Sweet Child 'o Mine

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"God damn, patrols in the city are always boring." Siren wined as she sat in a restaurant in Mako Hero City with Ruth's human form in front of her.

The two had their turn of the weekly patrols around the city and decided to have a break from it while they could map out what areas they had checked and what was left off to patrol while also letting Siren's powers energy recharge with her having something to fill her stomach.

"Okay so far we still have one more place we need to patrol we've been holding off on doing." Ruth said while pointing to an area on their holo-map as Siren carefully listened to him as she sipped her soda after finishing some nuggets she ate.

"Any reason why you've wanted us to avoid that area?" Ruth asked her making Siren sigh as she put down her cup and hold her arms in a self hug. "Is it that nightmare with Ness in it?" Ruth asked her making the blonde Witch Shapeshifter shake her head. "No it's not that," Siren told him before she put her chin in the palms of her hands while resting her elbows on the table.

"I've got one of those feelings like Papa and Surge do of that area." Siren explained, her tail twitching every now and then but it was with all the energies in the city of all the citizens. Ruth gave a sigh as he shook his head. "Siren once we check that area, we'll be done, report back to the Hero Factory of the stuff and be able to head back to the mansion." He told her watching as Siren closed her eyes to try to relax her nerves and anxiety.

Siren was still newly recovered from her fever she had while her sore throat was all gone, she was over her illness like when she had finally got her cast off when she broke her left forearm from falling off her training motorcycle before she was able to have her own signature motorcycle like Furno and Stormer trying to pull a wheelie like she remembered the times she saw Furno do so.

It was also the first time Furno and Stormer used her Humanizer devices which temporarily made the heroes human and the two had personally met her biological mother Stacey, the same woman who abused Siren mentally, verbally and physically for years.

And with the Hero Tournament at the Hero Factory of the first round of it beginning soon, it was an added stress to Siren's shoulders as she had a feeling something was going to happen in that time period in the tournament.

Siren snapped her eyes open feeling a small hand tug on her hoodie, looking down Siren saw a small child-robot like the citizens of course-tugging on her hoodie. "Hi there, may I help you." Siren greeted them in a soft tone. "I saw with your Holo-map, are you with the Hero Factory?" The child asked, making Siren smile. "Yes me and my friend Ruth are, we're part of Alpha One team." Siren told them making the kid excited as they asked questions happily which Siren answered them with smile.

Ruth smiled at the sight. He knew Siren for years and knew she loved kids with all her heart and managed to help Furno and Surge with taking care of Kuro, Siren's new half sibling. Siren always had a maternal vibe she gave off even before her nieces and nephews of her biological family were born.

She was one of the few occasions a young woman would want the idea of a baby, most women and girls her age would ether hate the idea of having children or wait until they were in the right cards for one. Siren on the other hand especially with her being with the heroes now instead of her biological family always dreamed of having her own family and kids of her own for years. And she was thankful for having Reala as her boyfriend because he was okay of the idea of kids as well but of course of his role it would have to wait of biological kids of their own.

But of course didn't stop Siren of practically having the animatronics she made so far as her kids, but Ruth could easily tell Siren still wanted kids of her own.

Ruth noticed the time on his watch making him sigh after paying for the meal. "Siren we have to finish up this patrol." He said making Siren sigh as she stopped talking to the child. "Dang it Hero Factory business that get in the way of fun." She said making Ruth laugh a bit as he grabbed their Holo-map Quaddle provided for them and stuffed it in his jacket pocket. Siren bid the child goodbye and the two left the restaurant.

"Okay what's the fastest way to get there?" Siren asked Ruth as the two walked while Ruth had the Holo-map out. "Taking a left soon ahead will speed it up, what's up?" Ruth asked her as he was about to put away the device for their Holo-map before Siren grabbed it from him as she stuffed it in her bra and pulled him down by his shoulder.

"Ruth my instincts are screaming something is going to happen in the next minute in that alleyway we need to get there now to prevent it." Siren said making Ruth's red eyes widen at that. Ruth shifted to his dog form and the two ran into the alleyway.

The two in the alleyway by themselves it felt almost bone chilling to the Witch Shapeshifter and the Black Fae Dog. Siren's human ears twitched with Ruth's dog ears making the two nod and rush into the direction of the sound.

Ruth moved a dumpster out the way showing what made Siren gasp. "Ma'am are you okay?" Siren asked the woman, she was surprisingly human in this world who held what Siren immediately knew was a newborn baby in her arms, blood spilling from her head while baby was safe from any injuries.

Ruth's tail twitched and he shot around while growling making Siren look at him.

"Ruth what's wrong?" Siren asked him, "We're not alone kid." He told her as the woman regained conciseness at the sound of the two. Siren lowered her gaze as she took a protective stance in front of the woman and her child. "Winter, Valiant, Cinderace we're gonna need help you three." Siren said as Cinderace, Winter the Froslass and Valiant the Lucario came from Siren's shadow next to her.

"Cinderace, Winter. I need you two to restrain the guy. Valiant, Ruth stand guard by me. I'm gonna try to heal the woman." Siren gave orders making the four nod.

Cinderace and Winter had to run-or fly for the Froslass-after the person while Ruth and Valiant stood guard in case of any Shadow Villians. Siren knelt down to the woman as she looked at Siren, "Listen to me ma'am, I have no clue how you got here in the world but I'm going to help-" Siren was cut off as the woman handed Siren her child.

Siren knew how to hold a baby properly when it came to her nieces and nephews, she carefully took the baby in her arms while cradling them as her tail went to it and the baby grabbed it in its hand while squeezing it in their sleep making Siren's heart melt at that.

"Please..." Siren looked back up at the woman noticing the light and life leaving her eyes making Siren's heart stop. "Take care of my baby girl for me..." The woman said making tears fill Siren's eyes that threatened to fall. Siren was all for promises to keep ones she knew wouldn't break being all to familiar with empty and broken promises her life. "I promise." Siren told her making the woman smile as she fell limp making Valiant rush to her side.

Siren looked back down at the baby in her arms that still held her tail in it's sleep. Quickly pressing her index and middle finger to earpeice in her right ear, she contacted mission control.

"Siren to Zib, Siren to Zib, you hear me Zib?" "I hear you Siren, what's the situation?" "I'm near Skyline street in an alleyway, I found a now dead human woman and I have her baby in my arms."

Siren was back in the mansion after the situation with the woman was handled. The person who killed her had escaped from Cinderace and Winter despite they were the faster ones of her familiars unfortunately but now they were on the watch list for the Hero Factory. Only one thing wasn't handled.

Siren held the baby in her arms which she was currently feeding it with formula while the team, Zib, Wolfie and Creator discussed the situation of the child. Ruth stood next to her in his dog form to help her while her Zorua Shadow was on her shoulder that watched the baby enjoy every bit of the formula.

The team, Zib, Wolfie and Creator knew Siren already connected to the baby and trying to take it away from her was futile. Especially when how it would work for them to be in an orphanage here in Mako Hero City with the species differences.

Siren put down the now empty bottle as she picked up a small blanket to put on her free shoulder as she started to burb the baby. "I could always use my powers to make a new room like that medical room for the baby." Creator said making Stormer look at her like she was insane.

"Your crazy." He said, making Creator roll her eyes at that. "Stormer, Siren's your kid and look at her," Creator said as she jestered to Siren who helped the baby burb and was now rocking the infant in her arms. "She's obviously already attached to it and taking care of it like it's her own kid." She added making Stormer sigh knowing that was true.

"I can hear you guys and the baby is a girl." Siren said making them look at her for that. "Wait really?" Bulk asked shocked at that. "Who do you think has been changing her diaper?" Siren asked him in a retort manner making Stringer laugh a bit at his boyfriend's occasional blind moments.

"Okay then," Zib said as he sat up from leaning against the counter with his mug of coffee in hand. "What's an idea for her name then?" Zib asked her as he went to refill his mug with more coffee. "Lilith Garnet Nightmaric." Siren said making them all look at her for that name.

"Why Nightmaric as a last name?" Furno asked curious making Siren sigh. "I remember of my past life Nightmaric was my married last name and my daughters had that as well." Siren explained, letting the baby hold her tail again. "As for Lilith, I always wanted to name a girl that." Siren explained the first name, "While Garnet is a gemstone." Siren explained the middle name, watching the baby squeeze her tail in her tiny hands.

"Guess that settles it as much as I dislike the truth," Stormer said making them all look at him. "I am now a Grandparent and that is now your kid." He said making Breez laugh a bit as she patting his back while Siren smiled happily at the news.

Siren carefully gave the newly named Lilith a kiss on the top of her head. "This my child now."

Is this Lilith going to be a character now a part of the roleplays and incorrect quotes? Yes, yes she is

If those curious of how she's going to be taken care of when RP!Me is on missions, it would be Valiant since he and Serperior took care of RP!Me since she was a kid but she'll have Ackar and Gresh do so

I shall now go back into my plushie pile/fort

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