Origins of the Church Grim

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Ruth let out a content sigh as he laid at the foot of Siren's bed in the mansion. The said Witch Shapeshifter hero was out at the store to help Wolfie with shopping, and the Church Grim took the opportunity to relax in their room while the two female's were out.

Ruth spent what he could sleeping, similar to Tahu and Furno, but it was because before he became Siren's enteral familiar, he often found peace with sleeping since him sleeping was the only time with his old master that made him feel safe. Of course he did think back on those days from time to time even if he could help it.


Ruth was still young in Church Grim standards as he was still newly a Church Grim who had been forced into a familiar bond. It never felt like the agreement of familiars he had heard of before when he was still a normal dog since his owner was fascinated by magic and all. This familiar bond was warped to be forced.

His mistress was a brunette with a pair of blue eyes almost similar to those of a witch flower. Their magic was more on the darker side of things, and with that, gave Ruth or he was called in that familiar bond Ulysse, would get injuries from it. With the bond being warped as it was, his mistress wouldn't have his injuries like he did with Siren but he could feel her's.

It came to the day Ulysse finally broke the warped familiar bond, attacking the woman afterwards by breathing fire at her. Running as far he could as he heard the woman changing and screaming words to a curse, that whoever he became a familiar to he wouldn't be able to break from that bond. His running eventually lead Ulysse to travel to a different area in the world from London.


Ulysse struggled one of his eyes open seeing a small blonde hair girl with light hazel almost gold colored eyes and paper white skin who wrote something on a paper, a strange green serpent like creature at her side while one who was by a small campfire near them was stirring something in a pot over the flames.

The blonde child's ears twitched as she then looked at him and gasped happily seeing the Church Grim awake as she dropped her pencil and folder while running over to him. Ulysse tried to back up but then hissed in pain, now noticing the various bandages on his person, especially at his legs. "Are you okay doggy?" The child asked him snapping his attention to her seeing her next to him as the two creatures were watching the two.

"I'm a Church Grim kid, and I'm fine." Ulysse told her bluntly making the girl blink a bit before she smiled brightly. "I remember reading of Church Grins! That's so cool!" She said excitedly, Ulysse could easily see it was almost an Autistic hyper joy. The girl reminded him of his old owner for her love of magic stuff. "And me and Valiant patched you up." She said as the same blue beast walked over to them and kneeled next to the girl.

"Mistress," Ulysse froze at that knowing now that this was a familiar then by that title he called the girl. "I think you should go a finish your homework." The beast said making the girl nod, "Okay Valiant!" With that the girl went back to the other creature as it picked up the pencil and folder with vines from under a collar around it's neck and handed them to the girl who went back to her homework.

"What are you two?" Ulysse asked the blue beast as he looked at him, "Your not normal familiars I can tell that." He added, Valiant smiled, "I am a Lucario, a Pokémon. And the other is a Servine which is another Pokémon." Valiant said which made Ulysse confused at that, which the little girl happily began to explain to him.


'Come on, come on.' Ulysse thought as he ran through the forest with the injured child Siren on his back. She held onto his fur with a tight grip as she cried a bit at the pain. Ulysse decided to join the child to school in her shadow, realizing to him that she was loosing sanity and self worth day by day at her school, and her mother that would attack her leaving her with various injuries.

Ulysse could feel his blood boiling at having to force himself to watch it all despite he wanted to snap, to leave the child's shadow to growl, bite and breathe fire at the humans and to comfort the small child like he saw Reaper do whenever she woke up from a bad dream.

Ulysse reached the small camp and immediately took notice of her other familiars feeling her pain as well with their bond as Ulysee shifted to his human form while holding the girl in his arms who clung to him as she cried. Valiant immediately began to heal her wounds with Heal Pulse as her powers were already doing what they naturally did to heal her wounds.

The injuries slowly faded into scars as Siren stopped crying in Ulysse's arms. "W-Why doesn't mommy love me?" She asked quietly making Ulysee sigh as he patted the blonde's head, "I wish I knew." He told her trying to comfort her.

After a while Siren was finishing her homework for the weekend before she ate when Ulysee, who was still in his human form, approached her. Siren looked up at him, "Yes Usie?" She asked him, she wasn't able to pronounce his name but the Church Grim was okay with it so she didn't strain herself trying to pronounce his name.

Ulysee knelt in front of the girl, "Siren you are aware of how normal familiar bonds work, correct?" He asked her making Siren nod before she realized which made her drop her pencil. "B-But, why?" She asked as Valiant, Reaper, Servine and Salem were at her side. "I may have had a previous mistress who treated me wrong, but seeing how you are, you are far different from her and I see you are worthy for my trust as a familiar." Ulysse explained to her.

The silence in the air was tense, "Are you sure though?" Siren asked to make sure he was truly okay with it. Ulysse smiled with a nod, "Of course. I promise I am." He said, making Siren smile as she held out her hand. Ulysee carefully took it at he made a small cut in her palm which bled slowly as the two took hands for the ritual.

"Now join the root of blood. Now knot the silver string. To never pårt. tie the holy. To not lose use the ivy. Knot it seven times on the seven spreading yews. Until the day the snake of the end spews its tail."

"Siren," Ulysee spoke, "Give me a new name for this new life." He said as Siren smiled, a name immediately coming to her head. "Come, Ruth." The bond was sealed, two souls as one as familiars.


A now fifteen year old Siren and Ruth were in the same cave that Makuta and Roodaka stayed on island on Spherus Magna, the two were content with the others presence as they have bonded since their familiar bond was made.

"Siren," The blonde opened her eyes behind her glasses as she looked at the Church Grim whom she laid against in the cave for comfort. "Yes Ruth?" She asked him, "Do you know, why, I made that familiar bond with you all those years ago despite my trust issues?" Ruth asked her, making Siren nod. "Yeah, you said I was far from your last mistress." She said before it clicked in her head.

"You don't have to tell me you know? If it's uncomfortable with you, I'm okay with you not telling me." She told him making him shake his head. "No, you deserve to know." He said making Siren sigh as she fixed her hair up in a ponytail. And Ruth told, all the pain he felt, how the warped bond he delt with until he managed to break free from it, how the woman came up with a curse for him on the spot.

At the mention of the curse, Siren spoke. "Wait if that curse meant you were going to be someone familiar unable to break it, why did you bond with me then?" She asked him as she pulled her knees to her chest. "Siren," Ruth sighed, "I've said before, your far from her. And you still are." He said as he looked at the Witch Shapeshifter. "You grew in the conditions one would fall in and look at you now, bloomed into a beautiful and wonderful flower." He said watching as Siren smiled while her tail wagged at that.

Siren suddenly hugged the Church Grim around his neck making Ruth jump a bit in surprise before relaxing as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Thank you..." She said, making Ruth smile. "Of course." He said.


"We're back!" Ruth lifted his head up at that, before he jumped off the bed, stretching and then left to head downstairs. Siren and Wolfie were in the kitchen as they put away groceries they got at the store. Wolfie also had gotten herself a bobba while Siren got herself her usual soda of Dr Pepper as well while they were out as the two talked.

Ruth made it to Siren's side and immediately sat by her legs making the blonde notice. "What's up Ruth?" She asked him, easily noticing his slight distress. "I'm fine, just," He then sighed as Wolfie looked over at the two, "Some memories." He said as he stayed at Siren's legs. Siren smiled at that, knowing not to question any further if he was uncomfortable with it, while also having an idea of what it was he had a memory of.

"Alright, just make sure to tell me when you want to." She said as she pat his head making him lean into his touch. "I will, don't worry." He reassured her making Siren's tail wag at that as she and Wolfie continued to put away groceries. The peace was only for a few seconds before Furno came in with Surge over his shoulder in a Fireman carry.

Siren noticed and broke down in laughter at that getting the other two's attentions as Wolfie laughed. "Mom be careful with Surge!" Siren got out from her laughter, "He isn't in the bedroom what do you think he's gonna be careful now?!" Surge said making the laughter worse. Ruth soon found himself laughing, he didn't think once he escaped from his old mistress that he would be familiar bonded again. But this was a familiar bond he was more than happy to be a part of especially of this family as an added bonus.

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