Alpha Leader

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"Guys calm down, I'm perfectly fine!" "Siren you got shot by Rotor on that mission, I highly doubt that." "Rather believe otherwise Kid." "Ziiiiiiiib!" The said mission chief shook his head with a small smile at the team, "Sorry Siren, can't help you there." The blonde Witch Shapeshifter in question groaned in annoyance at that, while Siren did managed to get shot by the said Helicopter villian, her healing process was much faster than the normal humans was. But it didn't lessen the teams worries for their current rookie.

"I think we should be getting home now," Rocka said, "If it means mom and dad are gonna calm their tits? Please." Siren said causing the team including the said parents of her's laughed in an uproar at that. "You coming Zib?" Surge asked the mission chief, "Nah, I'm gonna finish some things up." Zib told them, "You better be coming home when your supposed to or Makuro will chew you out." Siren said as Ruth laughed next to her while Zib shook his head with that.

"Catch ya' at home Zib!" Siren said as she and Alpha team left to head back to the mansion. "Quaddle can get me some more folders please?" Zib asked the helper bot, Quaddle nodded with an 'okay' as he flew off to find some spare empty folders. Zib typed away at his tablet before noticing a familiar shadow looming over his shoulder making him jump seeing Mr.Makruo there, 'Jeez, Siren ends up mentioning him and he somehow shows up.' Zib thought as he started to calmed down his racing nerves, "M-Mr.Makuro," The senior bot smiled at the mission chief.

"Your evaluations Zib?" Zib blinked in the familiarity of that sentence, "First time I heard those words together was when you wanted my opinion of Furno and Stormer," Zib started, "I'm guessing it's of how Furno, Stormer and Siren of the missions correct?" Zib asked seeing Mr.Makuro smile at that as he nodded. "Well things seem good so far, despite Siren's reckless acts to capture the villian." He said as he remembered the mission from earlier and the ones previous, "But of course of that and with Stormer and Furno being her parents, things seem rather good so far." Zib explained to Me.Makruo.

Makuro nodded, "A dedicated hero she is like Stormer and Furno," he said, "But I fear of some things with her." Zib looked at Makuro for that sentence, "Given what Siren had been through for most if not her whole life of her biological family as a way to survive, she mastered the art of pretending." Zib raised a brow at that in confusion, "Meaning Siren may act like she may trust all of us, but she may still not fully." Zib felt like he got hit with a brick at that, "W-What? Why would she not trust us?" He asked making Makuro sigh as he rubbed his temples a bit, "Of all she's been through before coming here, the roots of distrust are more deep and winded in her heart and spirit to prevent her from doing so as you'd originally think they were." He said, the memory of seeing somethings in Siren's past one night replaying in his head.

Makuro shook his head of those visions as he looked at Zib, the poor mission chief was worried at those words, "But despite those issues, no matter how long it may take to overcome them, Siren is more than worthy to be a new Alpha leader." That last line alone got Zib's expression to shock. "You think so?" Zib asked, Makuro smiled, "I know so." The familiar words made Zib remember when it was when Mr.Makuro brought up how Stormer saw Furno could be a new Alpha leader when the fire based hero was a rookie along with Breez and Surge.

"Even without her powers, Siren is a quick thinker in situations, she's quick on her feet, proves to have strong leadership skills. Her powers are strange and yet very helpful," Makuro said, "She'll go through many trials I know she'll pass them well like her parents have, and be a wonderful Alpha leader." And with that, Mr.Makuro left to head back to his office leaving Zib there to process his words.

Siren of the team had seemingly more issues than Surge did, and he had more than the whole team, but of not trusting them all fully still was still a shock to Zib of how well she acted otherwise. But one thing for sure it was gonna take a long time to even let a small sliver of hope to fix her trust issues, if they could even be fixed at this point. But one thing that was for sure, she was going to be a wonderful Alpha team leader.

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