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Here we see General Zod and his fellow troops Ursa and Non have arrived into Metropolis and both the hero girls and Invinca-bros were no match against them.

Kara: " We're getting nowhere fighting these guys!"

Zod: "Kal El! Come out you coward!"

Ursa: *spots someone*"General Zod, I think I see him."

Zod then sees what he thought was Superman but in actuality it was just you with a bag of groceries cause there was a sale for spinach. You then noticed General Zod and the other kryptonians.

Zod: "Another Kryptonian who is playing a pretender of Kal El."

(Y/N): "Huh?"*sees Zod, Ursa, and Non*"Oh hey."*sees the hero girls and Invincibros beaten up*"What happened to them?"

Diana: "Citizen you must go!"

We see Ursa shoot her heat vision at your head as you feel a slight itch from her heat vision. Ursa then stops as Zod then lands in front of you.

Zod: "Who are you?"

(Y/N): *to Zod*"Huh? Oh I'm just a hero for fun and profit. Are you their boss or something or is it someone else?"

Zod: "You dare defy me, kneel befo-"

Before Zod can finish his thought you then reduce him to a skeleton with only one casual punch. Both the kryptonians, the hero girls, and the Invincibros were shocked to see Zod killed in one punch.

Kara: " Dude, what the heck?!"

(Y/N): *looks at your fist*"All it took...was one punch..."*screams into the sky*"GOD DAMMIT!!!!"

Diana: " Why is he angry?"

Jessica: "I don't know."

Ursa: *shaking her knees*"I warn you, I am a trained fighter and-"

You then suddenly appear behind Ursa and you karate chop her as she was launched down to the ground and knocked out. You then land on the ground as we see Non punch you in the face as you didn't feel a thing from the punch. Non then throws another punch as you then catch it as he feels pain from it.


(Y/N): "I'm not even doing anything."

Babs: " Should we do something?"

Zee: "I think we should leave."

You then let go of Non as Ursa regained consciousness and woke up and saw you.

Ursa: "Gah! Wait, please spare us, we were just following orders!"

(Y/N): "Don't do bad stuff anymore."

Ursa: "Wait, you're sparing us!?"

(Y/N): "Find a place to stay like that Kal guy did."

Ursa: *kneels before you along with Non*"Of course, whatever you say!"

Both Ursa and Non then fly away in a panic.

Kara: " What just happened?"

Diana: "I do not know."

Hal: "Metropolis is saved, mission accomplished. I guess."

(Y/N): "Wait, what was I doing again?"*realizes*"Oh that's right, they have a sale today!"

Karen: " Uh what?"

You then dashed off to the market leaving the heroes behind.

Kara: " Seriously what just happened?"

Babs: "I have no idea."

Later at the market, you arrived on time to get the sale on oranges and canned beans. Meanwhile, with the hero girls and boys we see them eating donuts.

Kara: " So we're just gonna ignore the fact that some bald guy one upped us?"

Diana: "We are not, we'll deal with him later."

Later at the pier, we see you at a whack-a-mole machine and you put in a few tokens in for a round and you grab the whacker. We see you hit the moles with such intense speed and precision that you won enough tickets to buy everything at the prize counter. We see Selina walking by as she sees you with all the tickets that can buy everything at the prize counter.

Selina: "Oh hello, since you can't have everything at the prize counter yourself. Why don't you just give most of it to me?"

(Y/N): "Oh sure."

Later, we see Selina with all the prizes from the prize counter in her car while you got a teddy bear.

Selina: "Thank you for the prizes."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Selina: "Are you a superhero?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm a hero for fun."

Selina: "That's nice. Have a good day."

Selina then drives off as Diana then jumps down from a building and points her sword at you.

Diana: "You there, who are you?"

(Y/N): "Huh?" *sees Diana* "Oh I'm a hero for fun."

Diana: "What other motivations do you have?"

(Y/N): "Well I kinda do it for money, I have a rent situation at home and-"

Diana: "Those are not proper motives for a hero."

(Y/N): "Listen lady I'm gonna go and find some cash. You do your warrior princess thing somewhere else."

You then walk off as Diana gets angry.

Diana: "You dare walk away from the Princess of the Amazons!?!"

Diana then slash her sword at you as you then catch it with your teeth and shatter it. Diana was shocked to see her sword destroyed like that.

Diana: "This blade was forged by Hephestus, God of the Metalworks!! And you destroyed it with a simple bite!"*pulls out her lasso of truth*"None have the might to destroy the Lasso of Truth!"

Diana then uses her Lasso of Truth to catch you as you then just simply break out of it with minimal effort.

Diana: *shocked*"The's been broken..."

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

Diana: "You have the strength of a god!?"

(Y/N): "Yeah overwhelming power, is actually kinda boring."

Diana then charges at you and you just backhand her in the face so hard that she was sent flying into Burrito Buckets as Babs saw her unconscious.

Babs: "Wonder Woman!?! Are you okay!?!"

Back to you, we see you heading back home as we see Thor Odinson land in front of you and he sees you.

Thor: "I see you have great strength, are you Asgardian or something else?"

(Y/N): "Who are you again? Bor? Gor?"

Thor: "I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, crowned prince of Asgard, and son of the All Father Odin. What are you?"

(Y/N): "I'm just a hero for fun."

Thor: *sees the damage on Burrito Bucket*"The damage caused by your strength would say otherwise."

(Y/N): "Hey wait a second, that wonder lady just tried to slash me and so I just knocked her out."

Thor then swings his hammer at your head which causes a shockwave that shatters windows in the entire city. You didn't feel the pain as Thor was surprised by this.

(Y/N): "I guess we're doing it."

You then punch Thor in the chest as he was launched into a bus as he got back up but a little hurt from the punch.

(Y/N): "Wow, he survived. This could be interesting."

Thor: *in pain*"Ugh."*to Mjolnir*"Oh All Father, give me strength."

We then see Thor twirls his hammer and launches himself at you and he releases a blast of lightning at you as you casually dodged it. You then dashed around Thor and then punched him and sent him to the ground as Mjolnir landed onto a car. You then landed back down and you saw Mjolnir and you picked it up like it was weightless. When Thor gets up he sees his hammer being held by you.

Thor: "By Odin's beard! Mjolnir have deemed you worthy!?!"

(Y/N): "I was just picking it up."*tosses the hammer back to Thor*"Here's your hammer back."

Thor then catches his hammer and then swings it and then uses it to uppercut you so hard that you were launched to China. You then crash land on the Great Wall of China as we see a woman in a red dress run out of a chinese shop and saw you, her name was Blaineley.

Blaineley: "Are you okay sir?"

(Y/N): *gets up*"I almost felt Thor's hammer hitting me in the jaw. He's getting my hopes up. And who are you?"

You then got hit in the head by Mjolnir as you were still standing from the blow. You then grab the hammer and take a look at it.

(Y/N): "Why does he keep losing his hammer?"*tosses Mjolnir to the side*"Where is he?"*gets hit by Thor's lightning and scratches the spot*

You then turn to see Thor in the air coming towards you as he then crashes into you. Blaineley then pulls out her phone and makes a phone call.

Blaineley: "Get me a camera crew pronto!"

Later, in Japan we see Tony Stark about to go out for his presentation for the expo.

Tony: "Japan is the most technological country in the world. And I'm about to outclass them."

We then see you get thrown into Tony's private hotel as he then sees you.

(Y/N): *gets up*"Sorry, this Thor guy won't understand that I'm not the bad guy. I'm just a hero for fun."

Tony: " Wait Thor's doing what now?"

Thor then comes into the room and grabs you and uses the Bifrost to take you to a different world. Meanwhile, in Hel, we see Hela overseeing the souls of the dead until she sees the bifrost in her realm and she sees you thrown at a wall and Thor comes out of it.

Thor: "Just what are you?"

(Y/N): *gets up*"I told you I'm a hero for fun."*sees Hela*"Are you his boss?"

Hela: " No I am a queen, you have to see Odin about that."

(Y/N): "Oh."

You then see Mjolnir coming at you and you catch it by the head as Thor tries to summon the hammer back to him.

Thor: "How can this be!?!

(Y/N): "Overwhelming power can be really boring."

You then let go of the hammer as we see Thor catch it and charge at you and he uses the Bifrost to head back to Earth back in Japan. We see Blaineley with a camera crew filming the battle between you and Thor.

Blaineley: "This is Blaineley coming to you live, we have a battle between an Avenger and a bald kid with what appears to be a superhero outfit. I think this kid's overwhelming strength has worn down the God of Thunder himself."

We then see the Bifrost coming in and we see Odin come out of it.

Odin: "Hela has told me someone has trespassed in her domain."*to Thor*"Is this true my son?"

Thor: "Father, I am merely battling a powerful warrior of Midgard. He forced my hand to use the Bifrost."

Odin: *sees you*"Is this the one you were battling?"

(Y/N): "Wait, so you're his dad?"

Odin: "You dare challenge me, you may have bested my son in combat. But I am the All Father Odin, I have fought countless battles for many years and you will face the full strength of the Odinforce!"

Odin then unleashes a powerful blast at you as you then see it coming to you.

(Y/N): "If you're getting serious right off the bat, I guess I should get serious too."*forms a fist*"Killer move in the serious series. Serious Punch."

You then use the Serious Punch to negate Odin's attack and defeat Odin himself in one punch as Blaineley sees that your punch has split the atmosphere. Blaineley was shocked by how powerful you are as Thor heads to Odin.

Thor: "Father!"

(Y/N): " That was easy."

Odin: *gets up and in pain*"I had the full power of the Odinforce on my side, and yet he defeated me."

(Y/N): "Wow, you survived that. You are strong."

Odin: *in pain*"Even with the armies of Asgard, this is a war we cannot win."

Thor: " Aye."

(Y/N): " Why does everyone think I'm the bad guy?"

We then see Tony arriving in his Iron Man suit and he turns to Thor.

Tony: "Hey Thor. The kid was just defending himself. Apparently Wonder Woman was attacking him and he only beat her out of self defense."

Thor: "I...I missed judged you midgardian. I am sorry."

(Y/N): "It's fine, great fight by the way. We should fight again sometime."

Thor: " Aye, we should you're a valiant warrior young...."

(Y/N): " (Y/N)."

Thor: "(Y/N)."

We see Tony scanning you and he only sees nothing that gives your power.

(Y/N): "Why are you looking at me?"

Tony: "Oh I was just sanning you to see if you have something that is giving you your powers. So far nothing."

(Y/N): "That's because I don't have any super powers, I'm just really strong."

Tony: "Oh okay then."

Later, we see you heading back home in Metropolis and you see that Giganta is making a mess in the city and she sees you.

Giganta: "What are you doing here tiny man!? You dare stand against Giganta!?!"

You then punch Giganta as she was launched into a jail cell, unconscious.

(Y/N): "I don't think bigger is better."

Then a beam of energy from an infinity stone shoots you in the head and you scratch your head and you turn around to see Infinity Ultron.

Infinity Ultron: "I would say I'm impressed, but let's be honest you wouldn't last long against me."

(Y/N): "Are you that robot that iron guy made for the suit of armor around the world thing?"

Infinity Ultron: "I am Ultron and in my world the Avengers along with all life have gone down to extinction and I brought peace to my world. I will do the same here."

(Y/N): "You destroyed everyone in your world, this could be interesting."

Infinity Ultron: *lands in front of you*"If you think this will be fun? Then you are more delusional than the Avengers were."

You then punch Infinity Ultron's arm off as he then uses the Infinity Stones in his chest to repair the damage.

(Y/N): "Wow. Nice trick."

Infinity Ultron: "I see you're stronger than I thought. If you fall then this world will fall as well."

We then see Infinity Ultron make an entire army of drones and then send them at you as you then attack them all at once.

(Y/N): "Consecutive Normal Punches."

We then see Infinity Ultron attack you from behind and send you flying into space all the way to Mars. Infinity Ultron then uses the Space Stone to teleport himself to Mars and then uses the Power Stone to throw Mercury and Venus at you as you see them coming. You then go to a squat position as you then make a jump so powerful that it leaves a giant crater on Mars. You then destroy both Mercury and Venus with one punch at the same time. We then see Infinity Ultron teleport to you and then punch you repeatedly in the head and then launch you out of the galaxy as we see Infinity Ultron grow much larger than a galaxy and then tries to bite down on you as you then stop his bite. You then destroy his teeth with a single punch as Infinity Ultron reverts back to normal size and then grabs you by the head and throws you to a far part of your galaxy. Meanwhile, on a planet also filled with humans, we see Korra practicing her lavabending in Ba Sing Se as we see you crash land into the outer wall and knock down the entire wall and reduce it to rubble. You then get up and you feel your muscles ache and a bit of pain as Korra runs to you.

Korra: "Are you okay?"

(Y/N): *smiles with excitement*"My heart is racing, my muscles are aching, I can feel them again."

You see Infinity Ultron teleport in the sky and he sees you.

Infinity Ultron: "I found you."

(Y/N): *to Infinity Ultron*"This is what I'm looking for."

Infinity Ultron: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "A serious fight, I found it!"

You then jump into the air and then fight off Infinity Ultron as the shockwaves between you and Infinity Ultron's clash clear most of the sky on Korra's planet.

Korra: "Whoa..."

We then see you and Infinity Ultron at a stand still and you look at Infinity Ultron.

(Y/N): *cries with tears of joy*"Thank you tinman."

Infinity Ultron: "I can destroy galaxies with just a thought, why won't you die!?"

Infinity Ultron then unleashes a beam of energy with all 6 Infinity Stones as you then appear behind him smiling with joy. The screen then has the Chinese symbol of Death as you then unleash a powerful punch at Infinity Ultron and destroy him completely. The shockwave from the punch had also split the atmosphere of Korra's planet and destroyed nearby planets. We see you standing with a satisfied look on your face and you are exhausted from the fight.

(Y/N): "That was amazing! For so long I've been too strong to have a serious fight, but thanks to him I finally got my wish!"

We then see metal bending police officers surrounding you as Korra then heads to you.

Korra: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"*sees the Infinity Stones*"And what kind of rocks are those!?"

(Y/N): "Huh?"

You then see the stones on the ground and you pick up all but the space stone and crush them into powder with one hand. You then pick up the Space Stone to make a portal back to your planet and head into it. Leaving the metal benders and Korra a bit confused.

Lin: "What in the flammio just happened?"

Korra: "I have no idea."

Later back at home, we see you crush the Space Stone with one hand into powder and you head back to your house. We see you sit back on your chair reading comic books while eating some pizza.

Next: Chapter 1: Going to School

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