New Surprises

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Kouh academy have the new inclusion of two new teachers a few students were staring at them which made Dave feel a bit uncomfortable while Old Man Jenkins didn't care. As the two are walking towards their respective classes that are to teach, Dirty Dave decided to start a conversation with Jenkins.

"I knew that this school was an all girls school, but heck it still looks like it even with a few boys here" Dirty Dave says as he looks around.

"Ahh kids these days and they're all private school. Back in my day we didn't have any fancy schools just a normal public school! Freaking bathsalts the whole lot of them" Jenkins says causing Dave to sweatdrop from his comment.

"Always with the bathsalts..." Dave says shaking his head.

"Your a bathsalt as well!"

"Yep wonder how the guys are doing right now......"

Back to Troy
Troy yawned a bit as he was walking to school with his backpack slugged & slumped down a bit as he tiredly eating a pop tart he had for a quick snack

"Man what a looonnngggg Movie Night" He said chuckling a bit "at least I spend my slacking weekend enjoying some rerun movies of course!!!"

Troy said as he was walking to class unknown of what was going to happen soon of course.

The teacher soon begins to speak up silencing the class as they await what the teacher has to say.

"Alright class I know this is sudden but I have a few transfer students to introduce."

This comment quickly sparked several whispers and mumbling amongst many classmates that know each other all while Troy didn't really care as he was refueling his energy from Movie night.

"I wonder if it's a cute boy?" A female classmate asks.

"Ooh do you think he'll be as handsome looking as Kiba?!" The other female classmates asks back.

"Mannn no more lucky guys can we get another good looking girl?" A guy asks causing a few to nod at his statement.

"I know right I'm in desperate need of another hottie" Another male classmate says causing some guys to look at the door hoping to get lucky.

"Alright alright settle down. They're new and I mean not from Japan so be sure to treat them kindly" The teacher says making most of the students nod.

"Alright you can come in now" The teacher yells loud enough for the students behind the door to hear.

Before now they were 6 faces 5 males & 1 girl before it catches Troys attention to see that it's his Pals!!!!!

"Guys!!??" Said Troy outloud as his eyes deceive him & see Apophis in human form as well.

Most of the guys are barely wearing their uniforms as Spike, Sam n Eric have ripped version of their uniforms, All with punk/metal studs of course. Cooper with his hoodie as usual & beanie while Gene were the same thing & finally Apophis wearing the girls uniform with stockings up her legs of course.

Spike pulled out his phone and picked a guitar solo song and once it started playing he did a air guitar moment while Sam n Eric were bobbing they're heads to the music while having they're hands up with rock signs and as they looked up simply grinned at Troy.

"Yo Troy it's been a while buddy!" Spike says while giving a little salute.

"Hell yeah! Dude we were wondering where you went?" Sam starts.

"Only to find ya out here in Japan!" Eric finishes.

"Hey man it's been a while" Gene says while waving.

"Sup Troy hope you haven't been screwing up to much without me" Cooper says and cool tone.

"Hello nice to meet you all my name is Apophis, and it's nice to see you Troy" She says calmly.

Troy was totally shock before smiling a bit as the class whispered

"That's something......." A few of the guys silently were at least happy that they had a hottie in their class yet at the same time they had a unyielding hatred towards Troy since him and Apophis knew each other.

"Lucky bastard......" muttered some

"How do a Gaijin like him talk to a hottie like her he's out of his league!!!"

Troy ignores them as he's now happy that his friends are here.

"*ahem!!* you may now take your seat if you guys will" Said the teacher a bit annnoyed at the antics of the transfer students.

"Yes sir..." The guys said except Apophis who picked a seat that she found suitable while the others did the same. After that class began with the transfer students taking their seats.

'Maann this was surprising I didn't think the guys would surprise me like this! Even Apophis is here too, she must have asked Rias to join the class' Troy thought as he noticed his buddies giving him a happy grin.

"Heh well at least school life won't be so boring now..." Troy silently said to himself.

"Life is boring without our lovable guy, Buddy Pal" Said Spike before Gene whispered out

"Old Man Jenkins & Dirty Dave are here as well"

"Seriously?! Wait I can take a guess with what Dave is going to teach, but what about old man Jenkins? What does he teach?" Troy asks as he whispers.

"Ummmm History & occasionally calling people Bathsalts" said Gene while cooper was ogling at some girls a bit

"Of course..." Troy says as he sweatdrops.

"I know right? You can only imagine what the students of his class must be going through right now.." Spike says as he shivers from the thought of Old Man Jenkins teaching.

"Heheheheh.." Cooper says as he ogles the girls in the classroom.

"Nice to see Cooper is the same as always.." Troy says.

"Yyyeeep.." Sam n Eric say simultaneously at the same time.

"You know these guys?" Ask Apophis

"Yeah they're my buddies that I've known for a while" Troy whispers back.

"Yo I'm Spike nice to meet ya" He whispers.

"Gene it's a pleasure" He greets.

"Sam N Eric!!!" They Both Said in unison

"And my name is Cooper I thank you for taking care of my friend here he can be a hassle at times" Cooper says.

With some flirting in his voice while she mentally rolled her eyes of course before they continue the lesson

After a few lessons now was the time for lunch Troy's favorite moment to relax and not have to worry about class.

"Ahhh let's chow down as I king of the large pants will devour the food presented to me!" He Said dramatically which confused Apophis a bit

"King of the large pants?"

"He basically likes to eat a lot" Spike says clearing any confusion.

"Ahhh I makes sense" Apophis says as she's witnessing Troy's eating mode.

"But enough about him. How did a beauty such as yourself and Troy even know each other?" Cooper asks.

She blush a bit before shaking her head a bit before narrowing her eyes at Cooper

"Well to answer that Troy...saved me.." She said with the last part a bit lower.

"What was that beautiful?~" Ask Cooper with his douchebagged persona once again .

"I said he saved me from a group of-"

"Thugs!" Troy yelled out as he looked Apophis.

It took her a few seconds until she realized what he was doing which made her rethink what she was about to say.

"Thugs?" Spike asks concerned.

"Y-yes! Exactly he saved me from very rude ruffians so I feel I'm grateful towards him" She says.

"Wow didn't think my pal would do something as that before which is quite a cliche of comic books like Tantrula Man" Said Gene

"Heh nice to see your Hero work is going well man" Spike says chuckling.

"You all know about his powers?" Apophis asks confused.

"Oh heck yeah! When he first showed us we were pretty surprised." Sam says.

"But we didn't mind he isstill our buddy that we knew back home" Eric finishes.

"Now than let's get the food!" He Said as he was first in line & pile as much food as possible on his plate with ease of course towering with more plates of food while Gene whispered

"Troy won a ton of trophy's, medals for being the most eater back home" said the comic book nerd

"Oh my I didn't think they would hand trophies for things like that" Apophis says surprised.

"He bested a ton of top eaters in a row even eat what's left the opponent was unable to finish" Cooper say as Troy finished & got a mountain of food from his plates of course

"Rright.." 'With someone like him I highly doubt anyone can compare to Troy' Apophis  says to herself.

"Come on guys there's food left for you guys don't wait or they'll be in me tummy~" he said patting his stomach with a smile

"Heh dude we don't have huge stomach like you do" Spike says laughing a bit.

Okay!" he chuckled before he began eating the huge portions of food while many onlookers looked at him as they was kinda use to him eating large quantities & Apophis see it all in front of her while his buds chuckled a bit

After Troy and the others had finished their lunch they were enjoying the little time they had left as they were walking around with Troy showing  the others around, that is until  they ran into Issei and Kiba.

"Hello there Troy" Kiba greets.

"Yo" Issei responses as well.

"You know these two Troy?" Spike asks.

"Yep made a couple of friends here" he said mentioning to the duo

"Wait you ain't going to." Sam

"Replace us??!!" Finished Eric

"Wha? No you guys are my best friends there's no way I can replace you" Troy answers.

"Sorry" Sam n Eric said before Kiba Soon point out

"They are twins right?"

"You know it!" Sam and Eric say in sync.

"Does that answer your question?" Gene says chuckling a bit.

"Indeed" Kiba nods

Cooper was looking at some girls mostly the backsides of course wanting to see the girls panties by lowering his head abit at trespassing students

Kiba notices Cooper staring at the girls which causes him to sweatdrop and chuckle at the same time making Troy and the others look at Kiba confused.

"I see you have a Issei in your group" Kiba says as he points at Cooper.


Kiba then turns to look at Apophis and gives her a nod as she does the same as well. Only for Troy to speak up.

"Well we should get going to our class...ugghhh I'm not ready.." Troy says groaning.

"Heh don't worry buddy just a few more hours then freedom" Spike says.

"Yep after all I got some slacking of course & meet a cool nun girl" he said with a smile.

Cooper immediately looks at Troy and grabs his shoulders attempting to shake him but can't.

"What?! You met a nun and you didn't tell me?!?" Cooper says feeling betrayed by Troy.

"Eh I was enjoying movie time with Apophis after I met her & was too lazy to even go get my phone" he said.

As soon as Troy said that Cooper died a bit on the inside which made Spike and the others chuckle on how ridiculous Cooper was acting.

"I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Is that bad I had movie time with her?" Troy asks confused. Which Cooper simply think he's doing 'Netflix in Chill'.

"You have Movie Time with her?!" Scream issei completely jealous.

"Yyyeeaahh? What about it? Just watching some awesome movies..*Sniffs* Such a good movie" Troy says as he wipes a tear from his eye.

"He's not talking about that!"Cooper says joining Issei.

"We're talking about if you and Apophis got to-"


"Oww!!" Issei and Cooper say at the same time.

"What the hell kinda of girl do you two think I am!?" Apophis yells out of embarrassment.

"A hottie~" said Cooper as he rubbed the spot where Apophis hit him still have his perverted persona.

"Uggh honestly I hope not every guy here is like you two" She says as she rolls her eyes.

The other only chuckle at her words with Troy also sweatdrops as he was kinda of the first one to experience the chaos that can happen with the guys here at Kuoh Academy. Heck he kinda feels bad for people like Kiba who must have a lot of hate with the guys.

"Anyway enough chitchat let's head to new class" Said Spike

And after that the group went to go finish the rest of their classes with Troy being a bit bored with most of them.

Luckily with him having his comic books to quench his boredom of course smuggling it one way or another

As Troy was entertaining himself with comics the others were doing the same with Sam and Eric rocking out to music silently, Spike doing the same while playing the air guitar, Gene multi tasking with reading a comic book while paying attention and taking notes, and Cooper was just staring and coming up with one liners for the girls, all while Apophis is focusing on class though taking glances at the others every now and then.

After a while of it the teacher get Troys attention

"Troy can you please read what's on the board pleas?

"O-oh ummm.." Troy looks to the others to get help.

Gene was whispering the answers to Troy in clear words.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh Blah Blah Blah?" Said Troy who is unable to hear Gene  at all causing an uproar.

As the class erupted in a nonstop laughter as they wondered how Troy could come up with an answer like that, even the teacher was shaking his head in disappointment only for him to quiet the class down.

"Alright, alright that's enough. Troy I see your off in your own little world?" The teacher said looking at him.

"Well i kinda hear is Blah Blah Blah even my pals here admits of hearing you of course" he said chuckling

This caused some like Spike and the others to snicker a bit thanks to Troy's honest comment all while the teacher had gotten annoyed.

"So are we a comedian now Mr.Troy?" The teacher asked sarcastically.

"Well I wish I could be one.....but hey I'm too lazy to even get a job as one" he said with shoulders shrugged.

The class then started laughing again at his comment with the teacher now sighing and pinching the bridge of nose.

He shrugged his shoulder of course before the teacher spoke again

"You know what forget it let's simply continue to lesson of course Mr. Troy" said the teacher

Troy just gave a thumbs up and said.

And after he said that the class resumed and went on like nothing happened a few seconds ago with Troy trying to stay focused so he wouldn't get called out again.

Cooper and the other sigh in relief of not being called out of course as they are never bored with Troy around them of course.

"Nice job comedian" Cooper said chuckling a bit

"Hey it's not my fault that class was dragging more than it should!" Troy says in defense.

"Heh well at least you got your stash to help you survive" Spike says chuckling a little.

"Heck yeah" Troy's reply's smiling like a goof.

Apophis giggled a bit at how funny Troy is acting of course and soon they go to their final class and that class is something they have to deal with.

Once the group was about to enter they immediately heard yelling inside the classroom which makes them enter to see what's going on only to see Issei getting leactured by old Man Jenkins himself.

"You kids and your pervy acts! Back in my day if we liked a girl we try and take a chance ya freaking bathsalts!" old man Jenkins yells.

"Yo old man Jenkins I see your already torturing your students" Cooper says.

This caused old man Jenkins to turn around and see the group standing at the door with Troy now being what old man Jenkins focuses on.

"Well well well nice to see you again ya bathsalt" Jenkins says greeting Troy.

"Heh heh nice to see you too old man Jenkins.." Troy says as he sweatdrops from old man Jenkins bathsalt comment.

"Wait you know this guy?" Ask Issei

Troy starts scratching the back of his head while laughing a bit.

"Yeah he lives near our neighborhood so we run into him from time to time" He explains.

"Okay so what about the bathsalt thing?" Issei asks.

Everyone shrugs their shoulders at the same time.

"We honestly don't know where it comes from. That's just what he calls everyone" Gene says.

"Okay enough chat we are here to teach you History you Freaking Bathsalts!!!!" He Said outloud

"Yes sir.." Troy and everyone said at the same time knowing that there's going to be a lot of bathsalts thrown into almost every sentence.

So class starts and before them as Jenkins began talking about the History of America and every time it's an opposing side always say Bathsalts of course nonstop

With Troy and everyone else groaning in their heads at times every time he says it.

"I can hear all your thoughts Bathsalts I have telepathy!!" He Said

"Oh really?" Ask Troy with a raised eyebrow at him of course completely not believing it at all

"Yeah! That bathsalt is thinking about girls right now!" Jenkins says while pointing at Cooper.

"Wha-No! No of course not I'm paying attention!" Cooper says defending himself.

"Well show us your magazines Bathsalt!!!" He Said with a stern look on his face

"Ugh!!" Cooper responds.

"Come on Bathsalts show them to the class I don't got all day Bathsalt!!"

Cooper then reluctantly pulled out the magazine and then everyone started commenting towards Cooper with him being a pervert in sheeps clothing with Issei yelling at Cooper.

"Dude!!! Do you have a copy!?" He asks causing Troy and the others to facepalm pretty hard.

"Yeah a Play Maganize I got more in stash with mines of course!!!" Yelled Cooper

This prompted a double facepalm with Troy and the other's along with the rest of the class as Cooper just sold himself out saying he has more.

"Well you Bathsalts see how much of a perverted Bathsalt he is along with the other Pervy Bathsalt Ici or whatever his name is!!!"

"It's Issei!!" Yelled try to correct the teacher.

"Whatever your name is your still a pervy Bathsalt!!!"

He just hangs his head as he knew there was no point trying to argue with a teacher like Jenkins.

"Now may we continue class now?" Jenkins asks looking at the class then Troy and the others.

"Yes teacher" Everyone says.

"Good. Now back to where I left off on the History of America" Jenkins starts.

"Oh yeah Bathsalts try to invade America!!!"

They all sigh as they brace themselves for the Bathsalt ordeal

After class they got out as Troy sigh a bit

"Good god I never thought I would hear someone say bathsalts so many times!" Gene says in frustration with the others nodding.

"I know right?! It almost like he's programmed to say it every time!" Sam says.

"Exactly bro that's what I was thinking!" Eric says agreeing with his twin brother.

"I honestly don't want to hear the word bathsalt again..." Troy says trying to recover.

"What's worse is that we have him for the rest of school year.." Spike says making everyone realize what he just said.

"Uuuugggghhhh!!!!!" The group groans in agony.

"But thank god it was over I really don't want to hear it at all!"

"True" Troy says with everyone else agreeing.

"Rias Senpai would like to meet you and Apophis Senpai at the clubhouse....." Said Koneko behind Troy

"Gah!!" Apophis says hiding behind Troy.

The other jumped as well with Troy only chuckling a bit making Apophis punching his arm.

"That's not funny!!...Oww.." She's says shaking off the pain.

"Wait Rias Senpai? Who's that?" Cooper asks curiously as he willing to meet another hot chick.

"Just...someone I know. Anyway tell her we'll be there soon Koneko" Troy says.

She nods before the little girl to go to the opposite direction of course

"She a friend of yours Troy?"Gene asks.

"Yeah, something like that" Troy says.

"What else your hiding from us mostly me!!!" Said Cooper who wanted to know "are you hiding another hottie that you hide from us?" Ask Cooper as Apophis muttered pervert

"Dude what are you talking about? There's tons of girls here you know?" Troy tells Cooper.

"Don't lie to me! Come on hook a brother up!!" Cooper says trying to shake Troy but fails.

With Apophis just looking at Cooper in disgust with her really muttering to herself pervert.

"Look man it's secret and it's best I should be going bro.." he said while walking back before looking at Apophis "your coming?"

"Oh! Uh right coming!" She says as she begins following Troy.

Leaving his pals there as Cooper refuse to take that answer and prepare to follow them

That is until Sam and Eric grabbed both arms with Gene asking the question towards Cooper.

"What are you trying to do Cooper?" Gene asks concerned.

"What does it look like I'm going to follow him duh" Cooper replies.

"Dude he may have joined a club before we even came here" Spike says.

"But aren't any of you curious what club it is?! What if it involves girls!?!" He says trying to struggle free.

"Seriously dude?" Sam and Eric says at the same time.

"Yes chicks are everything to me!!, in maganize, games, cosplays even Shows!!!" Said Cooper

Everyone just shook their heads at Coopers response which gave Cooper the opportunity to break free from Sam and Eric's grip and proceeded running where Troy and Apophis went. The guys chase after him of course

(Back to Troy)
"Man........." He Said muttering of Cooper stubborn personality despite being a good pal he's quite a handful

Apophis looked at him and wondered what was so she asked.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"It's's just Cooper he's a cool just a bit of a handful at times heh.. "Troy says.

"I see..'Tell me about it that perv couldn't stop staring at what ever girl passed by' Apophis thought to herself.

It was a long while till they made it to the old abandoned building in a huge foliage.

Well this is it. You ready? Troy asks

"W-well I-it's not like I can back down so yeah let's get this over with.." Apophis says a little nervous.

Troy nods before he opened the door before the knob crunched as a result of his strength once again as he opened the door and let go to see the knob welded and bent

Apophis just looks at him and shakes her head.

"That strength of yours I swear.." Apophis says sighing.

"It's not like I do it on purpose" Troy says scratching his head.

"Seems like they are here" Said Kiba walked to opens the door for him to see the knob bent which meant Troy try to open it of course.

"Anyway Rias is here to see both of you come in..."

"Thanks dude@ Troy said as he patted Kiba's shoulder.

Which in response Kiba winced a little due to Troy's strength, but tries to shake it off and follows Troy and Apophis.

Once the three of them walked through the door Kiba announced to Rias that they're here, with Rias thanking Kiba.

"So Koneko told me that you want to see us?" Troy asked.

"Yes seems like your doing a lot of progress with Apophis of course seems your right of course...."

"Heh well she's cool to hang out with" Troy says as he chuckles a bit.

"That's good to hear. Now on to more matters for me to discuss" Rias says a bit seriously.

"Okay..? What is it?" Troy asks curious what Rias wanted to discuss.

"Issei has informed me that you two met a Nun. Is that correct?" Rias asks.

"Oh your talking about Asia! Yeah she's pretty cool for a nun" Troy says scratching the back of his head.

Issei couldn't help but mutter at how lucky Troy is of talking to a Nun more better than him

"Yes which begs the question are you associated with the church?" Rias asks curiously.

"What do you mean? Are you asking if I go to church or something?" Troy asks confused.

"No it's very important and best to stay away from her" Rias say seriously

"Why???" Troy asks even more confused.

Because she's associated with the church which in turn makes her an enemy to us devils. She says.

"But not to me" He said in defense

"Are you aligning yourself to the church and fallen angels?" Rias asks suspiciously.

"I never said that. I just said since I'm not with any group I can hang out with her right?" Troy says.

*Sighs* "I suppose you aren't wrong there" Rias admits.

"Anything else going on?" Ask Troy with a raised eyebrow.

Well Issei did manage to his sacred gear out. Rias says happily.

"Yeah check it out!" Issei says as he summons his gauntlet.

A bright glow of sort evolved around the room and the light died down to reveal Issei sacred gear which indeed takes the appearance of a red gauntlet with a green jewel and 2 golden spikes that manifests on Isseis arm.

Silence wrapped around Troy before go fanboy once again

"That is AWESOME!!!!"

"I know right?! So badass!" Issei says showing off.

"Does everything excited your fanboy craze that much Troy senpai?" Koneko asks.

"Of course I mean look at my backpack!!!" He Said as he takes off his backpack to reveal more than a bunch of comic books littered everywear and his cape.

With others now examining the contents that were in his backpack and some of them sweatdroping from what they saw with Kiba being the first to comment.

"I see you really love comics" Kiba says as he chuckles nervously at how much Troy has.

"And you always bring your cape with you?" Koneko questions.

"Yep!" Troy says.

"What purpose is the cape of course?" Ask Kiba wondering what's the purpose of it as he picks it up.

"To symbolize that I'm a hero!" Troy says proudly.

"Well there's more too did you get your powers?" Rias ask with a sweatdrop

"Ooohhh right.." Troy says realizing what they meant.

But before he could tell about it a certain crash interrupted it

Wha?! What are you guys doing here? Troy says baffled.

"Sorry man Cooper was chasing after you and we tried to stop him" Spike says scratching the back of his head.

With Cooper just giving off a cocky smile while the others only sweatdroped at how he was trying to play it off.

"Ladies.~" Cooper says.

"Perv.." Apophis and Koneko say at the same time.

"Again with your Pervy antics ya Freaking Bathsalt!!" Said the voice of Jenkins behind the group

"Wait how did you find this place?" Ask Troy a bit confused on how Jenkins came to the picture

"We honestly don't know with Jenkins he just...surprised us" Gene tried to explain to the best of his ability.

"I'm full of surprises ya Freaking Bathsalts"

"So ughh Troy can you explain what's going on here?" Ask Gene kindly ignoring the old man a bit

"Troy here agreed to help out our club from time to time if we required it" Rias says as she stands up from her chair.

"No like I heard about devils and supernatural of sorts" Spike Said

"That's what I heard" Said Cooper

"Well this is an occult club so we do discuss and handle those types of things" Rias continues explaining.

"Well you said US devil you don't need to hide anything and besides I know Troys freakish strength there's no point of hiding it at all" Said Cooper.

Rias and the others were now contemplating on what to do, that is until Troy spoke up.

"I suppose it's fine now Rias, they can be trusted" Troy says honestly.

"Wait you want normal guys and old man  exposed to the something so big?" Ask Koneko with a raised eyebrow

"It's all fake what your kids seeing things today Freaking Bathsalts!!"

"Yeah they handled discovering my powers so I think they're fine" Troy says smiling.

"What about the old man?" Issei asks.

"Ehhh....I'm sure it will be fine....maybe.." Troy says doubting a little.

"Show some respect ya Freaking Bathsalt!!!"

"Does he say that a lot?" Koneko asks hoping he doesn't.

"Sadly he does..But! You'll get use to it...eventually" Troy says.

"Yeah like these knucklehead ya little Bathsalt"

"Already I'm getting annoyed.." Koneko says while sighing and having her eye twitch a bit.

"Yeah I been Called Bathsalts a million times so you'll get use to it like I said before" Said Troy

"If you say so senpai......." Koneko says while having her hands up while shaking her head.

"Sooo about that she hot?~" Ask Cooper before before slapped by a force that cause him to fall down a bit

"Oops my bad..." Koneko says while looking away.

"Dude seriously?" Gene asks not all that surprised by Cooper's question.

"Worth asking..." Cooper say while coughing a bit.

"Well than well than it's getting late I'm gonna watch some TV...." yawned Troy a bit as he is really tired of course

"Same here hopefully we can get through this week I actually want to watch more of your movies Troy" Apophis says ready to follow Troy.

"Sure thing" Troy said "anywhay see you pals later of course....good to see my pals of course"

"See ya tomorrow my dude" Spike says as he waves goodbye.

"We'll make sure to find some good songs for ya Troy!" Sam yells.

"You count on it too!" Eric adds.

"I'll be sure to look for any comics that might interest ya Troy" Gene says.

"Better stay awake in my classes ya bathsalt!" Old man Jenkins yells at Troy.

"How come you get so lucky man!!?!" Cooper yells in despair.

Troy shrugs of course leaving the groupof course before Cooper looked at Akeno a bit changing his despairing motion before try to flirt.

"So ummm come here often?" He Said breaking the ice of course and It won't be good........eventually

(End Chapter)
Another chapter completed anyway see ya later ya

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That what Jenkins look like.

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