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(A mission against XPlode and Rotor went wrong as two escaped from the team as there was large rubble which separated most the team)
(Stormer and Rocka are currently trying to find the others)
Siren: (manages to shimmy her upper body from a hole of a cave in her powers are keeping up, notices Stormer) FATHER!
Stormer: (turns and sees her) SIREN! (Runs over to her)
Siren: (trying to shimmy her body out) Father I can't get out. Father-ACK!
(Stormer ran over, pulled her out and immediately hugged her)
Siren: Hi! (Notices how damaged he is) Ooh you look a little worse for wear. That's okay, (tail wags) I still love you dad!

Ranboo Security Breach reference? Yes, yes it is.


(Siren is hiding her face with her sleep hoodie's hood as her head is in Breez's lap while she pats her head)
Stormer: (walks in, notices) Kid you okay?
Siren: I was washing my face, and I breathed the bubbles, up my nose holes and it felt like it went into my brain!


POV: Siren & Makuta's Best Friend Relationship

Makuta: You are my best friend, but if you were murdered, I would not be at your funeral.
(Siren's face falls at that)
Makuta: You know where I'll be? I will be in jail, murdering the person that murdered you!
(Siren laughs a bit as her tail wags)

Ether in his mask again as "jail" or Mata Nui would be chewing him out for months on end


POV: Minor Offense

Random Brat: (had bullied Kuro) You can't hurt me because I'm a minor!
Siren: (who let her hair grow out long, puts her hair up in a ponytail as she charges them) Yeah that's called a minor offense BITCH!
(Ruth, Surge and Kuro laughing at that as Furno tries to stop Siren)

NGL my hair is starting to get long since my mom/Stacey ain't letting me get it cut my usual boy cut again


POV: The Stormer-Furno Family in a Nutshell

Stormer & Furno
The suraget parents who at times act like their married
Their crack head suicidal goblin child


POV: They Don't Know

Umarak: (teaching Siren how to shoot a bow) They don't know, I'm about to vacate their brain cavity.
(Umarak fires the arrow making it explode against the target which made Siren and Lewa jump at that)
Umarak: (realized he loaded one of his explosive arrows) They now know.


(Siren is avoiding physical contact, hissing and growling at people who try to touch her)
(Stormer tries to pat her head, making Siren hiss but Stormer does so anyway making Siren's eyes weld with tears as she leans into his hand with a small canine like wine)


POV: Teenagers Scare, The Living Shit Outta Me

(Siren, who had Umarak's bow, fired multiple explosive arrows at Curroder as the team ducked from them)
Curroder: (narrowly dodged them but was blasted back by one)
Zib: (from mission control) Teenagers scare, the living shit outta me.


POV: Oh jeez

(Siren's creation magic acted out of her control and made a shiny female Scorbunny that was clinging to Breez)
Siren: (managed to snap back to reality and notices) Oh jeez...

Oh hey? Another update?
Yes, yes it is bc why not?

I had that last one bc I got lucky and found a shiny Magby in Legends Arceus of the Massive Mass Outbreaks so yolo plus honestly I'm still working ideas of a Pokémon for the team

I had ideas of

Furno=Male Charmander
Stormer=Male Hisuian Zorua
Breez=Female Shiny Scorbunny
Surge=Female Pikachu
Bulk=Male Chimchar
Stringer=Female Misdreavus
Evo=Alpha Female Gardevoir
Nex=Male Scizor
Rocka=Female Alpha Floatzel
Zib=Male Flareon
Quaddle=Male Teddiursa
Kuro=Shiny Male Eevee

I shall go into my plushie pile/fort now!

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