The Terror

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"KID!" Blood. The warm thick crimson liquid poured from Siren's body of her stomach across the ground a rocky terrain. The blonde woman's breathing was shallow as her skin was more pale the normal, her tail barely twitching as the Alpha leader rushed to her side.

"No no no no-" Stormer kept rambling to himself as he carefully picked Siren up in his arms and held her close as he put one of his hands on her wound and added pressure to slow the bleeding down, her usually bright yellow cat slit eyes were dull as the light and life slowly faded from when she opened them and gave Stormer a bright smile.

"Hey Papa..." She greeted him before coughing as blood spilt from her mouth making Stormer worried, where was the rest of his team?! They all cared and loved for her too, where were they?!

She stopped coughing as she still smiled up at him, keeping a smile for those around her as she always did. "Guess this is the end for me Papa." She said making tears flood Stormer's eyes, it was the same panic he felt when it came to Thresher in the Von Ness mission when it all went to hell for him as a rookie.

Stormer carefully held the side of her face making her hold his hand, "D-Don't worry kid, N-Nex is gonna help you, O-Okay? N-Nex i-is gonna-" Stormer was cut off his talking as Siren gave the hand she held a firm squeeze as she still smiled despite the blood that poured slowly from her mouth like her wound that Stormer had his other hand against to slow the bleeding which was in vain.

"I love you Daddy." She said, making a rouge tear escape Stormer's eye. "Daddy loves you too kid..." And to Stormer's fear as his Quaza stopped at the sight as Siren fell limp as she stopped breathing making more tears fall from Stormer's eyes. "No no no no no-" Stormer held her close as he wasn't bothered by his tears.


"No!" Stormer shot up from his sleep as he gasped for his breath, shaking as he did so. He took the moment to study his surroundings, still in his room in the mansion as his internal clocks read two thirty one in the morning.

Stormer sighed shakily as he brought his hands to his face, feeling the tears that trailed from his eyes. He must've cried in his sleep from that nightmare. To Stormer, the nightmare felt way to real to him like the ones that replayed after the Von Ness mission for nearly months until he finally talked to Zib and Thresher of them.

It also explained to him how Siren felt with her night terrors, and she had these all the time she fell asleep. It made Stormer worried for her mental state since she delt with them every night. The thought of Siren also brought him back to his nightmare he had just woke up from.

Given he cared for her as she was practically his own daughter, the nightmare itself felt way to real and showed his fears of loosing her. Hell, she even acted as she did while dying in it.

Stormer took the moment to calm himself as he pushed the blanket off of him knowing it wasn't going to be an easy task to fall back asleep as he left his bed to leave his room.

Opening the door, Stormer's night vision sensors kicked in so he could maneuver the area easily. He left his room after quietly closing the door behind him and began to walk to Siren's room. With Siren's animatronics she had built, Molten Freddy and Sundrop who's able to turn into Moondrop with the lighting and Molten occupying the vents, he definitely didn't want to wake them up like with the team as well.

Noticing Siren's door open a peek, he looked in it showing Ruth was asleep on her bed in his dog form but the blonde Witch Shapeshifter was no where to be seen. Stormer felt panic bubble up inside him but it went away when he heard a familiar voice sing a soft and calming melody.

Song: Senbonzakura/A Thousand Cherry Trees Cover by Lizz Robinett Originally by Vocaloid

Stormer smiled at hearing Siren singing as he went to the direction of it. He found himself in the indoor garden as she has Moondrop by her side as he smiled along with a few of her familiars Zacian, Cinderace and Serperior by her sides as they all enjoyed her singing.

Of Siren's singing, like with her many talents, it was amazing she was self taught in these things given how her biological family was. Though she was far away from them now, every time Siren mentioned something of how her biological mother Stacey was, it made the team at times want to break Hero Protocols and attack the woman for all the things she's caused to Siren. Even making Breez swear of something when it's usually nearly impossible to get Breez to swear.

Siren kept singing the calming melody as the Pokémon familiars she had out and the moon animatronic enjoyed her voice, keeping close to her as she sung. Though two familiars Stormer now noticed he never saw before were at her side, though strange looking they still must've loved Siren as they stayed by her side while enjoying the sound of her voice.

Stormer sighed as he relaxed hearing his daughter's voice, she was a beautiful singer and had gone through so much since a very young age. No one deserved to go through all of that but especially Siren of how bright and selfless she was. She always put other before herself, though it also included her own needs, she was forced to grow up so early to just survive in life especially with her biological family neglecting her for almost her whole life. She was far lucky for her powers being there for her familiars and her realm hopping.

She has a strong will, she wanted to make people smile and laugh so they didn't have to suffer like she did, she was willing to risk her life for others safety. But for now he needed to get his daughter to sleep so it helped eased his thoughts of his nightmare he had.

Gacha_Wolfie_UwU I had to remake this bc Wattpad was getting on my last nerve of the OG one as stated in the discription so here we are

Which also means my two Mother's Day Special's are gonna be definitely delayed and published late 🙃
Fuck me in the ass and call me Susan than

Meh, later hoes!

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