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Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Takes place when Siren was still adjusting to being with the Heroes)

(Stormer and Breez are talking as they walk to the training room)
Breez: Shouldn't you and Furno tell Siren you two aren't a thing but decided to be her parents anyway especially since we're a thing?
Stormer: We will when she's more adjusted so it doesn't stress her out more than she is currently of trying to adjust.
(They walk inside the training room seeing Siren training against XPlode and Rotor with a Black Dog with red eyes(they haven't met Ruth then)breathing streams of fire at the two villians)
(Siren takes two pairs of Hero Cuffs from her pocket dimension while using her tail she shifted out as an extra limb as she and Ruth pin the two to the ground as Ruth turns into his human form and cuff the two villians)
Siren: (stands up as the simulation ends) Now that's a victory!
(Ruth shifts back to his dog form again and tackles Siren to the ground making Siren laugh as she pets the side of his head while her demon tail wags with Ruth's tail)

Siren: Okay, thanks for the help there bud.
Ruth: (smiles) No problem Mistress.
(Stormer and Breez are still watching, Breez is smiling behind her hands while Stormer is smiling normally)

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Siren is scavenging through the kitchen since she woke up from hunger and not a nightmare this time, her demon tail wasn't out this time and she's in the fridge)
(Siren suddenly hears a noise making her look seeing Surge there watching her)
Siren: (waves as she then takes the cookie out of her mouth) I got hungry.
Surge: And I can see that.

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Siren, flipping a light switch on and off to the beat of Believer by Imagine Dragons not knowing what the light switch is for)
(In the training room the lights are flickering on and off to the same beat making the team confused)
Stringer: (Playing the song from his speaker) First things first-
Stormer: What in the name of God?

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(This is from an RP with Wolfie)

Siren: (Playing Mask by Dream on her acoustic guitar) Yeah, honestly helping others gives me a reason to live really.
Breez: That's good, to bad not many people can think like that though.
Siren: Eh, it's whatever at this point.
(One of Siren's guitar strings snaps and she quickly grabs it in her hand before it can hit her face)
Siren: I hate when I put to much force in my guitar making the cords snap with my temper.

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here


(Siren is in her room live streaming Security Breach on her computer)
Siren: (rushing for the DJ Music Man boss fight) I need a parental figure! And I have two in the form of two Hero Factory team leaders.
(Ruth sighs as he's laying at Siren's feet at her desk chair)
Siren: Okay, let me wait a bit.
(Pulls the lever in game after her stamina meter fills up fully again, starting a short cutscene for the DJ Music Man boss fight, eyes widening at him crawling from the tube)
(Outside her room Furno is walking past then hears Siren scream)

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here


(Siren is in the training room wearing a pair of ballet slippers as she ballet dancing to a song (same song and dance in the media) to clear her head)
(The team and Wolfie are watching as Siren dances)

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Siren is walking with Furno as they talk)
Siren: Could it be, your in love?
(Furno freezes in his steps as Siren starts singing and dancing a bit)
Siren: (singing) Oh my tails swinging, got me lele Lele Le, got me lele Lele Le!
(Siren notices Furno rush off with a dark blush on his face)
Siren: (catches up to him) Wait your in love?!

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Bulk runs past Breez and Stormer making the two dodge him)
Stormer: What is he running for?
(Siren runs past them after Bulk as her face is in a snarl and has pink dye on her)
Breez: A second time of this prank?

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

Siren: There are two types of people on society. (Motions to Breez) The almost goodie two shoes who are always making people smile and happy by their presence alone. (Then motions to herself) Then me who have zero will to give and zero fucks to give on opinions from bullshit of society.

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

Siren: Why can't I not yeet myself off a cliff?
(Roodaka who visited Siren at the mansion and is staring at the kid she sees as her god daughter in worry)
Roodaka: Because your very important.
(Rocka who entered the room and stares at the two)
Siren: (Raises a brow) I highly doubt that I'm important at all Roodaka.
Roodaka: Siren, no!

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

(Siren is in little space with Reaper by her side making sure she's fine, Siren has her white tiger plush Tigger in her arms as she and Reaper walk through the mansion)
Siren: (sees Wolfie) Hi Pup Pup!
Reaper: (Stifles a laugh)

Lolbit We'll be Right Back photo here

Ah yes, I have finally finished this on the same day I start it!

And for those wondering of my and RP me's birthday-
It's June 1st

God I'm gonna turn 20 this year
I feel old

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