Explaining Siren & Ruth's Info

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I may had done so for Siren before but I wanted to do more for other stuff needed of and explaining this version of Ruth for the sake of my sanity bc it won't leave my head with Wolfie's chapters for the heroes of the headcannons and all

[Current Powers & Abilities and their Information]


Shapeshifting [Is able to shapeshift to whatever the user pleases. At first Siren was only able to shapeshift into organic base creatures meaning unable to shapeshift into creatures made of metal and etc. After a blood transfusion with Preston Stormer, Siren is now able to shapeshift into a Hero form as of now. Siren also prefers to shift one limb instead of her whole body when needed in missions such as her lower left forearm into a monster similar to a Deathclaw from the Fallout franchises own claws, her tail and a pair of wings]

Creation Magic [Is able to create anything she desires from thin air. One of the first powers Siren discovered she had as when she first used it was creating something to eat on a hungry night. Siren uses this to help herself when needed and has also used it to create money for her world to actually be able to get supplies she needed]

Ice Manipulation/Cryokenetics [The ability to manipulate ice to the users will and command. Siren had gotten this in her first blood transfusion with Reala as one of her own Nightmaren powers. Siren prefers this of the Nightmaren powers given it has proved very helpful in situations in missions and in normal life(One occasion Bulk nearly fell and could've broken his neck again if Siren didn't create a pile of snow where he was going to land)making it her favorites and preferred ones]

Fire Manipulation/Pyrokenetics [The ability to manipulate fire to the users will and command. This was the other power from the blood transfusion from Reala she gained as it is a power he also has as one of his signature abilities. Siren only uses this to play with a fireball but when needed in situations she will use the ability itself to help raise her own body temperature and others]

Flight [The user is able to fly without the need of wings. This is another of Siren's Nightmaren powers she gained from Reala and is a signature ability Nightmarens have to fly and float without the need of wings. The only Nightmaren Siren knows of who doesn't seem to have this ability is Owl but has wings instead]

Nightmare Portal [The user is able to create a nightmarish portal from a red, black and gold dust like sparkles from the tips of their fingers if the sparkles lines connect of their ends, the user is also able to put a person of their choice who travels through the portal into a nightmare filled slumber. Siren mainly uses this of self teleporting but gained it from Reala as it's his way of teleporting]

Universal Travel [The ability itself is rare to have on its own, especially if the the user has no limitations of where they can travel to. This was the second power Siren discovered she had of her powers using it to realm travel between each universe only taking breaks to study her surroundings]

Toa Control [The user has one or more Toa elements to their control. Siren is able to control three Toa elements so far of the elements Water, Jungles and Music and has able gain it with Toa Crystals which are crystals created by the Great Beings which are crystalized Toa elements inside of them when her powers needed aid of energy from Makuta finding them to help her healing ability]

Memory Manipulation [The user is able to read others memories and even change them to whatever they desire. Siren has done this once and that was to make sure Nex didn't do something stupid in attempts to get a mental image from his head. Only downside if she is removes a memory completely it's trapped ether in her own memory or in a jar in her pocket dimension, never fully gone]

Hypnosis [The user is able to put a target into a deep sleep in various ways, the main ones known/used of are through eye contact or with a wave of their hand. Siren has done this several times of using a wave of her hand to put Zib to sleep when he needs it yet refuses to, though prefers not to do so with her eyes as it tends to be overdone]


Shadow Travel [The User is able to travel from a person or beings shadow in a similar fashion of a teleport or to travel with the target via their shadow. Ruth mainly does this with Siren but on occasion has done so with Stormer at the most]

Fire Breathing [The user is able to breath streams of fire to even fireballs at opponents and targets. Ruth gained this ability as a remaining remenite of his previous familiar bond before Siren, Ruth prefers to breathe streams of fire than fireballs]

Form Change [The user has two sets of forms to change from. Ruth's two forms are his main form which is the black dog/Church Grim form and his human form, he uses the human form to be in places animals aren't allowed in at but prefers to stay in his main form most of the time being more used to it]

Body Possession [The user is able to control a set targets body to their own will as if it was their own, though the person in control of the targets body is the users own eyes. Ruth rarely uses this unless it's ether absolutely necessary or he's in a state of panic that's not letting him think straight]



Thanatophobia(Another meaning of Thanatophobia is the fear of death, that is, when someone is afraid of death or their close one, they have Thanatophobia)
Siren has Thanatophobia in the fears of loosing those she's close to her given they are only close to her that they were the ones who treated her to be treated and is horrified the idea of loosing them

Philophobia(A fear of falling in love. It can also be a fear of getting into a relationship or fear that you will not be able to maintain a relationship)
Siren had Philophobia from her previous relationships of the people in them being abusive to her, this made her terrified of being in a relationship until dating Reala, she's terrified she won't make it to some sort of unknown expectation he has(which he far from has expectations from her, he's just happy their happily together)and loose their love all together

Arachnophobia (The irrational fear of spiders)
Siren and Bulk both have a common ground of Arachnophobia and are deadly terrified of spiders, despite Siren grew up in an area spiders were a common thing she despised seeing them even as a practitioner for Loki

Atychiphobia(In its extreme form, fear of failure)
Siren has this phobia given she was deemed to make nothing but perfection by her biological family and if she never met those perfections she would be harmed more than normal


Wiccaphobia (The fear of witchcraft. It was once a societal norm throughout much of Christian Europe and the United States)
As much as weird given his position as a familiar to a Witch Shapeshifter, Ruth has this phobia as it was developed during his time being with his first familiar bond before Siren, which also made him terrified of Siren but thankfully gotten used/accepted her, he still gets uneasy at times seeing Siren do her spells

[Mental Illnesses]


Asburgers [One of the many sides of the Autism Spectrum]
No one on Alpha team is aware Siren has this, though shows clear signs of it they never pushed her of it. Siren also gave Ruth clear familiar commands not to tell them behind her back or at all until told to. Siren is more than ashamed to be a part of the spectrum being judged for it almost all her life by people and having her issues ignored when her little brother is also on the spectrum but on the non-verbal end

Everyone is fully aware Siren has this, it was clear from the start when she warmed up to them all finally. It's more active off missions given she has to fight against it on missions like she had to with her biological family to avoid being yelled at

Bipolar 1
It isn't often much Siren shows it, the only person on Alpha team who knows of it is Stormer given her sudden mood changes once being mistaken for her period. Zib is aware of it also noticing it as clear as day with the woman

Schizophrenic Bipolar [Form of Schizophrenia in some people with Bipolar Disorder]
Almost all the team knows Siren has of this, especially Stormer, Furno and Zib when it comes to her moments and sees shadow figures who push her depression more which with it as well push her in her fear and her lowering sanity

Social Anxiety
Having this, Siren's overstimulation in big crowds tends to skyrocket at the most given with her biological family she was born in a small town where there wasn't as many people as there is in Mako Hero City

Self explainitory and boosts Siren's paranoia quite a lot

Bipolar Depression [A form of Depression in people with Bipolar Disorder]
It's obvious beyond anything Siren has this, and the whole team is aware of it given her self harm tendencies

PTSD/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Given her abuse from her biological family and her ex's, Siren has this bad as at times it can become doubled with her powers in the risk of harming herself and others around her and at times will lead to seeing the visions more vivid of an attack as well as the most rare, dragging others into it from her powers trying to have people calm her down from her attacks


PTSD/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Ruth has this from his previous familiar bond, while not as bad as Siren's it's still there at times but attacks are rare compared to Siren's that often makes him forget he has it

[Physical Issues]


Siren has had this issue for years making her need an inhaler in case of emergencies, the only person on Alpha team who knows of this is Furno given he saw Reaper give Siren her inhaler to control her breathing

Far Sighted Eyes
Siren's glasses aren't for a fashion statement, she actually needs them to see being Far Sighted from both her biological parents mainly her father. A reason why she despises pranks that can ruin her glasses [Yet Bulk never learns it]

Stomach Issues
This is common thing that the whole team is aware of making Siren unable to eat most foods without running the risk of throwing them back up with a pint of blood. She's had this issue for years since she was nine but can't remember what caused it, all she remembers it happened after lunch as the first time making Ruth suspicious one of Siren's classmates/bullies had done something to her food that caused it


None as of now

[Birthdays, Sexualities, etc.]


June 1st 2002 Gemini ♊
Demi Pan-romantic
Unknown list of shapeshifting forms
Prefers to shift into a large Artic Wolf


October 1st 1990 Libra ♎
Siren's Hip Height [Dog/Main form Height], 6'" [Human form Height]

So this gif I got as a commission from someone here on Wattpad for this story, so yeah credits to FollowTheLeader here on Wattpad!

Anyways I'ma go now, later!

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