Signatures of Hope

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Siren made sure Sundrop and Moon would take care of Lilith while she was gone as she rushed down the stairs of the mansion with her signature black leather bag was on her back. Her outfit was different than her usual hoodie and jeans but instead a black backless tank top which was covered by a dark blue denim jacket with a grey hood on it, black leggings which a pair of jean shorts and white crochet sneakers on her feet.

"Siren Luna Stormer-Furno." Siren froze from walking at the familiar voice-her full name being said in B-Flat to make it worse-of her dad as she slowly looked seeing Stormer standing there as he looked down at her, their obvious hieght differences of Siren being five foot six and Stormer being above eight feet in hieght.

"Hey dad, what's up?" Siren asked nervously making Stormer roll his eyes a bit. "Where do you think your going young lady?" He asked her, "And your nineteen, still young." Stormer stopped Siren before she could counter she wasn't young. Siren sighed brushing her bangs from her face and glasses, "So you know how I have to have to get my tattoos touched up?" Siren asked him showing her left hand where she had her Iydea tattoo on the back and her pentagram tattoo on her palm.

"Yeah, what about it?" Stormer asked then realized. "Your going to your world to get them touched up?" He asked her to confirm. Siren nodded, "Yup!" She confirmed to him, "I also have some new tattoos I want to get so it might take longer than expected." She said making him raise a brow. "How many new ones?" He asked to be sure, "Just three more is all."

Stormer's eyes widened at that, "I'm guessing one is of-" "The Hero Factory logo yes." Siren cut him off of his question to confirm. "And the other two are more personal meaning to me." She told him as she rubbed the back of her neck. Stormer sighed as he then smiled a bit while resting his hand on Siren's head making her flinch a bit before relaxing. He knew Siren easily flinched with sudden touch in areas with her biological mother and her ex's, it became a muscle memory reflex to her.

"Just make sure to call me, Furno or even Zib to let us know when your coming back." He told her making Siren smile, her tail would've been wagging if she had it shifted out but didn't done so it would be easier to be discovered of her powers.

"Don't worry dad I will." She told him as she then hugged him which Stormer hugged her back. "I'll be back don't worry." She told him making him pat the top of her head, "And if you don't you let us know." He said making Siren roll her eyes as she broke the hug.

Siren appeared from a portal outside the steps of the mansion then once the portal was gone she walked inside after opening the door. "Guess who's fucking home?! THE FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT!" She yelled as she closed the door behind her making her hear a sigh.

"Siren really?" Furno said from the couch making the blonde grin, "Yes really mom." She said, Siren's left hand had a plastic paper on it to cover the back of it, as the same was on her right wrist and on her upper beck. Furno immediately took notice of them. "New Tattoos?" He asked, making Siren smile a bit.

"Yeah, I'll show them after dinner since." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "The meaning of two of the new ones might make y'all loose your appetites." She said, Furno had a slight feeling what it was but agreed with her nonetheless.

Siren had the team, Zib, Quaddle and Wolfie in the main room as she had her patches for her tattoos finally off. "Okay, what's the new tattoos you waiting to show us kid?" Stormer asked her, the blonde Witch Shapeshifter's tail wagging happily.

"Okay so the first one I've told y'all of before." She said as she showed the back of her right hand, where she had the Hero Factory logo in the colors red and black. "Woah!" Breez said amazed as Zib looked it over. "Not bad kid-" Zib cut himself off as he saw the tattoo on her right wrist which was a semi colin. "Why a semi colin?" He asked her as her tail stopped wagging.

"Let me show the one on my back first." She told him making him give her a look but step back to let her do so. Siren turned around as she faced her back to them while taking her jacket off showing Medusa the cursed Gorgon head tattoo on her upper back. "Medusa?" Bulk asked with a raised brow, Siren sighed at that.

"Well, Stormer and Furno already know of the incident, but Medusa tattoos are meant to show for victims of Sexual Assault and or Rape..." She admitted, tensing her body feeling their shock which turned to rage in the air with her powers. She understand how they cared for her and hearing of this, their reactions were expected. "And the Semi Colin tattoos," Siren started again as she turned back to face then while showing the said tattoo on her wrist, "Are to show Failed Suicide attempts, I was originally planning to get one for each attempt but I lost count even though I know it's in the double digits." She explained, seeing their faces fall at that.

Siren's tail froze at that and quickly tucked between her legs for the worst. Thankfully for her anxiety she was hugged by Kuro, "You haven't done that again had you?" He asked her, it was still hard for Siren to remember he was eleven with him being her exact height. Siren smiled at her half brother as she hugged him back, "Don't worry bro, I'm at my six month mark of it." Siren reassured him, "But I was about to before coming here." She admitted making Kuro tighten his grip on her.

Siren sighed as she noticed the team, Zib, Quaddle and Wolfie's stares. "Me and my big mouth." She muttered as Kuro broke the hug for Stormer to hug her, it was somewhat strange for him to hug her since she wasn't used being hugged by a parent yet and the painfully oblivious height differences. "I'm just glad your still here to be with us kid." He said making Siren smile a bit. "Thank Makuta for catching me before I had a chance to reach the ground and humans to notice on that one." She told him as she hugged him back with her tail wagging a bit.

Siren still questioned how Makuta was there when she jumped off that rooftop and how he managed to catch her before any humans noticed the two when he went to where she jumped. She still remembered the day like the back of hand, having to comfort Makuta with his hysteria of not wanting to loose his best friend and how Mata Nui, Emiku, the Toa, Roodaka, the Glatorian and even some of the Nightmarens had came to show how much they all cared for her.

She knew then she was going to keep fighting to live and this family and being a member of Alpha One team. Gave her the more reasons to keep fighting to stay alive and over power through her issues.

This took two days! Yesterday and today and with me roleplaying various RP's with Wolfie I finally managed to finish this!

I'm honestly tempted to get those two tattoos I mentioned when I finally can get tattoos

Also if anyone wants an image of garbage me-there's no denying it, I am trash of looks-I bid you irl me!

Yes I am garbage, I also am hiding my chin in the second photo bc acne is a biiiiiitch even with makeup(just the usual to hide scars)

Also, ring is my class ring(it's a fidget also, bc it's on a spinner), and yes I have Brain Attack model/armor Preston Stormer next to a 2012! Raphael Bluetooth speaker
I'm still tying to get Brain Attack model/armor William Furno to par with him since, duh their my parents to replace my shit ones
And yeah, Stormer is missing some pieces that went God knows where, I swapped Tigger for Stormer and yeah that's how that happened, I just want my dad to help comfort me with my depression episodes/moments of hysteria

Also, shameless YouTube plug bc y'all probably don't know what I sound like and I'm gonna be getting a new computer when it's Tax season here in the States!

Back into my plushie pile/fort I go!

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