Slacking Sundays/meet the nun

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The light shined of course letting the rays hit the 'Hero's' house of course waking up Apophis who groan before yawning a bit before looking around to see she's still at the human house before she heard stuff coming from the living room which was Troy playing video games of course.

"You're up early.." she Yawns a bit Yawns "so what time did you sleep?" She ask as she rubs her eyes to get the tiredness in her eyes

As Troy was staring at the screen he was chuckling loud enough for Apophis to hear causing her to become a bit confused on why he was laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?" She asks with a raised eyebrow

"Who ever said I slept?" Troy says.

At this point Apophis is looking at him while giving the look of 'did you seriously stay up and just play video games all night ' look

"You didn't seriously stay up did you?" She asked not really believing he stay up all night for games.

"Mayyybbe" Troy says still focused on the game.

Before Troy snap another Energy Drink before chugging it down once more and crush the can and toss it on the pile of empty cans.

Apophis only sweatdrops as she now sees the pile that Troy made causing her to be a bit concerned for his health.

"You do know those things are bad for your health right?" She tells him real facts about the energizing liquid.

"Hey if it helps me stay productive and not drag my feet then it's worth it" He says."

"I don't think it's worth having chemicals that help you stay up longer in your body damaging them further" She retorts as she starts throwing the cans in the trash can.

"Ehh details, details" Troy says while waving his hand trying to pass it off as nothing.

Apophis sweatdrop once more at his carelessness of his own health it doesn't bother him at all

"Anyway how are you? Were you able to sleep well?" Troy asks.

"Oh! I slept fine thanks for asking" She said finally well rested

"No problem" He says back.

"Sooo..Have any plans for today?" She ask Troy finally finished putting the cans in the trash.

"Yep the perfect schedule relaxing, more relaxing, and video games and comics" Troy says.

He happily said "and Movies I promised we could watch" Troy said

"I see well as long as you remember the promise" She says smiling.

"Well since it's still early and we got a lot of movies to watch we might as well start now" Troy says as he saves his game.

"True considering the collection you have" She says pointing to the stack of movies Troy has.

Once Troy saved his game he got up to get the necessary items to enjoy several good movies popcorn, soda the usual stuff but once Troy looked in the fridge and the cabinets he was out of food which made him groan a bit.

"What's wrong?" Apophis asked.

"We're out of food and drinks, so I'll have to go out and get some. You want to come along?" Troy asked.

"I'm good i think I'm more comfortable in here rather than outside"

"Alright then I'll be back" Troy says as he steps out.

"Alright see you back in a few" Apophis says.

"Oh! Before I go, you want anything special?" Troy asks her.

"Special?" She says confused.

"Yeah special, like a certain drink, food anything?" He says.

"Hmmm...." Apophis thinks with her crossing her arms.

"I would like.............Ramune" Apophis answered who seem to like the soft drinks in Japan.

"Alright then I'll be back in a bit" Troy says he now steps out and starts walking to the store.

The Park

As Troy was walking towards the store he wondering what movie he and Apophis should watch first until he saw Issei and a blonde hair girl who was next to a kid exposing his knee that was getting healed.

"Whoa..." Troy says as he is witnessing magic happen if front of him.

Once Troy was being amazed by the blonde girls power Issei immediately noticed Troy and quickly ran up to him grabbing his shoulders.

"Did you see that?" Issei asked hoping Troy didn't see the girls power.

"You mean the green glow from her hands? Or the injury healing?" Troy asked.

"Crap...just don't tell anyone.." Issei said as he tried to protect her secret.

"Dude who exactly am I going to tell?" Troy said confused on why Issei would be asking to keep it a secret.

"Well it's just- Wait...your right..this is you we're talking about. The same person who got excited seeing devil wings" Issei said as he facepalmed himself.

"Hey it's not my fault they looked so awesome" Troy says defending himself.

Issei sigh at the idiocy of the Gaijin as Troy shrug his shoulders.

"Soo what's her name?"Troy asked curiously.

"Her name is Asia, we honestly met not that long ago. At the moment I'm just helping her get to where she needs to go" Issei says replying to Troy's question.

After that Asia finished up healing the boy she walked over to Issei and soon noticed Troy.

"Oh hello there are you one of Issei's friends?" Said the voice of the blonde

Scratches the back of his head while chuckling "Y-Yeah something like that" Issei says a bit nervous.

"Ahh i see well it's always nice to meet one of Issei's friends. My name is Asia Argento it's a pleasure to meet you Mr...?"

"Troy I don't like the word Mr. Duddette I ain't professional or something like that.

"Ah! I'm sorry about that" Asia says apologizing.

"Meh it's fine don't worry about it to much" Troy says waving it off.

"Ahh okay. Well would you like to join us on our walk Troy?" Asia asked cutely smiling at him.

"Sure I got plenty of time to kill" he said while rubbing the back of his head a bit

'Just gotta make sure I get the snacks before the stores closes' Troy thought to himself.

While the three of them were walking together Issei and Troy asked questions like if she was a tourist and about her powers with her explaining that she's on mission assigned by the church and that she isn't sure how she got her powers but, none the less views her powers as gift and a blessing. Once they got within view Asia gasped in excitement as she saw the church.

"There it is!" Asia said happily.

"Yep the only church in this town" Issei says.

"Weird how it's in a forest of all places" Troy says wondering why it's there.

"Yeah that and I never seen anyone up their..." Issei says a bit shaken.

"I want to thank you two properly. Would it be a problem for you two to come inside with me?" She asks.

"Hmmm........." He was thinking while tapping his feet a little before nodding his head meaning a yes.

"That's great! Issei how about you?" Asia asked hoping he says yes.

"A-ahh I-I can't I have somewhere to be.." Issei says while his hand is shaking a bit.

"Oh that's okay. Though it was very sweet of you to help me out and you as well Troy" Asia says smiling with Issei nodding happily while Troy gives the okay sign.

"Well if your ever bored or in the neighborhood come by and visit me at the church" Asia says.

"Y-yeah sure no problem but, can I speak to Troy real quick then be on my way" Issei says looking at Troy.

"Oh of course allow me to give you two some room to talk" Asia says walking a bit away from Troy and Issei.

"Sooo what's up?" Troy asked curious on what Issei wanted to talk about.

".......I can't" Issei hissed in a hushed voice.

"You can't what?" Troy asked still confused.

"I mean I can't go with you two, even though I want to" Issei said.

"...Oh right cause your a devil" Troy says now remembering Issei and everyone else's condition.

"Exactly and be careful.." Issei tells Troy.

"Why?" He asked.

"I...I don't know but, something about that church is unsettling and not just cause I'm a devil..Just make sure you two are safe" Issei says.

"Don't worry this is me we're talking about" Troy says confidently.

"Yeah...I'm not sure if I should feel assured or scared that your watching Asia.." Issei says doubting Troy.

"Hey don't worry! I can handle it!" Troy says loud and proud.

He sigh a bit before shaking the worries off "Alright then well good luck and be safe dude" Issei says as he now walks off.

"You know I Well!" He said with pride in his voice

After the little talk, Troy walked back to Asia who was looking at him a bit confused.

"Is everything alright with you and Issei?" She asked concerned on why you were yelling.

"Oh. Yeah we're fine just got into a bit of a...debate about game" Troy says.

Asia look confuse at him mention video games

"What are video games?" Asia asked.


After Asia said that Troy almost fell to his knees making Asia run up to him concerned.

"....Um Troy? Did I say something wrong?" Asia asked a bit nervous.

"N-no just a bit surprised that you haven't heard of video games before" Troy says recovering from Asia's words.

"Is it a type of clothing? Or food that I never heard of?" Asia trying to guess randomly.

'Oh my god I need to show this girl what video games are' "I'll just show you when I visit again" Troy says.

"Oh yes that would be nice if you could" She said very sweetly.

"It's something involving entertainment of course it takes years of trying it......"

He remember when he was 5 years old when he played video games at his developing basement, than 7 years old, than 12, 15, 17 and soon he remember in his prime once more playing Video Games.

"Many years..."

" sounds like there's a lot of these video games" She says surprised at the variety of it.

"Yeah there's a lot of them some of which you'll find very fun" Troy says getting excited showing Asia all the types of games he has.

"Well next time we meet I hope we can enjoy playing together" She says smiling.

"Yeah" He says.

After that the two are walking further towards the church making small talk with Troy looking through his phone to see if anything is new, while Asia just enjoying the company.

Troy inspected the phone to see if Apophis ever sent a message to him or possibly his mother checking up on him.

He saw that his mother and Apophis texted him, he quickly went to go and check to see what his mother sent and a quick message of her asking him how school was, and he sent her a text saying that his school days were going good as well as his studies. After that he quickly went to see what Apophis texted him only that it's her asking where is he and if he got the food and drinks yet which thankfully he still remembers and texts her that he'll be back home soon.

Before he put his phone back in his pockets not wanting to be rude to her and luckily she didn't see it.

They soon get to the church with Asia now smiling that they arrived.

"Well here we are" Asia said.

"Yep. Allow me to get the door" Troy says as he goes to open the door.

"Thank you" Asia says.

"No prob"

As soon as Troy pulled the door open the sound of screws popping off was loud enough to make Asia jump in surprise.

"W-was that the door?" Asia asked.

"Uhh..Yeess?" Troy said a bit scared he was about to get caught.

At this point Troy was cursing himself that this happened again at of all times it's escorting a nun to a church. Even though it was bad Troy didn't want to lie to her especially after being kind enough to invite him to this church, causing him ready to confess until Asia spoke up before him.

"Well I suppose the doors are starting to show it's wearing out. So don't worry I know you didn't do anything" Asia says.

"Ummm...okay then" 'I'm sorry about that Asia' Troy thought to himself.

They continue to make there way to the Church.

Asia smiles and shows Troy around the area for a bit with some rooms being off limits as they were specifically for the people who worked at this church. Once they finished the tour which Troy thought wasn't all that bad, they walked back to the main hall of the church with Asia just realizing she needs to check in with someone.

"I'm terribly sorry Troy, but I need to go and check in with someone so in the meantime why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back" She says smiling.

"Yeah sure" Troy says.

"Thank you! I promise it won't take to long" She says before walking away to where she says she's going.

Before Troy sigh and lay on the benches of the Chruch which creaks and clutters. Again Troy's luck really likes to go against him as he continues to hear more cracks until a few seconds later it stops causing him to sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness that's done and over with" Troy says wiping his forehead off with whatever sweat he has.

Troy inspect the Church a bit which seem worn out and seems abandoned for days it seems as it seen better days of course

"Yeesh I don't want to sound rude but this place looks like it could...use an upgrade.." Troy says

"Yes it does look worn down.." Asia says causing Troy to look back at her.

"Ooh! Asia I uhhh..." Troy tries to explain himself but the nun beat him to it of course.

"It's okay I understand"

Troy scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment now feeling a bit bad That Asia heard him talk out loud.

"Sorry.."Troy says.

Shakes her head "Again it's okay" Asia says.

He looks up a bit at his she's not phased at all by the comments about the old Chruch and nod.

"Uhh right so what exactly do you have to do for your mission?" Troy asked Asia wondering her assignment is.

Asia giggled a bit before putting her finger up and saying that it's a secret causing Troy to chuckle a bit at playful yet cheerful nature although he can't really blame her as he has a secret of his own.

"Okay fair enough" Troy says not wanting to pry any further.

"Well enough about me tell me about yourself, what do you do for fun?" Asia asked very curiously.

Wellllll.........ummmm" Troy said tapping a bit before looking at her

"Eating contest, Car shows, Monster Movies, Bowling, Video Games, Convention, Being a Hero, annnnddddd Did i mention Eat offs...oh yeah I did..."

Troy said thinking things he do for fun

Asia looked at him surprised which made him immediately thinking that he was about to be ridiculed on his life style.

"Oh wow Troy it sounds like you have a busy and adventurous life" She says surprised.

This threw Troy off as he was expecting the young nun to peacefully suggest a different life style but, no she saw his free spirit lifestyle as one to be admired even though he knows himself it isn't exactly the best, still this made him smile as at least someone approves of it.

Scratches the back of his head at it "Heh Thanks Asia" Troy says smiling.

"No problem I find it very fun and engaging"

"So what about you? You have any hobbies?" Troy asked curious about her.

"Me? Well... " Asia says thinking on what she could say.

"I mostly pray to my lord & savor and heal the injured" Asia said try to think of other things she done

"Really?..Huh well that's nice, it sounds like your doing pretty well yourself with your life Asia" Troy says impressed.

*Giggles* "No I don't think my life is all that interesting" Asia says downplaying what she does.

"Well I think so, traveling around and helping those in need. I say it's amazing what you do" Troy says praising her.

Asia couldn't help but blush from his praising.

"Thank you Troy" Asia says still flustered.

"Heh no problem so anything else you want to ask me?" Troy says having a big goofy smile.

Asia couldn't help but admit that smile fits well so well with him

"Well how about-" She starts



"Sorry about that.." Troy apologizing.

*Shakes her head* "No it's quite alright, I can wait" She says smiling.

"Thank you I'll be right back" Troy says as he proceeds to step out and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

As soon as Troy looks to see who it is he see it's Apophis as she was texting him quite a bit, seeing this caused him to sweat a bit as he knows he's about to get an earful from her as he answers the call and puts the phone not so close to his ear as he's awaiting her voice yelling though the phone.


"I'm..hanging out with a friend" Troy says a bit nervous on what will happen next.

"I hope you didn't forget about the snacks and drinks!" She says upset.

"N-nahhh of course not. I'm heading to the store as we speak!" Troy says.

"....Well alright just get here soon" Apophis says.

"Great..." Troy says he muttered while placing the device in his pockets.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Asia asked.

Troy sighs "No I'm suppose to pick up a few things for someone, so I have to go for now my bad" Troy says.

*Shakes her head* "No it's alright, we can chat again another time, but you shouldn't keep that person waiting" She says.

"Right well I'll come by and visit when I get the chance. See ya Asia" Troy says

"See you later Troy" She says smiling.

"Oh! Yeah I'll bring some games and show you how to play them" Troy says.

Asia nods and smiles "I look forward to it!" She says.

He nods before leaving

"I better be as quick as I can" Troy says as he is soon at the store.

Once Troy got to the store he grabbed a cart and started to power walk and proceeded to grab the necessities that he need such as popcorn, juice, water, energy drinks, heat up burritos and etc, he also grabbed what Apophis wanted and soon went to the cash register and checked out with everything in several bags, with him now walking home.


Once Troy got home he opened the front door only to be greeted by an impatient Apophis who had most of the movies stacked up in a complete order.

"Did you start with out me?" Troy asked.

"No since I had to wait on you! Now come on get the popcorn and drinks out so we can get these movies started!" Apophis said pouting causing Troy to chuckle.

"Alright alright, I'm moving. Also here you go" Troy says handing her what she wanted.

And so starts the movies of course after he got the popcorn, juices ready to be drink as Troy waited for the popcorn waiting for the kernel to finish.

After the popcorn was done Troy pulled it out and opened it and quickly poured the butter that was a small packet in the bag, once he was done he started to shake the bag just to mix the rest of the popcorn that was covered butter with the rest of it. After that was done he grabbed himself his favorite soda and sat down next to Apophis placing the bag of popcorn right next to them as they were now enjoying the movie and the so the night went on watching the cinemas in one day.

Chapter end
Another chapter complete and I'm making a new story with the help of RadiantPhantom2 I'm making a Minecraft x Senran Kagura crossover story KaguraCraft Anyway Chow!!!...

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