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POV: Reala Don't

Stormer: (raises a brow as his arms are crossed) How can you possibly anger me?
Reala: Oh don't worry, I know how to do this easily.
(Siren is standing behind Stormer in her Hero form to hold him back when needed)
Reala: (grins at Stormer) Your daughter calls me daddy too.
Stormer: (twitches as his eyes turn green)
Siren: (holds him back) Bad Virus, baaad!


Based off an RP

Serena: (to Rotor and XPlode) You two denying your husband's is as a bad lie as Firelord and Jetbug saying their not boyfriends when they obviously are!


POV: Shadowzone Over Stepped it

Shadowzone: (shit talking Siren again) I thought your trauma made you stronger?
Stormer: (inhales fighting his tears guessing what it was)
Ruth: (half muttering with a growl) God I wanna slaughter that bastard of an Ex of her's if I ever had the chance for that...


POV: How Makuta and Roodaka met in person
[For those who need context and or don't know the Bionicle lore, Roodaka was a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta so she somewhat knew of him]

(Roodaka was slaughtering Makuta's Rahkshi with ease without a weapon and making a bloody mess)
Makuta: (blocks blood from getting him with his cape) You vicious little, (lowers his cape as one of his worm like creatures retreat into his armor) bitch.
Roodaka: (stands up as she looks at her nail then grins at Makuta) Say it again that sounded good.
(Makuta.EXE has stopped working due to flirt)

Yes this AU these two are an item, they just don't show their affection in public, and other reasons



(Siren and Monty are in the dance studio of the mansion as they country dance while Siren's in her country attire including her cowgirl hat and boots)
(The team watching them from the entrance while Stringer is recording)

Had to it was such a mental image for a long while 😂


Turaga Nokama: (staring at Siren in silence to get get Siren to talk)
Siren: What are you staring at fucker?
(Gali and Halhi laugh at that)


Siren: They always say, "Shower in Luke warm water", bitch be quiet and let me simmer in my hell water while I converse with my demons in peace.
Furno: What the-


Siren: What is, Roodaka's sexuality?
(The Toa look at Roodaka as she pauses her sip of tea)
Roodaka: Spoiler alert, I'm not straight.

You can't look at that woman of watching Web of Shadows and say she's straight man


POV: How the team figured out Roodaka and Makuta were an item

Makuta: I'm not gonna touch you, not without your written consent.
(Roodaka who carries a notepad and pen in her bag, writes her name in a signature on the page and hands it to him)
Siren: (wheezes) Roodaka you know you love him, he will legit only do stuff if he has your consent!
(Breez and Rocka who were there, trying to figure the hell is happening)


Nex: Trans Women are Women and Trans Men are Men but what are Non-binary people?
Kiina: (literally married to a Non-binary) Hot the answer is hot and I will not be elaborating!
(Siren wheezes at that with Jackle and Ruth)


Siren: (staring at Zib since Quaddle isn't next to him like usual)
Zib: (looks at Siren) Kid would please stop staring at me?
Siren: (who thought most of her childhood as a Hero Factory fangirl Quaddle was attached to Zib) Where's the rest of ya'?


Now ones of Little/Kid!Siren of my adopted AU!

Zib: I now present, this fucking thing.
Little Siren: I'ma beep boxing blue berry! (Dances a bit as she she does a cute beatboxing)
(Stormer and Furno watching trying surpress the parent squeals)


(Little Siren looks over the counter as Stormer is trying to cook something)
Stormer: (burns himself) SHIT!
Little Siren: (Is pretty much a parrot with words) SHIT!
(Stormer looks down at her as he sighs)


POV: Stormer trying to change a diaper be like

Stormer: Okay, (spills baby powder on baby sirens face) Oh shit. (Wheezes as he picks Siren up in his arms)
Siren: (pats his face with her hand getting baby powder on him)
Stormer: (chuckling a bit) We got the rest of our lives together sweetie.
(Baby Siren cooes at that)


Now back to your regularly scheduled program


Surge: (being hugged by Furno) I fell into a trap.
(His bro's and Siren are confused)
Surge: I went in for a kiss and now, it's got me, and it won't let me go.
Furno: (hugs Surge closer) Mine.
Surge: Yes I know but, (tries to escape Furno's hold) eh-
Furno: (pulls Surge back in) Mine.
(This repeats until Surge gives up)
Siren: Mom what the hell?


POV: Cuddles

Reala: (fixing his hat a bit) I gotta go Siren.
Siren: (on the couch at the mansion, holds her arms to him) Cuddle me!
Reala: (looks at her) What?
Siren: Cuddle!
Reala: You wanna cuddle?
Siren: Yeah..
Reala: Okay. (gets back on the couch to cuddle Siren)
Siren: Yay.
(Reala laughs at that as Stormer walked in with Breez)


Von Nebula: Hey Serena, Purge, quick question. How much blood can a person loose before they die of blood loss?
Serena: (sighs as she puts her dagger down and covers her noise with her hand)
Purge: What did Thunder do this time?


POV: Don't company Serena on her kills

Curroder: Why are you like this?
Serena: (who ate a civilian alive and has their blood dripping from her mouth while eating their liver) Have you just met me Curroder?


Zib: What are we gonna say when someone breaks our heart?
Siren: Thank you for the trauma I need it for my art!
Zib: No!
Siren: Uh, I was never good enough to begin with!
Zib: NOO! (sighs) Jesus Christ..
Siren: Oh my God your mad at me aren't you?..
Siren: (starts crying as her tail tucks between her legs as her necklace glows a bit) Your definitely mad you yelled at me...
Zib: (sighs, in his communication line) Stormer, Furno I need you two to calm down your daughter.


POV: Trauma Flash on Mission? Never Good

(XPlode has siren pinned the ground as his hand is around her throat)
(Siren's eyes flash a sickly purple from a PTSD flash making her scream as a surge of energy bursted from her body sending him back five feet)


POV: These two

Serena: (Trying to fix Curroder's arm)
Curroder: (yelps as he pulls his arm back) Take it easy Doc, I need that arm.
Serena: (rolls her eyes) Stay still and maybe you'll keep it.


Curroder: I'll be on my best behavior Doc.
Serena: (rolls her eyes with a huff) Don't call me Doc.
Curroder: Whatever you say, Sunshine.
(Serena groaned in annoyance at that hiding her blush with her hair)

Oh what's this? The chapter ain't over yet?


Puzzler looked at the various villians around himself and his androids Vanessa, Elsa and Millarac on guard at his sides. "You understand why I brought you here Puzzler?" A male voice said from the monitor which had a dark figure on the screen. "You said something of a deal, I'm quite curious of it." Serena growled a bit before the person on the monitor raised his hand making her stop, "Easy Serena, he will be of great help." The woman only huffed as she jumped to the rafters Curroder was up at and hung upside-down by her legs.

"You managed easily twice to hack into Hero Factory's systems, which I am greatly impressed by." Puzzler huffed at the memory, "Only got booted off so easily because -" "Of the current rookie of Alpha team, I'm well aware." Puzzler was cut off by the person on the monitor. "But my deal is, you and your androids could be of great help for us. Join us and we'll make sure to cut the pays." The person said, Puzzler going into his thoughts before a sadistic grin spread across his face. "Deal."

Oh hey! Finished this up on somewhat the same day I started it!
I'ma take some Melatonin now so I can fall asleep and try to fix my sleep schedule since May I'ma have a LOT of Doctor's appointments

Later hoes!

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