'd be more comfortable than sleeping outside or something, don't you think?" Scar suggests. How could Grian ever say no to that?

Scar finishes his iced coffee and they begin to walk home. They sneak through the window of Scar's bedroom, luckily not getting caught by Cub this time.

"My couch has one of those pull out bed thingies" Scar says, "you can sleep on that." He walks over to unfold it and gets the sheets and blanket ready. "Here you go! I'm going to go change and get to bed now. If you need anything, my room is all the way down the hall to the left. Goodnight!"

The second Scar leaves the room, Grian feels a surge of energy in his brain, everything goes white for a few seconds, but in no time he's back in Olympus.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xisuma's voice echoes as he yells. "Stop fraternizing with humans! You'll get too attached!"
"He's not just any human, he's a superhero! He has powers! Surely he's not 100% human. I'm just trying to investiga-"
"Lies! I order you never speak to him again, Cupid" Grian was a little shocked to hear him use his formal name.
"But, Xisuma-"
"You call me Zeus."

Grian felt tears prick at his eyes. He knows there's strict rules against talking to humans. He was crossing the line even talking to Mumbo those couple of times. But now he's in love with one? And in his house? Xisuma has a right to be angry, but it's just not fair.

Grian decides to just stay the night at Scar's, then he'll make up some random excuse and never go back to Earth. That should be fine. One night couldn't hurt, and Zeus doesn't have to know.
Scar wakes up in the morning to find Grian already out of bed, with the couch back to normal. The blonde was sitting in the kitchen, his eyes completely out of focus, but his brain hyperfixated on every little detail around him. The colors, the sounds, the smells. He never wanted to forget this place.

A voice broke him out of his daze, "did you already eat breakfast?"
"Hm? No, I don't eat." Goddamnit Grian why did you say that.
"What? What do you mean by that?"
"Sorry, I meant im not hungry" Grian says, trying to cover it up. Scar hums, confused.

"I have to get going soon, I'm uh.. meeting my sister in.. Japan! Yes, I'm meeting my sister in Japan tonight, I have.. a flight in an hour."

"Oh.. well then you better get going. You'll be late if you wait any longer."

Grian stands up and puts his shoes back on by the door. Scar walks over to open the door for him.

Scar hugs Grian, something normal for humans, especially extroverted ones like Scar, but for gods? Completely out of the ordinary. Grian savors the moment. He never wants to forget this.

"It was nice meeting you, Grian, hopefully we can hang out again someday!" Scar says.

"I seriously doubt that" Grian says, sounding disappointed.
"What do you mean by that?" Scar asks.
Grin walks out the door and starts to close it behind him. "I'm sorry, Scar."

He shuts the door, and Scar goes to open it, only to find no trace left of the avian. Suddenly his watch beeped, there was another Wither in the shopping district. He could worry about Grian later.
Grian returns to his home in Olympus, retrieving his bow and arrows, and getting ready to live life 'normally' again.

Shit. Shit shit shit.
"You defied me. You know what that means."

Grian holds back what he really wants to say— scream— and instead says "it's okay now, though."

"It will never be okay. Immortals do not interact with mortals." Xisuma says.

"You didn't get this upset when I spoke to Mumbo" he snaps.

"That's because Mumbo's a demigod. You know this, Cupid."
"Grian. It's Grian."

There was a few seconds of silence before Xisuma makes up his mind.

"Yea, you better get used to that being your only name." He says.

"What.. what do you mean?" Grian shivers.

"I have to make you a mortal."

Grian thinks. He'll die one day. That's something he's always been scared of. But then he'd be able to talk to humans. Talk to Scar.

"As long as Scar's safe, I'll... I'll deal with the consequences" he says.

"That's already arranged. Goodbye, Cupid."
Grian appears again in the shopping district. Back in Blasting Off. He goes to find Scar, to tell him he's back, and maybe come up with a weird excuse as to why he's not on a plane right now.

He walks to the center of the district only to find ruins. A Wither skull is on the ground, and about four buildings are destroyed.

Grian continues through the ruin, trying not to trip on the rocks and sticks littering the ground. He finds a man with jet black hair and a lab coat leaning over something on the ground.  As Grian walks closer, he realizes it's not a something, it's a someone.

And that someone is Scar.

"Zeus you fucking liar" Grian seethes.

Cub whips his head around. "Oh sorry," he wipes the tears off his face, "I didn't realize someone else was here. Are you hurt? Did the Withers injure you in any way?"

"No, they didn't. I'm fine. But are you?" Grian does his best to ignore Scar's body on the ground, keeping a hope inside of him that maybe he's just concussed or knocked out. "I'm okay. Not injured."

"Good" Grian states. He walks closer to Scar and kneels down, his pants immediately soaking up the blood around him. He puts two fingers on Scar's neck. "He has a pulse... he has a pulse! It's soft but it's there, quick call paramedics!" He shouts to Cub. Cub's eyes go wide as he opens his communicator.

Paramedics arrived only a few minutes later, and Scar was found to be in a coma.
Grian and Cub didn't leave Scar's room for weeks. Every moment they were allowed to be there, they were.

Eventually, people got worried about Cub, and they dragged him out and made him live a normal life, even if it ate away at him at first. But Grian had no one else on Earth that would care about him as much as they cared about Cub.
So Grian waited.
And waited.



Until one day he snapped.
Exactly 879 days after Scar had gone into a coma, Cub came back and visited his brother, finding Grian there too.

"Hey, Grian"
"You okay?"

There was an awkward silence. The same awkward silence they sat in for the first 192 days before Cub left. However this time, Grian decided to break it. And what better to say than the truth.

"I loved him. I really did. I was just not allowed to. You see, Cub, I'm not really who I say I am. And I'm truly sorry for that. I just cared about Scar so much, even before I met him face to face.

"It's been years now and I still have hope. For some reason. I guess I'm just delusional at this point"

"Grian, even though I have no clue what you're talking about, I think I'd like to offer you a deal. I have another super suit. Since Scar is.. well.. out of commission.. I'm taking over his role as HotGuy, which leaves a spot open for a CuteGuy. Would you want to take that spot? It'd certainly get you out of this hospital room"

Grian is stunned. But he accepts, nonetheless.
In his mind, no one could ever replace Scar, he's an iconic superhero, but he thinks maybe once Scar wakes up, he'll be able to fight alongside him. And that's the best thing that could ever happen to him.

The next day, both Cub and Grian come back to the hospital and the nurses rush to their sides. "He's awake! He woke up about 10 minutes ago!"

Cub and Grian stare at each other in shock for a few seconds before the information kicks in and they run into Scar's room.
"Scar!" Grian exclaims. "You're awake! Finally you're awake!"
Cub runs to the side of Scar's bed, "you alright?"
"Yeah, I think I'm alright." Scar mumbles.
Grian walks over to him, his emotions all scattered around in his brain like a hurricane just passed through. He grabbed Scar's hand in his and nearly started crying of happiness, which caused Cub to do the same.
"He's back"

Four years later

"HotGuy! Go around the back, there's a weak spot" Grian shouts.
"You got it, Cupid!" Scar shouts back.

"Guys, I'm in a bit of trouble, think you could send some help?" Cub asks over the Walkie-Talkie.
"Yeah, Cupid, go help CuteGuy, I think I got this" scar exclaims.
"You got it, HotGuy!"

"Hey, Cub you alright?" Grian asks.
"Yeah, I think so. Truth is, I didn't even need help."
"What? Then why did you call for it?"
Cub takes off his mask, "because, I've got something to tell you"
"Well don't keep me waiting, what is it?"
"Okay, so about a year after Scar woke up, he told me that he liked you, like— like liked you—"
"And you're telling me now?!"
"Shut up, so basically he's going to try to ask you out, but as we both know, he's hopeless when it comes to stuff like that"
"Yeah, that's Scar"
"So just know that if he's trying to tell you something and can't say it, that's what it is, and you should probably take the reins."

So, they get home a few hours later and Cub says he has to meet a friend, leaving Scar and Grian alone outside their apartment. Instead of going inside and watching a movie, or reading a book like they always do, Scar stops at the door. "Grian?"
"Yes, Scar?"
"The Olympus story is true, right?"
"100 percent of it"
"Whats wrong?"
"No, nothings wrong. It's just. I don't know"
"It's okay Scar, you can tell me"
Scar's face turns a bright red, the same red Grian would've turned about 7 years before, had he not gotten used to being around Scar so much.

"Grian.. I.." Scar starts.
"You?" Grian jokes.

"Shut up" Scar laughs, "I like you. No, actually. I love you. I know it's kind of weird, because you've known me for way longer than I even knew you were real, but um.. I always feel very warm when I'm around you? Even from the day you scared my in Hermittopia, although that might've just been the fact that you were a literal god.. heh"

"Awww, you did better than I thought you would" Grian smiles fondly. "I love you too Scar"

"Really? You do? Wait... what did you say?"
"I said I love you"
"No, before that"
"I went 'awwww'"
"No, no it was- y'know what nevermind"
Grian laughs and pulls Scar into a hug. He wouldn't have it any other way.


"Do you think it was a good idea to save Scar, Zeus? If we need our real Cupid back, we can't risk another person knowi-"
"Don't worry so much, Keralis. I made a mistake all those years ago. Gods should be allowed to speak with humans. I'm proud of Grian."

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