Walk Before You Run

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     Ash lay, feeling the fleshy tissue around his wound in his side. He flinched, but the pain was bearable. It wasn't much compared to before. The same went for his foot. He almost wanted to try to get up and walk right now, but he knew that wouldn't end well. "Here ash" Serena said. He hadn't even realized that she had gotten up, but now she was in front of him, handing him something. At first, he didn't recognize the object, but then he though back to what he was just thinking about. Walking... It was a crutch.

     "Wow, thank you so much" he said and began to stand up with it. He winced at even the slight pain of the small weight that was still on his leg. Serena bent in, helping support him up. Then ash was back on his feet. "You should take a walk" Serena began "you haven't been up and about in a while" He nodded in agreement. As he took his first steps he felt a pain in his previous injury spot. Right on his side. He tried not to show it.

     Then something unexpected happened. He reached out, grabbing her hand. They began to walk through the forest. Suddenly, at her touch, all of the pain flew from ash. He wanted to run, to break free from his human limitations. Ash had never done drugs, but this was probably the closest to a high he could get. But still, he didn't know why this happened. He was confused. What was happening. He just continued to walk with her into the forest. "I l..." Serena began.

     But then the peace was shattered. "Rhh" a grunt came from their right. Then they both saw it. A
bouffalant came charging at them. It was headed to ash. He was about to jump to the side, but as he planted his foot to do the dive, but suddenly the pain came flooding back. "No!" Serena said jumping into its path. It was surprised by this sudden aggressive movement. It never really wanted to fight, but to just scare these two away.

     It threw its head to the side, but then it realized it couldn't be scared by this. It scooped its hooves on the ground grunting again. "Get out of here ash" Serena said as he began to stand up resisting the tremendous pain in his leg. The pokemon charged again, knocking Serena against a tree. Now it was ash's turn. The animal, now enraged continued its death charge at the helpless girl. Ash reached out with his crutch, forcing him to balance on one foot, and consequentially fall down. He pushed the pokemon to the side, changing its course. It flew to Serena's side, slamming into a huge tree.

     'Whoof' the force of the impact knocked it out cold. "Are you ok" ash asked. This time, Serena was the one hurt. The beasts horn had hit her side, searing a slice in her stomach. Now, it was ash's time to play hero.

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