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Oh lordy we are 50 now, Jesus Christ 😂

Note: This chapter also a few stuff of ships not of Gacha_Wolfie_UwU AU normally but of my own yolo stuff bc I have 0 life

Note #2: Song above I decided to put up in Honor of Technoblade

RIP Technoblade/Alex
May you be alongside the gods and goddesses in their reign

(The team is struggling against the Shadow Villians as some of the other villians watch)
Siren: (standing on a rock) HEY LASER LIPS!
(The Shadow Villians look at her)
Stormer: KID WHAT THE-
Siren: (cuts him off) YOUR MOMMA WAS A SNOW BLOWER! (Blows a raspberry at them)
Serena: (questioning the main universe of herself)


POV: Siren MIGHT be Possessive

Reala: (laying on the couch of the mansion) And now we're doing angry cuddles.
Siren: (laying on top of him, growls)
Reala: Why you so angry?
Siren: (growls more)
Reala: I'm not doing anything! I'm just holding you!
Siren: (growls as she nuzzles his chest)
Furno: ... Do I wanna know what I walked in on?
Reala: I have no idea myself.


POV: Siren has new friends

Siren: (grins) GlitchTrap you want some crack?
Zib: (confused) W-What-
Siren: (cuts him off) Watch how quickly he shows up.
(GlitchTrap teleports next to Siren in a T-Pose stance)
Siren: (laughing) I TOLD YOU!
(The team just stare dumbfound)


Yuri: (Pulls a dagger that's sheathed in a leather guard from her bra)
Ackar: Oh in the name in Great Beings, I didn't know women had a little pockets of the universe in their titties.
(Yuri laughs at that)


Kiina: (Being hugged by NiGHTS) I fell into a trap.
Mata Nui: What?
Kiina: I went in for a kiss and now, it's got me, and it won't let me go.
NiGHTS: (Still hugging Kiina) Mine.
Kiina: Yes I know but, (tries to escape their grip) eh.
NiGHTS: (Tightens hug) Mine.
Kiina: (tries again) Eh.
NiGHTS: (Tightens hug) Mine.
Kiina: (tries again) Eh.
NiGHTS: (Tightens hug) Mine.
Kiina: Damnit!


(The team are getting back from a scouting mission and Siren is playing with her Purrugly Lester)
Siren: (Random Autistic Tick, starts singing the Mario theme but in the word Womp)
(Literally everyone of the team is dying of cuteness at that that Stormer had to take over flying for Furno)


Serena: (Sitting a towel on the floor) I have thing I found out I can do.
Core Hunter: Okay-
Serena: Purge do it.
(Purge placed a watermellon between Serena's legs and stood back)
Serena: (Tightens her thighs on the watermellon when it suddenly crushes making her yelp)
Corroder: (Chokes on his water in surprise)
Core Hunter & Nebula: .... Jesus Christ....


Siren: (Visiting her mortal mother's house with Ruth in his dog form despite she knows anymore of it shit will hit the fan but does so just so she can visit her nieces and nephews) Make way bitches the disappointment has arrived.
(Her four older siblings laugh at that as her eldest niece Abby yells "auntie")


Virus: (Hands Siren a cookie)
Siren: I won't eat, I might get fat, and people won't like me no more.
Virus: (Knows damn well Siren hasn't ate in four days) Eat the God damn cookie.


Surge: Siren you need help.
Siren: Dude I haven't slept for four weeks look at these bags underneath my eyes.
Stormer & Furno: (Worried parents)



Gaia: Do it Aria!
Aria: (Sighs, proceeds to do the dance above)
(Zib chokes on his coffee, Thresher chokes on his soda, Bot coughs while Fortis whistles)



Black Phantom: Siren speaking in Spanish is weird.
Dragons: .... Been nice knowing ya' Phantom.
(Siren starts yelling at Black Phantom being his team leader in Spanish)
(Dragons and Sammy laugh at that as Lightstone is confused)


Siren: This is what happens, when you have two strongly similar people meet.
(Siren jesters to Stringer and Pohatu who are playing a DDR Game behind her of the arcade)
Siren: Instant besties.
Tahu: Don't act like it's not the same with you and Makuta Siren.
Siren: (Shoves his face and Mask) Shush.
Surge: (Snorts)



(The team were at a club place in the city and Siren brought Reala along as a small date until some random girl started to flirt with him in front of Siren)
Random Girl: (Flirting with Reala, points to Siren) Is she your 'girlfriend' girlfriend or ya'll just talking?
Stormer: Siren don't-
Siren: Bitch if I KILL you are you 'dead' dead or just not breathing?
Reala: (Smiles a bit while slightly blushing) God I love that woman.
(Furno snorts)



POV: These two Husbands

(The team are fighting Rotor and XPlode on a mission)
Siren: (Grins of an idea) Nat 20 Performance roll.
XPlode: What-
Bulk & Stringer: (Immedienty start singing and dancing to It's Tough to Be a God from The Road To El Delrado)


POV: Another meeting stuff but via Discord

(Stormer let Mr.Makuro know before hand of something Virus had planned for the meeting call since Siren was in one of her depression swings and wanted to cheer her up)
Virus: (Sitting in front of his desk chair on the floor with a Cookie Monster hand puppet in his chair, in an actually good Cookie Monster impression) I hear so many people talking at once! Everybody shut the fuck up!
Siren: (Who grew up on Sesame Street, laughs as her tail wags like crazy) COOKIE MONSTER!
(Every hero, Zib, Aria, Recon Team and even Mr.Makuro laugh at that)
Virus: (Still in the Cookie Monster voice) Shut the fuck up everyone.
Mr.Makuro: (Plays along with it) Alright let Cookie Monster talk everybody.
Gaia: Cookie Monster, what do you think of 5 Guys?
Virus: I love 5 Guys, I have them everyday.
(Siren laughs at that as Ruth does as well)
Evo: The place?
Furno: (Laughing) He is not talking about the place.

Do I imagine Virus being able to do a Cookie Monster impression, yes bc I also headcannoned Molten can do Elmo(And that's with his voice changer) so I thought when I saw the Tiktok "Eh why the fuck not"


Serena: (Had Corroder's head in her lap as she sat on her bed)
Corroder: (Talking aloud) I fell for a trap and she won't let me go.
Serena: (Squishes his face a bit)
Corroder: (Makes a weird noise while she does that)
Serena: (Laughs as she stops squishing his face)
Corroder: You stop it.
Serena: No.
Corroder: Please.
Serena: No.
Corroder: I'm getting up.
Serena: Nope.
(Serena pulls Corroder back down)
Corroder: FUCK!
(Serena laughs at that)
Corroder: Let me up.
Serena: (In a Brat mood) No.
Corroder: Please.
Serena: No.
Corroder: Please.
Serena: No.
Corroder: Please.
Serena: No.
(Serena squishes his face again making Corroder make a weird sound again making Serena laugh)


(Some of Alpha team including Siren had gotten injured badly on a mission against Firelord and his group and Reala wanted to check on Siren)
#1 Hero: I always thought Siren was single with how closed off she is.
#2 Hero: Bet he's weird like her-
(The second hero cuts herself off seeing Reala walk by in one of his royal attires but a Hero Factory Visitors Pass clip on the front of his shirt with Jackle flying next to him with a similar clip on his mantle)
Jackle: Dude calm down.
Reala: I'll calm down when I know Siren's okay Jackle.
Jackle: She heals fast and has been through worse man!
Reala: Not helping my panic Jackle!
(The two walk/fly off to Zib and Quaddle's area of Mission Control as they argued leaving the two heroes to stare)
#1 Hero: .... Damn she's got a hunk of an organic.

NGL tempted to make those two heroes fully OC's and not just have them here but for my stories After The Blackout and the Turned Real series

And yes I made a personal headcannon that those who aren't heroes or work inside Hero Factory require to wear those pins when inside the building


(Siren, Stormer and Furno are on a moving subway car on the tracks above ground in Mako Hero City fighting against Meltdown)
Furno: Great, just how I wanted to spend my Saturday, fighting against a villian on top of a moving subway car.
Siren & Stormer: Not the time kid/mom.


(Siren was listening to music while on her phone)
Teradax: (slides next to her) Hey bitch! (Falls with a yelp as he landed on his wings)
Siren: (takes an earbud out) You good bro?
Teradax: I've delt with worse.
Siren: ... True given Makuta and Roodaka.
Makuta & Roodaka: Hey!
(Rocka snorts at that)


Siren: Y'all are aware Rocka strongly had ADHD right?
Zib: Yeah.
Siren: How come he doesn't have any medication for it?
(The team looks at her at that one)
Stormer: ... There's medicine for that?
Siren: (inhales sharply) Dad, your talking to your daughter who is studying for a degree in Psychology and has ADHD herself so she knows the shit for it. May not work for me anymore but pretty positive it'll work for Rocka.

Aye I ended up doing almost all of this on my laptop bc my phone is a piece of shit

Here's some art with 'small' explaining to them

Title: Two Sides of a Card

Well we already know Siren on the blue side, but who's the mysterious woman of red?
Yee wanted to try this in a Queen of Hearts style since Siren seemed to fit it well

Title: The Guardian of the Night from the Past

Yeah, this is what happens when you watch repeatedly 11 Drunk Guys play Slender The Arrival and watch Ranboo's VOD of him and Tubbo playing it as well
Meh I love this one tbh

Title: The Feared Form

Does this form get revealed in a future event? Most defiantly
And that event also includes of a sexist hero and the Doom Box

I live for the flame effects I did on the horns, unintentional but I have no regrets

Title: The Wings of a Wounded Soul

So I actually did a successful grassy ground in drawing entirely, and it was of the one I have so much issues of drawing without a base with
Good job Siren!

Yeah the demon/bat wing was transformed from an dual angel wing base, not the first time I done that and most defiantly not the last until I can draw them both digitally the best

But I will say, second time doing a sunset like background, not as good as the first time (Also with base for this but it was supposed to be for Mata Nui's wing design I had) but still good! I just hate of my blending tool the random black it adds in from God knows where which makes it look weird

Title: Fiery Lightning

Yeah I did this of Siren training of her powers, most of the time of certain powers and even forms she always goes to a secluded area mainly on Bara Magna to train them so she doesn't risk in harming or killing anyone in using them of her fear of them(Those are her more powerful powers/abilities she fears of)

Ik the face looks shit, I'm somehow loosing the ability to draw faces and this next one will defiantly show it

Title: Alpha Leader

Yeah, it's horrid
But hey! Did a good job on the background for my first city one!

Yes, Siren can fly without her wings, Via Nightmaren flying she gained from a blood transfusion Reala played donor of
She just prefers to fly with wings in fights bc they can be used to grabbing villians, make her fly faster than her Nightmaren flying (Despite it's First Level Nightmaren speed(which are the fastest flyers cannonly)) and can send both villian and heroes flying back

Yes she's sent some of the team back twice, once for them to avoid Drilldozer and the other when they first met Serena and she thought her smoke bomb was an explosive

Title: Sirenala 7 Minutes In Heaven

Yeah a more recently finished one, I had a face base on this one for my brain

Plus I wanted a shot on the digital art perspective of Reala with just the horns(have on of traditional art that is a bit more spicy), ngl love the headcannon I saw on Tumblr of Nightmarens just having horns but the rest is just a head wrap hiding their hair

Yes Reala is a blonde to me bc yes
Also he looks nice without his normal attire (Journey of Dreams and Into Dreams outfits) so he has some casual attire outfits with his sleep, swim and even ruler/royal attire, yeah he has a few hoodies and gave one to Siren she doesn't wear often bc of  her worry of it getting ruined on Missions and Bulk's pranks

Yeah, even though Siren and Reala had many makeouts, and she is far from a virgin bc of how they are, she will still be flustered as fuck

Eh Ima head off bc it's 2am and I'm here listening to Jay Smith's Metal/Rock cover of Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
Later hoes!

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