To the Rescue

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In the vision of blackness that the young man is slowed faded away of course as he heard voices coming from around him.

What the hell happened to him?!" Apophis yells.

"'s...a long story..."Cooper says as his voice is fading in and out.

"Well we're not going....anywhere so..." A voice that sounded like Koneko as the last part was hard to hear.

He felt like he's in a bed of course by the softness of where he is of course before he groan up and soon he Blue was gone by now coming back to clear vision before he say the words

"Ughhh.....what happen.....?" Ask the groaning young man

"You took one hell of a beating bro if it wasn't for that nun and of course yours truly you would have been in hot water..." Cooper says.

"Uggghhh...right.." Troy says holding his head.

"Are you alright? Are you still injured anywhere?" Apophis asks as she bends down looking at Troy.

"Besides this massive headache I'll live..." Troy says shaking his head.

He said a bit before Rias decided to break the ice with a serious tone.

"Tell me what had happen in detail to made you be like this?"

Well...let's say I ran into my faker." Troy says.

"Faker?" Ask Koneko confused before Cooper decided to answer it

"A copy of him but more stupid and idiotic than the one you see  is what my pal saying" Cooper said as Troy rolled his eyes a bit

"So what's different about this copy version of Troy?" Apophis asks very curiously.

"Well for one thing he goes by Diszzaro, he definitely looks very different with his skin being a bit pale as well as other features you'll know are different when comparing us, and the way he talks is a" Troy explains.

"What do you mean?" Akeno asks.

"Well if you ever meet him you'll know."Troy says.

"Wait so you mean that we have an evil version of Troy to deal with?!" Issei yells in a bit of fear.

"We'll just have to come up with a strategy on how to deal with him." Rias says as she cups her chin as she begins thinking.

While they were discussing about their strategy on what to do about Diszzaro, Troy got up from the bed wearing new set of clothes to replace the torn up ones and began walking away from the group until Rias's voice spoke up.

"And where do you think your going Troy?" She asks in a serious tone.

"To go and save Asia from that faker and evil cosplayer. I'll be back." Troy says as he begins walking away.

"Troy you just recovered you shouldn't-" Apophis says before she got cut off by Rias.

"Haven't you learned from your first loss that you can't win against those two especially your faker? Or are you that foolish enough to risk your life for an enemy?" Rias asks in a condescending tone.

This cause Troy to pause as he was holding the door handle and tighten it in utter anger as he was shaken of course before he let go of the handle to reveal it more misplaced twisted and destroyed before he turn around and had a seriousness on his face before he speaked in a tone neither of his friends or anyone have ever heard before

"You Watch your Damn Mouth when you say something to her" he said with a growl

This caused some in the room to be a bit shaken by Troy sudden anger, even Rias began to cold sweat a bit as she knows Troy's true strength, but tried to keep her composure and stood her ground.

"Why? Because I don't know this Asia like you do? How do you know she isn't secretly working against you?" Rias asks trying to convince Troy.

"She isn't like that and I know because I actually spent time with her. I know she's way to innocent to act like that." Troy says in her defense.

"Yet she is affiliated with a faction that know who she is...and it's probably all a rouse to lore you to a trap" Ask Rias keeping her composure while sweating a bit

"Even then are you just saying I should stand by let a possibly innocent victim die?" Troy asks.

It was silent before Rias speak "She's not innocent" which triggered Troy a bit

"....You must be pretty bold to make statements like that Rias." Troy says in a monotone voice.

Rias continued of course "you don't know much of what you just got into you must listen to someone who know all of this"

"You mean like you?! The same person who had no issues revealing you and your clubs true identities now suddenly has a problem with "me?" An outsider who's not even in your group now wants to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?" Troy says becoming irritated.


"As I said before I'll help you guys when you need it, but don't go treating me as if I'm a part of your group. I'm still human you know. Or did you happen to forget that due to my super human abilities?" Troy asks.

She was silent as Troy scoffed a bit at how she was unable to get an answer of course as he was right after all he's not a devil or any affiliation to her peerage.

"Listen I appreciate your sudden concern and all, but this is me we're talking about I've handled several opponents that are just as equally as strong as those evil cosplayers." Troy says.

She continue to stay silent a bit as she is still unsure about it

"Look we can continue this of you scratch my back and I scratch yours deal later. Right now I need to save a friend who's in danger!" Troy says as he rushes out the door.

"Troy! Wait!!" Apophis yells running after him.

"Dude hold on!!" Issei yells following Apophis.

And soon Koneko and Kiba apologize to Rias before following after the three.

It was long before Troy soar to the skies with the Help of his cape of course soaring through the skies with a face of seriousness before he notice other people with the devil wings give insight its them of course possibly try to stop him

"Whoever you are you best not get in my way!" Troy yells in anger.

"Troy it's me Your pal Issei!!" Said one flying to reveal Issei

"Issei?" Troy asks baffled.

"Don't forget about us.." Koneko says revealing herself and soon the others.

"What are you all doing here? Did Rias order you to stop me?" Troy asks in irritated tone.

"No we are all here for the same purpose your in for" Said Apophis

"Wait what?" Troy becomes shocked.

"We don't care if your human or devil we're still friends dude." Issei says.

"Exactly what the perv said we'll help you out senpai." Koneko says.

"Indeed" Kiba Said and Troy nodded of course with a smile of course and are ready to save his friend


After long time of flying soon they arrived at the Chruch entrance and before they can get inside several sense light spears incoming and many dodge it especially the devils since it'll harm them greatly

"Well well well look who came the fatso and his devil friends." A familiar voice said aloud.

Soon the the three fallen angels soon reveal themselves to the group causing everyone to become on guard.

"Hey you were at the church with that evil cosplayer throwing a lot of those props!" Troy says pointing at the three.

This caused the two fallen angels to look at him annoyed while the blonde hair girl started to groan in anger.

"Arrrggghhh!!! For the last time we are not cosplayers! We are not actors throwing props at you! We are fallen angels FALLEN ANGELS you fatass!!!" The blonde hair girl yells.

"Dude I'm starting to think your only calling them that to piss them off." Issei says while sweat dropping.

"Calm yourself Millet just follow the plan for now." The blue hair woman says causing the blonde girl Millet to pout.

"Where is Asia? If you tell us, me and my friends can be on our way to save her." Troy says with resolve in his voice.

"Why Asia is being taken care of by Raynare, but don't worry she's in good hands." The man says with a sly smile.

"Bullsht!!" Issei Said not buying it of course along with Troy who glared

"Now now you should have more trust in your elders boy." The blue hair woman says.

"When it comes to you assholes I wouldn't even trust you with the simplest task!!" Issei yells.

The blue haired woman was getting annoyed of course before Troy got more serious

"Step out of the way now or you'll face the side of me you won't dare to cross!!"

"Ha! You must be an idiot if you think we didn't come prepared!" Millet says as she puts her hands on her hips.

Issei had enough of it before he activated his Boosted Gear and soon blindlessly went in-for a punch at one of them since he thinks it's not leading to nowhere whisky he Fallen Angels simply look and smirk and stood there waiting.

"Diszarro Smash!!" Before the voice appeared and quickly Diszarro gave a solid punch to Issei sending the Pawn back rather far breaking a few Tree with lethal force before Diszzaro looked at his 'comrades'

"Diszzaro did good?" Ask the Fake to them which The trench coat man nodded.

"Yes you did big guy. Now if you can be a dear and handle the others for us?" The blue hair woman asks.

"Diszzaro do right thing!" He says.

"Not while I'm here faker!" Troy yells as he gets in front of him.

Diszzaro sneered

"Faker beaten once Diszzaro do it again!!!" The Fake Said before he went in a stance

"You just got lucky last time. This time is different!" Troy says.

Before both once again clash flying at each other with Fist reeled back before they gave a punch to each other's Fist which send a huge shockwave and huge gust of wind by the force which blown back any debris, forest life and some of the Devils and Fallen was sent back with a huge amount of force

Once the two clashed once more with both Diszzaro and Troy catching each other's fist with them looking at each other as they had nothing but a desire to beat each other proving who's the superior.

"This time Diszzaro finish this!" He says to Troy.

"I'm finishing the fight faker not you!" Troy says back to Diszzaro.

A few more seconds of and intense stare down before the two began clashing with their knees with no sign of stopping. Making everyone stare at the two in awe.

"Holy shit! The dude has that much power?! And I already thought he was already overpowered already!" Issei yells in shock.

Followed by a handful as Apophis kinda shivered a bit by the strength Troy has in him.

Troy delivered a soldi Uppercut to Diszarro face sending the fake flying at amazing speeds before Troy soon fly up and gave a downward hammer punch which send Diszzaro down on the ground with a massive crater before long Diszzaro cough as he was stunned before Troy soon prepare to give Diszarro a punch before Diszarro got up and glared

"Diszzaro blast!!!" He yells before shooting a laser beam out of his mouth.

This threw Troy off as he barely dodged it in time with him now flying away from the laser beam that Diszzaro is shooting out of his mouth.

As Diszarro was aiming all around as it severed several trees into too while many moved out of the way barely dodging the lethal beam that they felt the heat radiated off of it

"That the best you got faker?!" Troy says.

Diszarro growled before he stopped and soon growled and devilered his trump card before he soon did a forward stance and soon held both hands and arms outstretched

"Now Diszzaro will finish this!!" He says as he claps so hard he sends scatter shots. Which Troy barely dodged it at all

"Haha! Diszzaro get last laugh while faker cry!" Diszzaro says with a smile on his face.

This comment only angered Troy even more as veins were starting to pop out.

"Oh you want to play that game?! We can play that game!!" Troy says getting ready to use thunderclap.

And soon did both hands together to activate a very large thunderclap so big and heavy gust as it collided with Bizzaros Beamclap

Which sent some of Diszzaro's beamclap of in different directions around the woods.

Which burned massive plant life to evaporated into nothing but ash and dust as many Kiba, Apophis, Koneko and Issei stared in awe followed by The Fallen.

"How much power do those two even have??" The blue hair woman says.

And it cause an explosion that sent both powered men back hitting a tree

"Troy!" Everyone yells.

Everyone immediately rushing towards him to see if he's alright with him groaning a bit.

"Are you alright?!" Apophis asks.

"Ughh... yeah just a bit shaken up, anyway go and save Asia while I hold this faker off." He says.

"Are you sure?" Kiba asks a bit hesitant.

"The more time we take the more likely chance we may lose her now go, I'll be fine." Troy says.

They nod as they were about to go the trio of fallen angels stppped them

"Do you really think we just gonna let you measley devils go without a fight?" Said the blue haired one with a sneer

"I don't think so" Said the guy

Issei and the others were getting ready to fight they're way their way through that is until a bolt of lightning came crashing down in front of the fallen angels causing them to move out of the way in shock.

"What the hell?!" Millet yells in shock

"Well we can't say we didn't see this coming right bouchou?" A familiar voice asks.

"Indeed" Said the voice very familiar and it reveal Akeno and Rias floating looking down at them with their abilities like Akeno lighting in her hands and Rias with her power of destruction

"R-Rias?!" Issei yells a bit surprised.

"Yes I'm here for the same reasons that everyone else is going for..." Said Rias in her stoic voice

"R-R-Rias? As in the Little sister of Gremory family!?!" Millet asks in a bit of fear.

"Indeed" Said Apophis with a hidden smirk on her face to see a bit of fear of the fallen angels face

"Damn..." The blue hair woman uttered silently.

"Everyone go and finish this. We'll handle it from here." Rias says as she gets in front of them along with Akeno.

"You damn brat if you think we'll just let you leave then-" The man begins talking.

"Or what you'll call your little doppelgänger? Sorry but..." Rias says before looking to see Troy and Diszzaro clashing.

"I believe they'll be a bit busy.." She says.

They grit theirs teeth a bit in annoyance as Diszzaro see new enemies try to help but a solid punch by Troy sent him crashing down

"Hey faker! As I said before keep your eyes on me!" Troy yells before rushing at Diszzaro.

Diszzaro growled and rushed at Troy and clash but Troy parried followed by a barrage of Fist and parries and each one exhaust boat combatants as Troy was sweating excessively to the point of almost out of breath.

Diszzaro somewhat recovered before he glared and smirk "Faker tired!, Diszarro finish Faker!!!" Before Diszarro Soon charged with speeds preparing to land a punch in hopes of possibly destroying Troy which he glared and smirked

Troy looks at Diszzaro and glares as he now tries to regain his footing which after skidding on the ground a bit he managed to come to a complete stop, he begins storing a lot of power into one hand causing it to glow  more and more.

"For once your right I'll finish this with one punch!" Troy yells as he continues holding his arm that's glowing very bright.

Before Diszarro soon growled in anger before he soon decided to intensify the speed "FAKER admits Diszarro end Faker Once and for all!!"

With Diszzaro rushing at Troy at an intense speed Troy knew he had only one chance to strike his counter part with everything he had. Once Diszzaro was close enough Troy then reeled his fist back and threw his punch while yelling.

"Megaton Punch!!!" Troy yells as the punch is getting closer and closer to Diszzaro.

And it successfully hit him square in the face of the doppelgänger so hard it cause a huge vibration around the forest snapping trees into too

As Troy's fist was still in Diszzaro's face he began pushing forward with Troy yelling as then sent Diszzaro flying with a huge shockwave following soon afterwards with Diszzaro yelling as he's being sent back.

"Diszzaro not down!! Diszzaro will return one day!!!" He yells as his figure becomes harder and harder to see Before a gleaming star appeared before Troy was breathing a bit as he has a sense of relieve as he managed to get rid of one obstacle now to press on.

With Troy now looking at the church with an intense glare.

"Yuuma get ready, cause I'm taking Asia back." He says.

And soon he fly breaking the door in half and it reveal them fighting an unknown person who Issei punched him to the ground while the group dealing with strange people wearing robes being cut down by Kiba slashes, Apophis poison blast from her snake arms and Koneko smashing through them with ease

"Whoa what the heck did I miss?" Troy asks a bit baffled.

"A lot" Said Koneko who threw a giant piece of pavement and threw it at the exorcist closing in on her who they failed to even dodge at all

"Well we can go into those details later where's Asia?" Troy asks looking around.

Before long a vibrant green glow aura and formed bellow of the abandoned churches which give a sense of where she is which he took no time to go to the location which the speed he has left

With him hoping he's made it in time to save the nun from danger.

'Hang on Asia I'm coming!!' Troy thought to himself.


the secret room, where Raynare happened to be waiting for him

"Come on in human. Welcome to the party. Though, I'm afraid you're too late."

"Asia! I'm here!"

Asia was bound against a glowing cross, her arms and legs wrapped in chains. With the remaining strength she had, she lifted her head.

"T-Troy came..."
"Of course I did. Now hold on!"

Troy flies to her, but Raynare interferes with one of her light spears. Though her attack missed, the resulting blast managed to throw him back.

"What a touching reunion. Too bad the ritual's over..."

Asia cries out in pain as a dark green energy surrounds her body.

"Stop!!" Troy says as he's about to rush at Raynare

"Ah ah ah ah. Now we wouldn't want a slip up if you were to play hero I may accidentally hurt her even more." Raynare say while cackling to herself.

Asia suddenly stops screaming. And Troy could only watch in horror as her eyes become soulless and her body hangs lifelessly.


"Twilight Healing..."

Asia's rings float into Raynare's hands.

"At last it's in my hands..." she boast

Raynare grinned evilly as she looked upon her Sacred Gear, feshly ripped from Asia's body.

"Oh how I've lusted for this power..."

She then inserts the green energy into her own body. An aura surrounds her form as the Gear syncs with her body laughing at the victory

Ohhh how I longed for this power!! Now! Now its finally mine!!" She says in a ecstatic tone before looking at Troy.

"Oh right...I forgot about you.." She says.

"............" He says nothing as he just stares at Asia's lack of body movement.

"Well since she's of no use to me anymore you can have her back." Raynare says as she grabs Asia body and tosses it to Troy.

Immediately Troy rushes just in time to grab Asia as he was now holding her in a bridal position. He begins to shed tears as he wished he got here sooner.

"I..I'm so sorry Asia...If only i gotten here sooner then....then.." Troy says before he felt a hand wipe his tears off.

"Its alright have be sorry about.."Asia says as her grip is loosening a bit with Troy grabbing it.

"H-hey! Come on you gotta to live so I can show you what else this world has to offer! So...please..." Troy is struggling to continue his sentence.

"T..That wonderful...I can't..wait to do..that....." Asia says giving one last smile before having her hand fall to the ground.

"A-A-Asia...?....Asia....Asia........." Troy says breaking down sobbing.

Soon nothing but grief soon filled the air everywhere with Raynare now sitting there with disgust in her voice as she speaks.

"Ugh for someone so powerful grows so weak as soon as they loses something dear to them its pathetic. Though the same could be said that little goody too shoes bitch who was always to friendly towards others, and look where that got her." Raynare say with a mocking tone.

He said nothing but holding the tears as he stood before anger and rage was developing around the man as Raynare felt something intense coming from Troy

"W-what the hell?! What is this intense feeling?!" She says backing up a bit.

"No more. A monster like you can't learn from their mistakes the easy way, time and time again I let you go hoping you would learn and change but no you kept going...and now you pushed yourself into a corner." Troy says.

"Ohh.."She says trying to act confident.

Troy said laying Asia down while looking down as it got more intense aura around him showing pure rage still not looking at her

"You heartless monster took a innocent girl's life with no regret or mercy...." before he turned around with his eyes closed with tears streaming down as the tears dissolved to floor with a hiss 

"H-ha!! Y-you think she was the first?! Your little devil friend Issei was another victim as well! I took out those who posed a threat and now that I have that brats power I am unstoppable!!" She yells boosting her confidence.

".......I would suggest not making it any worse for yourself. I can tell in the tone of your voice that your unsure, and you should be. Because I'm about to show you what happens when you push someone to far!" Troy yells.

Before a more intense aura way bigger than before and it revealed Troys eyes are no more but glowing menacing ones with pure energy in their as his tears also flowed orange and soon a huge gust of ornage aura so fiery she could feel it and his cape suddenly Glowed very bright and wildly

"IM Truly ANGRY!!!!" Before he scream in pure rage and was in a stance of the ground turned to rubble as the ground shamed violently by his anger and power.

To be Continued
Okay guys after a long day of tests test and more test I'm close to a break !!! Anyway hope you peeps enjoy these as me and my bro is so hyped with the next chapter


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