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Song in Media: Night, I Stand (Bayonetta Bloody Fate)

Evo: Hey Siren, I've been curious. Why do you have a deck of burnt Uno Cards in your room?
Siren: Oh those? Yeah they got burned when Tahu kept drawing every single color in the deck except the one he needed, needless to say that Fire Toa is a sore loser.
Evo: ... Why did you keep them?
Siren: For the memories because it was my first time playing games with them.


These somehow brother and sister

Siren: Hey Evo, you're dating a medic. What's the best way to get rid of a body?
Evo: ...
Evo: Siren what the fuck did you do-

Don't worry it was a joke thing, Siren ain't that unhinged


The few times Starscream acts grown age in a decent size as well

Siren: (petting Lysander who was laying in front of her) Come on Star' it ain't that bad.
Starscream: (hiding behind a human height Knockout) I AM NOT HAVING ANOTHER PREDIKING MOMENT CARRIER!
Siren: For the love of the All Father, Starscream Lysander is just a baby.
Knockout: ... I feel too old for this.
Miko: (wheezes)

Poor Starscream is traumatized by Prediking


Irl!Me & Lynn: (doing two Hunger Games simulator with the AU for fun)

First one: (dying of laughter at, it was either Evo or Surge who won, Stormer died due to an STD, Breez and Stringer got sent to a blender dimension, Siren literally ate a gummy made of bleach and died, Bulk killed Rocka first round, Quaddle killed Zib)

Second One: (Irl!Me & Lynn sobbing messes after the ending, Thunder was second place and just unalived himself with mental crisis of loosing his parents and siblings, Witch Doctor won, Serena literally died first round due to Queen Beast with a FUCKING TREE BRANCH, K died by XPlode with knife, almost immediately an event happened with internal bleeding monkeys that Queen Beast died before Corroder could avenged his wife, Witch Doctor bashed Corroder's head in a rock later on, gang bang slaughter on Purge with 4 people against him, Minion Bot 17 was used as a shield, Snowflake (actual HF Character) died by falling in a frozen lake, we were rooting for Thunder)


Future AU

Skye: (sitting on the ground near the base while playing her flute)
Cheshire: (sunbathing behind her letting her lean against his person while listening to her flute)
Samara & Esmeray: (had joined outside and were listening to Skye's flute playing as well)

Literally the bestie quartet
A kid forced to an older age body and mental age, a shadow kid, a half dragon and demon possessing a plush cat


Another potential kid for Serena

Witch Doctor: (sitting outside in the cold)
Serena: (come outside and puts a blanket on him) Trauma triggered?
Witch Doctor: Yeah...
Serena: (sits down next to him as she's edmitting a bit of steam from her bond with Phantasmaraneae) Rip.


Yet again, another potential kid for Serena

Serena: So it was apparently betted how long it would take for me to take a hero in like how Purge did with Vortex. Don't know who won that bet but I don't give a fuck.
Shiloh Ebony (Ex-Hero): Guess that's normal huh?
Serena: Yup!

Yes, it was bound to happen

Aka RP regarding XPlode going full momma mode when Samara gets hurt by heroes


Something based on what I recently found out-

Siren: When a man has 200 wives it's okay.
Siren: But when a woman has 200 husbands she's the slut/whore!
Kiya: ..... Are you complaining of this with being Polysexual?
Siren: No, even I have my limits of the amount.

So yeah I found out recently about Kiya from MediEvil 2 (aka Daniel's canon love interest) was part of 200 selected women to be a pharaohs wives, he died later on due to being so old and Kiya was the unlucky picked one to be killed and mummified to join him as his bride in the afterlife



Something from Discord

Me: (takes a Hero Factory quiz that Biosector1001 kept getting Black Phantom on)
Me: (immediately gets XL Stormer)
Me: (cackling) I AM MY FATHER'S CHILD!
Bio: It is confirmed

I just find it so fucking funny especially this is my SECOND Hero Factory character quiz I got Stormer on 😂
And I answer these things like those mental tests whatever in alternative school, truthfully


So another Infernal demon-


3 minutes in the video jump to be more accurate

(The villians, mainly Serena, Corroder, Rotor, XPlode and Purge were fighting against at least two hero teams)
Serena: (does a back flip to dodge and shoot the hero she was fighting with her heel gun, lands in a squat position as a demon symbol flashed briefly on her back)
Serena: (grins as she stands up) Time for some real fun. (Does a quick spin) MATORB PARM!
(A portal to Inferno immediately opened above behind her and a large train based demon came rushing out of it with its large guns activating)
XPlode: (immediately noticed) How many demons?-
Purge: No fucking clue

I just love that the most random demons in Bayonetta 3 are a fucking war train with large guns possessed by a demon and a clock tower from the Umbra Witches possessed by several of the Umbran Witches that died when it fell into Inferno including the Umbran elder


Siren: I have three practical older brothers, though one is a literal death god (Makuta), my other two are both Brits. Evo and Daniel.
Stringer: When was Daniel a brit?
Siren: He always was, Gallowmere originally existed in Britain and that was like what, 1200th century when he was born.

That is not a joke it is actually canon with Gallowmere's set location
I just keep forgetting about it 😂


Aria: (has her kid Hope on one of those carriers on her front with her baby's oxygen tank next to her)
Hydro: Aria when did you have a kid?
Aria: You know that several months I had a stand in?
Hydro: ... Oooooh.
Aria: Yeah, (pokes Hope's cheek with her finger making the baby giggle) didn't consent to having her but I don't regret birthing her.
Ember: (in a baby voice) She's so cuuuuute.
Gaia: I know right?
Shadowzone: (wondering when the fuck his mission chief had a fucking kid)
Quaddle: (from him and Zib's part of mission control) Hey Zib, your girlfriend brought her kid.
Zib: (notices) Oh hey that is Hope.


These siblings

Evo: At least I don't cling to my parents.
Siren: At least I wash my clothes every once in a while.
Evo: Washing clothes is a waste of time, I'm a busy guy!
Siren: (mocking) Meow meow meow meow.
Evo: (eyebrow twitch) Alright if you meow one more time-
Siren: (fuck around and find out/try me tone) MEOW MEOW MEOW!
Stormer, Furno, Rocka & Zib:

Gravity Falls ftw


Purge: I low-key pity people in the Villian base who's rooms are next to either Serena's room or Corroder's room because you mainly either hearing moaning or whimpering from their rooms.

I saw this with Nimona shit and I cackled I kid you not


Serena: (in a fight against heroes with Corroder)
One hero: It's a milf!
Corroder: Yeah and my practical wife so fuck off!
Serena: (grins)


Past AU
Serena went on her first missions with Rotor and XPlode

XPlode: (Serena had punched where his nose was in reflex of being snuck up on) I think you broke my nose.
Serena: (sighs as she slips her coat back on when XPlode walked off) Men are such babies.
Rotor: I'm a man and I can't even argue with that.
Serena: Hah!

Anastasia reference for the win fuckers!


Story Base bc yes-

(Mr.Makuro stood behind a thick window to a cell where Serena was in after being brought to Hero Factory. Her guns were gone obviously but she was now in practical hospital scrubs and had a collar around her neck with a shock charger)
Mr.Makuro: (turns to one of the scientists who were there) What the hell is this?! We do not torture.
Scientist: How many heroes and people has this woman killed and ate? I think we get a pass on that.
Mr.Makuro: No! We have rules for a reason-
(Serena's eyes snapped open as they were red now as she hissed at the glass)
(Mr.Makuro froze at that as he turned to Serena at the glass)
(Serena didn't get to finish as the scientist pressed a button on a remote they pulled from their lab coat with the dial knob at Max and Serena was immediately shocked from the collar and began to scream in pain)
Mr.Makuro: (still staring at Serena) Turn it off.
Scientist: (doesn't speak)
Mr.Makuro: (snaps at the scientist while turning to them) I SAID TURN IT OFF!
(The scientist immediately jumped and did so making Serena limp to the ground unconscious now)

Oh hey been a while yeah?

Yeah I'm finishing this up half past midnight so yee

Not much to say here but I'm going as Viola from Bayonetta 3 for Halloween this year!

Anyways, later hoes!

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